The TV MegaSite's Wednesday 3/30/16 Short Recaps
B&B Recap Written by Wanda
Steffy tells Wyatt that they are getting married tomorrow and she needs a maid of honor and him a best man. Adam asks Eve where they were married and was anyone else there as witnesses. She asks if he is having memories and he replies yes some. There is a face he almost can see. She questions him, man or woman. He says there is a whole world he can not share with her because it is walled off and that should matter to her. She does not think him looking at the albums are going to do any good. Brooke sneaks into SP and tells Bill that she should not be here after Katies latest accusations. Katie cleans up in the kitchen but recalls how she accused Bill and Brooke of flirting with each other right in front of her. She takes another little nip from the bottle. Brooke says they do not have the power to make sure Katie does not drink but they do have that power to offer support.Caroline brings Douglas to the kingdom Forrester Creations. Wyatt sees his dad and says he is tired of living in sin. He is getting married tomorrow and needs a best man. As soon as Eve leaves, Adams drags out the albums again. Katie manages to hide her bottle when Brooke walks in. Katie apologizes for last night. Brooke laments that their relationship can not be just one apology after another. She would like them to be honest and wants to know if Katie is drinking again. Katie denies it. Wyatt takes a shirtless selfie. He says he lost the bet when Steffy found her maid of honor first. Too late, but Bill says he will be honored to be Wyatts best man; they hug. While Katie is out of the kitchen checking on Will, Brooke needs sugar for her coffee and finds Katies hidden bottle. Ridge tells Steffy that Liam should be on her wedding list. Eve returns and tells Adam that the real estate agent said they would probably lose some money but selling the place wont be a problem. She does not want to argue about this. They do have to leave. He says he does not argue; he always just gives in to her. Katie wants to know if Bill sent Brooke, is that why she is here? Bill calls and tells Katie that Steffy and Wyatt are getting tomorrow and he has asked Bill to be best man. He asks how things are going at home. Katie says fine. She pours the liquor out. Brooke tells her to tell Bill; he deserves to know because he is worried about her. Eve asks why Adam keeps looking at those pictures. He says he sees us in them. Steffy tells Ridge that yes Liam knows about the wedding and is invited. She does not expect him to come. Wyatt tells Ridge that he loves his daughter .they both have been married before and a lot of water has gone under that bridge but he intends to keep this one. Once more, Adam looks at the wedding photo and almost sees Steffys face as it blurs from his mind.
Days Recap Written by Michele and Cheryl
Abby wanted to know what was happening to her. Maggie didn’t want anyone to call the doctor when she fainted. Maggie gave Theresa her ring. Victor was upset that Brady proposed to Theresa. Brady told everyone that he and Theresa were engaged. Finn showed up at the DiMera mansion to check out Abby. He said she had a panic attack. Abby was worried that she imagined what happened. When Victor and Maggie home, they argued over her not going to the hospital. When they made up, she fell down the stairs.
Abby thought she cut up her nightgown in Chicago. Chad tried to make her feel better. He wanted to get her treated if there was something wrong with her. She didn’t want him to leave her alone. Deimos showed up at Victor’s mansion after Maggie fell. Deimos said he’s the only one who knew what was wrong with her. He said she was poisoned. He was willing to give Maggie the antidote for a price. Victor wanted Deimos to give him the antidote. Deimos wanted everything he had to save Maggie. While Chad was sleep, Abby went outside. While she was out there, she saw Ben. Victor agreed to Deimos’ terms. Deimos gave Maggie the antidote. Abby told Ben that she knew he wasn’t there and ran off. She saw Ben again. At the hospital, Finn told Victor that Maggie’s back was broken and that her legs were paralyzed.GH Recap Written by Jennifer S.
When Michael is visiting Morgan at the Freedman Clinic, Carly brings Josslyn and baby Avery to see him. He's happy to see his two younger sisters but concludes to his mom and older brother that he cannot have them see him there, when he's in an institution and asks Michael to take them home. Carly talks to her son alone and continues to try unsuccessfully to encourage him. Meanwhile, Kiki is conscious, getting better and needs to know why she has not seen or heard from Morgan. Franco visits her and informs her where Morgan is and tells her he hopes she realizes that it's not worth it for her to make Morgan important in her life with all he's put her through. Ava comes to see her daughter and tells her the same thing when she catches Kiki attempting to leave the hospital and go see Morgan. However, Kiki is able to talk her mom into helping her leave the hospital against their rules and go to visit Morgan although it's against their rules. Ava takes her to see Morgan when he's with his mom. He talks to her alone, very happy to see her but asks her to leave, not come back and forget all about him because he can't allow her to ruin her life over him. Sonny is clearly planning something he is not admitting to anyone involving finding Carlos Rivera. Julian talks to his previous colleague from the organization who tells Julian he does not want Ava heading the business anymore and wants Julian to come back. Alexis admits to Kristina that she found her diary. Although Kristina protests to her mom she had no business reading her private diary, Alexis seems to believe that when her daughter left it laying around for her to easily see, she may want to share something even when she says otherwise. Kristina then admits to her mom that the professor with whom she had "relations" was a woman. It was Professor Parker. Hearing that, Alexis has concerns and is not certain how to process what she has just heard.Y&R Recap Written by Eva
Michael wonders what his life will be like if he is no longer allowed to practice law. Phyllis apologizes to Michael and promises to fight his disbarment. Victoria gives Billy his ring back and gets a "weird vibe" when she sees Phyllis with Billy. Victoria tells Jack that she saw Phyllis with Billy earlier and advised him to keep an eye on them, because she sensed something different about their relationship. Jack goes to confront Billy about Victoria's suspicions about his relationship with Phyllis.
Everyone is shocked when Victor is sentenced to 10 years in prison and his family wonders what life will be like without him. The Newman family says goodbye to Victor and apologizes to him for taking such drastic measures to make him pay for his crimes. Victor tells his family that he doesn't have a family anymore, because they are all dead to him.
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