Monday 3/7/16 Recaps

The TV MegaSite's Monday 3/7/16 Short Recaps


B&B Recap Written by Wanda

Rick accuses Ridge of not really caring whose portrait is on the wall. He just used that as an excuse to get Rick forced out of the house. Ridge says fine, it is good to get things off his chest so now they can get back to work. Rick tells him there are things out there about Ridge. And some day he is going to push someone and they will push back. Caroline stays at home to work rather than go into the office today. Thomas finds her alone and says he wants to be close to this little boy she is having so that means he would like to be forgiven for all his past mistakes and be on Ridge’s good side too. Caroline suddenly thinks she is going into contractions. She calls Ridge and says it is time; the baby is coming. Thomas stays close by and helps her time the contractions. Ridge rushes in and Thomas says it is amazing that Ridge is going to be here for the birth of his child.

Eric tells Rick that he needs to move past this and quit badmouthing Ridge. Rick still thinks Ridge has manipulated everyone – first Stephanie, Eric, Brooke and Rick, so who will be next? He has screwed everyone over because he is not a Forrester but a Marone. Eric says he raised him, he is his son. So he’s heard enough. Now Caroline is going to give birth in that house and they will all be close. Caroline’s two helpers show up and all go upstairs to the birthing room. With Ridge rubbing her tummy, Caroline goes through her breathing exercises. She remembers her times helping Ridge and guiding his hand so he can draw again, falling in love and their first time together and wedding. He tells her that he loves her so much and now she is doing this for them.

Days Recap Written by Michele and Cheryl

JJ told Chad hat Ben was in the states.  Abby noticed that something was wrong with Jennifer.  Maggie wanted to know what was going on with Victor and Deimos.  Jennifer tried to justify what was going on with her.  Jennifer changed the subject to Abby’s wedding, which got Abby off her back.  Chad didn’t want JJ to tell Abby about Ben.  John and Eduardo investigated Deimos.  John wanted to know why Eduardo wanted to investigate Deimos.  Eduardo saw it was because of Kate.  Kate took care of Deimos’ cut.  One thing led to another and they kissed. 

Eduardo told John about his relationship with Kate.  Deimos and Kate made love.  Summer told Brady that she is Maggie’s daughter.  Chad continued to get JJ to keep Abby in the dark about Ben.  Abby and Jennifer showed up at the mansion while they were talking. Eduardo didn’t think John should go after their enemies alone.  John was determined to get them, but Eduardo decided to help him.  Abby noticed that JJ was acting strange.  Brady told Maggie about Summer.  He wanted Maggie to meet her.  JJ ended up telling Abby that Ben escaped.  Abby was upset with Chad and JJ.  She wanted to leave Salem.  John was sent a message that Marlena was kidnapped.

GH Recap Written by Jennifer S.

Sonny and Carly return home. She clarifies to him that she wishes he had not lied to her and trusted her with the secret that he could walk. Also, she's concerned about his life of violence and how they should have learned from past mistakes, given all of their history of what has happened to their kids and now what has happened to Kiki. Yet they both realize that they will always come back to each other and love each other more than either could love anyone else and that will never change. Nikolas is with Hayden while they both affirm they are happily married and seem to have no issues. Yet as soon as he's alone, he contacts Sam to find out what she may have found out about Baxter, the guy who knew "Rachel" when Hayden and Nikolas were in Vegas. Hayden also wastes no time telling Nikolas she has to "get to work" and go to ELQ, so that she can engage in her secretive affairs without his knowing. She informs him she's heard that Tracy Quartermaine had some sort of seizure, making sure he believes that she only speaks to Tracy when she's at ELQ, regarding business. Meanwhile, Tracy is ready to get out of the hospital after Dr. Mayes has run tests and informed her she has a tumor which may or may not be cancerous. Yet Monica is concerned about her sister in law living in denial about her condition and not accepting any help. Dante and Lulu finally affirm that they want to get back together in spite of all they've been through together.

Y&R Recap Written by Eva

Dylan gets Max to admit to the social worker that he exaggerated the truth to his teacher, because he was mad at Stitch who never hurt him. The social worker takes Max with her until the case is officially closed, but Abby worries that Max's false allegations will always hurt the family she and Stitch are trying to build together. Victoria asks Nick to come back to work for Newman Enterprises once the board votes to oust Victor as CEO. Nick thinks the best thing to do is for the family to quit the company and see if Victor enjoys running the family company without his family. Nick tries to persuade Sage not to pressure Shawn because he fears that she might decide to give her baby to another couple. Judge Moxley is tired of being blackmailed by Victor and Nikki every time their family is in trouble with the law, so she holds a press conference to tell everyone she must recuse herself from Victor's case, because they had an affair many years ago.

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