The TV MegaSite's Wednesday 1/6/16 Short Recaps
B&B Recap Written by Wanda
Steffy is not worried. She tells Wyatt that Ivy is fine and not held for observation so Liam is probably on his way home as they speak. They will work it out, they have to. Sasha looks at Julius and says she hopes they had a good time in Hawaii. She got it, Forresters and Avants only. Carter welcomes Zende back and says he hopes he and Nicole had some alone time together. Zende says some but never enough with her dad around. Nicole feels queasy and excuses herself. Julius takes this time to tell Sasha that she does not need to be here hovering around Nicole. He tells her to keep her voice down when she calls him dad. She claims she has been quiet her whole life and now he is being ashamed of her. He says he took care of her and her mother. Sasha says he promised her mom so many times that he would leave Vivienne but he never did. She is his family too but he always thought of his other family first. She was close with Nicole and she could have shattered her life any time she wanted to. She is not a threat to his family now. She will not take anything away. They are all adults so why cant he tell the secret now. She is not someone to be ashamed of. She has done nothing to be treated like this by Julius.Wyatt says Liam has probably calmed down by now but he is not sure he will come directly home. He knows it was an accident but Liam should not have to be told that repeatedly. Steffy admits she said some things she should not have, so they need to talk that over. He just needs to come to his senses and wake up. Meanwhile Liam has fell in the bathroom on the plane and is unconscious. When he comes to and goes back to his seat he is shocked to find the plane has taken off and he will be going to Sydney. Nicole pretends not to be jealous of Veronica who Zende just met, an up and coming executive. Nicole thinks she is gorgeous and should be wearing the clothes, not selling them. Julius tells Sasha she was free to be anybody she wanted to. Her and her mother sat at his table many times and was always welcome. He says things are better now and he will not let her interfere. She says no, she will not be ignored by him anymore. She can not make him accept him but she will not be shunned anymore. Liam tells the flight attendant they have to turn around and go back to L.A. This was a mistake. He is not going to Australia. She says they cant go back; just sit back and relax and enjoy the trip. Ivy says she really appreciates him being here, they are always there for each other. She hopes he does not get into too much trouble with Steffy for this. He says he thinks she will understand.
Days Recap Written by Michele and Cheryl
Chad remembered everything once he held Thomas. He apologized to Abby for the way he treated her. Marlena heard John say that he would give Brady his heart. Kayla advised John not to do it. Hope had a dream about Stefano and called Rafe for his help. Kayla explained to John/Marlena and Victor/Maggie that Brady is worse than Eric. Kayla believed that Brady should get Daniel’s heart. Marlena was upset and walked away. Marlena wondered what would happen to her and John if Brady lived and Eric didn’t. Rafe went to Hope’s place and they talked about Dr. Malcolm being linked to Stefano. Hope planned on making Stefano pay for framing her. Maggie told Nicole that Brady was getting Daniel’s heart. Nicole couldn’t say goodbye to Daniel. The orderlies arrived to take Daniel’s body.
Rafe didn’t think that Hope should go after Stefano. Hope wanted to get a confession out of him. Rafe didn’t think that she would be able to get it that easily. Rafe wanted to get proof first. Abby and Chad were relieved that Thomas would be fine. Nicole looked through Daniel’s belongings and got upset with God for what happened. The doctors prepared to give Brady Daniel’s heart. Jennifer told Abby about Daniel as well as about Brady’s condition. Kayla told everyone about Brady’s surgery being a success. Marlena was with Eric when his monitor went off. A nurse was able to help Eric. Kayla updated everyone about Brady’s condition. Abby told Jennifer about Chad snapping out of the trance. Nicole visited Daniel at the morgue. Fynn was there to comfort her. Rafe couldn’t believe how Hope changed. Hope let Rafe know that she did change and she was determined to get Stefano. Chad wanted to see Stefano and Andre. Marlena was in the chapel and prayed that Eric would come back to her.
GH Recap Written by Jennifer S.
Patrick and Robin "drop the bombshell", first upon Emma, and then upon Anna, that they are moving to Berkeley, CA where they will have all the opportunities they've always wanted, but have never achieved, in Port Charles. Anna encourages her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter to "go with their dreams" although she is overwhelmed that they are going so far away. she wants to at least throw them a going-away party and a wedding, although they object until Emma insists they do it before they move. Sam goes to hers' and Jason's old apartment and is surprised to see Jason there, although he has no memory of their old place. He informs her he is there to possible find a new place to live although he concludes he will not buy it knowing she and Danny want to stay where their old memories are. Sam shares with him, and he somewhat remembers the history they had while living there as a married couple. He then asks her to have coffee with him and she happily accepts. Julian is ready to commit to Alexis after they are newly engaged. However, Olivia comes by with a Christmas present for him with himself, herself and baby Leo with their Christmas sweater, which Alexis is not comfortable with although she denies it. Olivia expresses that she is not entirely ok with Julian and Alexis getting engaged without telling her, reminding them that Alexis will now be her infant son's stepmother and that will make them family. Right then, at Crimson, as soon as Nina, Maxie and Dillon are all ready to celebrate their success for publishing the first issue of Crimson and assume they will impress Julian, they find out a big disaster occurred which caused a computer glitch or corrupted printer to print their first issue of Crimson to appear green and ruined. Julian comes by and tells them he's sorry but they will have to cut their losses right then and there. Yet Nina is determined not to give up no matter what. Elizabeth takes Jake to work with her, at the hospital and they run into Franco. She is very guarded and instructs her son to inform Franco he's not allowed, by his mom to talk to him. Yet she can sense she is alone without a man, Franco engages in art with the boy, and he tells Elizabeth that maybe she and her son could use a friend now that Jason has bailed on her.Y&R Recap Written by Mary
At the hospital, Dr. Simon lets Victoria know that he can treat Billy and possibly cure him but Dr. Delafield objects that Dr. Simon is not even on staff at the hospital. Abby and Ben arrive back at the hospital to find out what is happening with Billy. Jack and Phyllis visit Paul at the police station and demand that he find the one responsible for putting Billy in this condition. Paul questions both Jack and Phyllis about Billy’s gambling loss and what he was wanting to do with so much money. Kevin and Mariah has been listening at the door. Kevin walks in and tells Paul that he had been pressuring Billy to raise the money for a business venture that they were involved in. Chelsea and Adam wake up on the sofa in each other’s arms. They discuss having another baby. Ashley tells Ben and Abby that Dr. Simon was raising questions about Billy’s surgery and if anything else could be done for him. Ben offers to talk to both Dr. Simon and Dr. Delafield about the possible surgery for Billy. Dr. Simon assures both Ben and Dr. Delafield that he can get results but Ben sides with Dr. Delafield and Billy having the surgery. Victor lets Noah and Marisa that the police have evidence about the tires which is on the car that had hit Billy. Jack tells Paul that Billy had wanted money for an investment but he had refused to give it to him. Kevin owns up that he had been working with Billy on this investment. Chelsea reads a newspaper article about her designs and she becomes all enthused about her designs going nationwide. Adam offers to help her to make her designs a household name. Jack asks Kevin about the project that he and Billy are working on but Kevin refuses to tell him anything. Dr. Delafield notifies the family that Billy’s surgery will go on as planned. Luca tells Noah that they need to discuss Marisa. Victor questions Marisa as to what she wants in return for helping Noah. Victor issues her a warning not to hurt Noah. Luca tells Noah about Marisa coming in late last night and leaving early this morning and wonders what she is up to. Noah refuses to tell him anything. Just then Marisa comes out of Victor’s office. Luca asks her what is going on but Marisa just tells him that Victor is being Victor. Adam and Chelsea join them and go see Victor.Abby wants another surgeon to do Billys surgery but Ben is behind Dr. Delafield. Ben and Abby discuss Simon and Ashleys involvement with him. Jack and Phyllis are surprised to see Ben and Abby back. Luca asks for Marisas help in bringing down his father. Adam and Chelsea let Victor know that she wants to go out on her own with her designs apart from him but Victor refuses. He offers to give her full reins on doing whatever she wants to do with her designs. Marisa supplies Luca with information on Marco and his involvement with the Santori family. Phyllis assures Jack that Billy will make it. Jack decides to fund the investment with Kevin for Billys sake so he can have it when he comes back. Victor joins Victoria and wants to know about the investment that Billy was getting involved in. Victoria sees through Victor and knows he wants it all for himself. Chelsea tells Adam that Marisa is going to help her with her designs but Adam warns her to stay away from Marisa. Paul calls Ben to come to the police station and when he arrives, to his surprise, he sees Max and wonders what he is doing there. Max tells Abby that she killed his mom.
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