"The Vampire Diaries"
(2009-2017) was
based on a series of popular teen novels.
You don't have to be a teen to enjoy the
series, though. It's a good serial
drama that has vampires, witches,
werewolves, and teen
angst. It can be shocking, thrilling, and
romantic. There's a reason it's a big hit!
"The Originals" (2013-2018) was the spin-off
about an ancient vampire-werewolf family in
New Orleans with other vampires, werewolves
and witches.
(2018-2022) was a seoncd spin-off about Hope Michaelson (daughter
of Klaus and Haley) in a supernatural school
run by Alaric. Alaric's twins are also in
the school, as well as other supernatural
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