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Very loosely-based on the 1980's movie of the same name, the show is completely original. It's a really great action-adventure supernatural show about a teen, Scott McCall, who's bitten one night by a werewolf. He and his friends, especially his best friend Stiles, fight to save the town and their family from other supernatural creatures. Besides all of the great comic-book-style fights and special effects, there is a ton of humor, romance and pure drama on the show. It's never boring and grabs you from the moment you start watching, leaving you begging for more.

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The show ended with season six in September, 2017.

Watch The Teen Wolf movie on Paramount+!

"Teen Wolf" aired on MTV logo

Watch "Wolf Pack," created by "Teen Wolf" creator Jeff Davis, also on Paramount+!

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Page updated 7/17/23

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