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We grew up reading comic books and loving Superman and Supergirl! We
loved the Supergirl movie and every incarnation since. We're so glad
that CBS has this new show about the Maid of Might, despite so many
changes in her backstory from the Supergirl history we grew up with.
We'll watch it no matter what... |
Welcome to our site for Supergirl!
Season 6 returns in 2021

The show has been canceled; Season 6 is the last season.
Please sign the petition to #SaveSupergirl! If they get enough fan letters,
emails etc. they may change their minds about killing the show!
This Section
needs a new manager! If you're interested, please
contact us!
Visit our
Primetime Forum for lots more Supergirl News!
We need more episode guide recap writers, article
writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
please email us
if you can help out! More volunteers always
needed! Thanks!
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Page updated 9/23/20
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