Writing about the show!
The Complete Third Season"
DVD review 9/10/18
The Complete Second Season"
DVD review 8/15/17
Entertainment Weekly Article with Tyler Hoechlin (the new Superman). Click
on 1.png and then 2, 3, etc. to see each part.
Interview with Laura Vandervoort and
her co-stars of "Bitten" on Syfy 2/8/16 - She talks about playing Supergirl
and guest-starring on the new series!
Our review of the first episode!
Interview with
Mehcad Brooks 1/16/13
(from back when he was on "Necessary Roughness" on
EXCLUSIVE! Interview with Helen Slater
(Kara's foster mom, Eliza)
The Complete First Season" DVD review
We need more episode guide recap writers, article
writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
please email us
if you can help out! More volunteers always
needed! Thanks!
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Page updated 9/3/19
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