Sleepy Hollow Appearances Page From The TV MegaSite

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Sleepy Hollow Appearances Page

Where to see your favorite stars!

  • Tom Mison (Ichabod) stars in "See" on Apple TV+.

  • Nicole Beharie (Abbie) has 2 movies coming out this year.

  • Lyndie Greenwood (Jenny) stars in "The Expanse" on Amazon.

  • Nicholas Gonzalez (ex-Luke) appears in "La Brea" on NBC.

  • John Cho has a recurring role on "American Dad" on TBS as Vince and appears Thursday, March 31 on "The Talk" on CBS. He wrote a children's book, "Troublemaker".
  • Orlando Jones (Frank) has quite a few movies coming out this year.

  • John Noble (Henry) does the voice of "The Diviner" on "Star Trek: Prodigy" on Nick and Paramount+; he also has quite a few movies coming out.

  • (Corbin) appears regularly on "Billions" on HBO, "The Goldbergs" on ABC, "The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants" on Netflix; and many voices on "SpongeBob SquarePants" on Nickelodeon.
  • (Katrina) stars in "The Boys" on Amazon and has 4 or 5 movies coming out in the next few years!

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Page updated 3/31/22

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