Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Cast List Page From The TV MegaSite

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Cast List Page

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Daisy 'Skye' Johnson/Quake - Chloe Bennet
Phil Coulson - Clark Gregg
Melinda May - Ming-Na Wen
Leo Fitz - Iain De Caestecker
Jemma Simmons - Elizabeth Henstridge
Alphonso 'Mack' Mackenzie - Henry Simmons
AIDA - Amanda Rea


Grant Ward/Hive - Brett Dalton
Lance Hunter - Nick Blood
Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird - Adrianne Palicki
Lincoln Campbell - Luke Mitchell
Antoine Triplett - B.J. Britt
Raina - Ruth Negga
Calvin Zabo - Kyle MacLachlan
Glenn Talbot - Adrian Pasdar
Mike Peterson - J. August Richards
Gideon Malick - Powers Boothe
Gordon - Jamie Harris
Sunil Bakshi - Simon Kassianides
Giyera - Mark Dacascos
Andrew Garner - Blair Underwood
Jiaying - Dichen Lachman
Agent Weaver - Christine Adams
Daniel Whitehall - Reed Diamond
Rosalind Price - Constance Zimmer
Kara Lynn Palamas - Maya Stojan
Ian Quinn - David Conrad
Billy Koenig - Patton Oswalt
John Garrett - Bill Paxton
James - Axle Whitehead
Lash - Matthew Willig
Joey Gutierrez - Juan Pablo Raba
Luther Banks - Andrew Howard
Alisha Whitley - Alicia Vela-Bailey
Holden Radcliffe - John Hannah
Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez - Natalia Cordova-Buckley
Robert Gonzales - Edward James Olmos
Kebo - Daz Crawford
Agent Oliver - Mark Allan Stewart
Victoria Hand - Saffron Burrows
Maria Hill - Cobie Smulders
Dr. Streiten - Ron Glass
Peggy Carter - Hayley Atwell
Nick Fury - Samuel L. Jackson
Isabelle 'Izzy' Hartley - Lucy Lawless

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