Person of Interest Appearances From The TV MegaSite

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Person of Interest Appearances Page

Where to see your favorite stars!

  • Camryn Manheim (Control/Diane) stars in "Law and Order" on NBC Thursdays.
  • Amy Acker has a recurring role on "9-1-1: Lone Star" Mondays on FOX.

  • Sterling K. Brown (Cal) stars in "61st Street" on AMC/AMC+.  He appears Friday, 4/29 on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

  • Jim Caviezel (John) has 2 new movies coming out this year.

  • stars in "Evil" on Paramount+.

  • Susan Misner (ex-Jessica) appears in season 2 of "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan" on Amazon. 

  • Sarah Shahi (Sameen) appears in "Sex/Life" on Netflix and appears in the upcoming superhero movie "Black Adam."

  • Cara Buono (Martine) is in "Stranger Things" on Netflix.

  • Annie Ilonzeh (Harper) appears in "Chicago Fire" Wednesdays on NBC.
  • (ex-Grace) appears in "The Good Fight" on Paramount+.
  • Paige Turco (Zoe) appears in the miniseries Grant VS. Lee which has had trouble getting funding.
  • Taraji P. Henson has 3 movies coming out.

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Page updated 4/29/22

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