Who plays your favorite characters?
Emma Swan/The Savior - Jennifer Morrison Regina
Mills/Evil Queen - Lana Parrilla Henry Mills - Jared Gilmore Mr.
Gold/Rumplestiltskin/Dark One - Robert Carlyle Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow
White - Ginnifer Goodwin David Nolan/Prince Charming - Josh Dallas Belle
French - Emilie de Ravin Captain Hook/Killian Jones - Colin O'Donoghue
Granny - Beverley Elliott Robin Hood - Sean Maguire Leroy/Grumpy - Lee
Arenberg Ruby Lucas/Red Riding Hood/Wolf - Meghan Ory Doc - David Avalon
Zelena/Wicked Witch - Rebecca Mader Sleepy - Faustino Di Bauda Dr.
Archibald 'Archie' Hopper/Jiminy Cricket - Raphael Sbarge Happy - Michael
Coleman Sneezy - Gabe Khouth Bashful - Mig Macario Dopey - Jeffrey
Kaiser Mother Superior/Blue Fairy - Keegan Connor Tracy Will
Scarlet/Knave of Hearts - Michael Socha August W. Booth/Pinocchio - Eion
Bailey Dr. Whale/Frankenstein - David Anders
Sidney Glass - Giancarlo Esposito Mulan - Jamie Chung Neal
Cassidy/Baelfire - Michael Raymond-James Aurora/Sleeping Beauty - Sarah
Bolger Peter Pan - Robbie Kay Cora Mills - Barbara Hershey Cruella De
Vil - Victoria Smurfit Roland - Raphael Alejandro Elsa - Georgina Haig
Maleficent - Kristin Bauer van Straten King Arthur - Liam Garrigan
Felix - Parker Croft Marco/Gepetto - Tony Amendola Greg Mendell - Ethan
Embry Hades - Greg Germann Anna - Elizabeth Lail Ingrid - Elizabeth
Mitchell Sheriff Graham Humbert - Jamie Dornan Kristoff - Scott Michael
Foster William Smee - Chris Gauthier
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Page updated 8/13/21