Once Upon a Time Appearances Page From The TV MegaSite

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Once Upon a Time Appearances Page

Where to see your favorite OUAT stars!

Josh Dallas (David) stars in "Manifest," now on Netflix.

Robert Carlyle (Gold/Rumple) stars in "Cobra".

Lana Parrilla (Regina) joins the cast of "The Lincoln Lawyer" on Netflix.

Colin O'Donoghue appears in the upcoming movie, "A Tale of Two Worlds."

Rebecca Mader (Zelena) has joined the cast of "Fire Country" on CBS Fridays.

Michael Socha (Will) has several new movies coming out.

Rose McIver (Tinkerbell) stars in "Ghosts" Thursdays on CBS. 

Jamie Dornan (Graham) has some new movies coming out and also appears in this little video that Gal Gadot put together with her friends singing "Imagine".

Sebastian Stan (Jefferson) has a bunch of movies coming out, including the new "Captain America" movie, "New World Order."

Emma Caulfield (ex-Blind Witch) appears in the upcoming Marvel series "Agatha: Coven of Chaos" on Disney+.

Elizabeth Mitchell (Ingrid) has a few movies coming out.

Dania Ramirez (Jacinda/Cinderella) stars in "Sweet Tooth" on Netflix as well as in "Alert: Missing Persons Unit" on FOX.

Michael Raymond-James (ex-Neal) appears in "Godfather of Harlem" this season on EPIX.

Sonequa Martin-Green (Tamara, 2013) stars in Star Trek: Discovery on Paramount+.

Adelaide Kane (Ivy) has a recurring role on "Grey's Anatomy" Thursdays on ABC.

Giancarlo Esposito (ex-Sidney/Mirror) appears in "The  Mandalorian" on Disney+, has many movies coming out and stars in "Parish" on AMC.

Mckenna Grace (young Emma) has a recurring role on "Young Sheldon" Thursdays on CBS and has many movies coming out.

(Jafar) has a recurring role on "Star Trek: Discovery" on Paramount+.

Jessy Schram (Ashley) appears in "Chicago Med" on NBC.

Greg Germann (ex-Hades) has a recurring role on "Grey's Anatomy" Thursdays on ABC.

Richard Schiff (ex-King Leopold) stars in "The Good Doctor" on ABC.

(Mrs. Rabbit) appears every weekday on "The View" on ABC and has a lot of movies coming out, including "Sister Act 3: Kicking the Habit."

(Grumpy) has quite a few new movies coming out soon.

(Princess Aurora) appears in the upcoming TV miniseries "Rematch."

(White Rabbit) has 4 new movies coming out.

Naveen Andrews (Jafar) stars in a new comedy, "The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh," on Amazon Freevee.

Mekia Cox (Sabine) stars as Nyla in "The Rookie" Sundays on ABC.

Victoria Smurfit (Cruela de Vil) appears in the upcoming series "Rivals" on Disney+.

Barbara Hershey (Cora) has 2 new movies coming out.

Jamie Chung (Mulan) has some new movies coming out.

Karen David (Jasmine) appears in "Fear the Walking Dead" and has a new movie coming out.

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