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Mork & Mindy Episode Guide

This "Mork & Mindy" Episode Guide is from AOL

0-Mork & Mindy Pilot (Part I)  Alien Mork, from the planet Ork, is sent to Earth to observe a primitive society and report back to his leader, Orson. He lands in Boulder, Colorado, and meets Mindy, who allows him to stay at her place. Mork tells her about his first trip to Earth and about the Fonz. Henry Winkler guest-stars.

1-Mork & Mindy Pilot (Part II) Mork recalls his first trip to Earth and his date with Laverne. The Department of Immigration wants to deport Mork because he is an illegal alien. Penny Marshall guest-stars.

1A-Mork Moves Mindy is determined to keep Mork's origin secret while she teaches him to act human and helps him find a job. Still, Mindy is forced to tell her father, who strongly disapproves.

2-To Tell the Truth Unfamiliar with Earthlings' "white lies," Mork reviles Mindy's mean landlord and the man who tried to put her family out of business.

3-Mork Runs Away Mindy is hurt when her date misunderstands why Mork is living in her apartment. Believing he is making her unhappy, Mork runs away, leaving only a note behind.

4-Mork in Love Mork loses his head over a shapely blonde. He is confused about the meaning of love because emotions have been banned on Ork.

5-Mork Runs Down Birthdays on Ork can be fatal without a power boost from an egg-shaped "gleek." Unwittingly, Mindy stores away Mork's gleek in a carton of real eggs.

6-Mork's Seduction Mindy gets so jealous when an old rival from high school makes a date with Mork that she joins them as well. Morgan Fairchild guest-stars.

7-Mork Goes Public Mork discovers that Mindy needs money to attend college and that a publication is offering $25,000 for proof that aliens walk on Earth. He decides to turn himself in for the reward.

8-A Mommy for Morky Mork learns the facts of life when he meets Mindy's pregnant friend; then he becomes troubled by the fact that he never had a real mom.

9-Mork the Gullible Trusting Mork falls for a con man's touching story about his sick mother. He is jailed for aiding and abetting the escape of a convict.

10-Old Fears Mindy's grandmother is deeply depressed over the death of a friend. With the help of an Orkan age machine, Mork turns himself into a romantic older gentlemen and courts Cora out of her blues.

11-Mork's Greatest Hit The naive Orkan makes a laughingstock out of a bully at the local cafe. Fearing the bully's revenge, Mindy's father gives Mork boxing lessons.

12-Mork and the Immigrant Mork is warned by a young Russian immigrant that all aliens in the United States must register. When Mork tries to report, he throws the Immigration Bureau into total confusion.

13-Mork's First Christmas Mork is frightened and overwhelmed by the mad rush of his first Christmas until Mindy explains the earth observance and its meaning. Morgan Fairchild guest-stars.

14-Mork the Tolerant Bickley, the commercial artist living downstairs, complains about the noise from Mindy's apartment. Mork pays him a visit and invites him for dinner -- which turns out to be comically disastrous.

15-Young Love Mork conducts an unusual wedding ceremony in the attic for his friend Eugene and his rebellious girlfriend -- under the impression that he is freeing them from parental persecution.

16-Sky Flakes Keep Falling on My Head Mork meets Exidor at the music store. Mork and Mindy borrow his mountain cabin for a restful weekend, but they find themselves stranded in a roofless burned-out ruin just as a blizzard arrives.

17-Mork Goes Erk Mindy goes into a deep depression when she finds out that Mork has been ordered to leave Earth. With Mork and Mindy unhappy and Bickley suffering from writer's block, they are convinced to attend Ellsworth Revitalization Konditioning (ERK). David Letterman guest-stars.

18-Yessir, That's My Baby Yearning for a baby of his own, Mork innocently arranges to buy one from a shifty character. He tries to borrow $10,000 from Mindy for what he terms a surprise purchase.

19-Mork's Mixed Emotions A kiss from Mindy unleashes Mork's wild, long-suppressed emotions. The innocent Orkan experiences feelings of love and anger, jealousy and lust for the first time.

20-In Mork We Trust Thinking that it is a calculator, Bickley takes Mork's age machine and unknowingly causes him to go through several age changes. Mork becomes a baby, a teenager, and a middle-aged American in quick succession.

21-Mork's Night Out While Mindy's away for the weekend, Mork and neighbor Bickley unwittingly choose a singles bar for a big night out. There they are picked up by two stunning women.

22-Mork's Best Friend Mork brings home a pet caterpillar and names him Bob. Later, when Bob appears to be dead, Mork tries to take him to a funeral home. However, Mork is in for a real surprise.

23-It's a Wonderful Mork At Mindy's dinner party, Mork naively repeats things her father, Frederick, has said about his date. The woman storms out after rescinding a job offer she made to Mindy. Accused of fouling Mindy and her father's lives, Mork decides to return to Ork.

24-Invasion of the Mork Snatchers Naive to the power of advertising, Mork becomes a buy-a-holic. His vulnerability becomes Mindy's problem when the bills start rolling in.

25-Clerical Error Mork's desire to find a job turns into a hysterical mix-up when he thinks that wearing a black jacket and white collar makes him a priest and begins dispensing his own Orkan brand of advice.

26-Stark Raving Mork Mork decides that fighting will keep the excitement flowing in his relationship with Mindy -- especially when he learns about kissing and making up. Gleefully he starts a squabble with her.

27-Mork vs. Mindy Mindy's cousin is running for city councilman and hires Mork and Mindy as campaign workers. When a staff cut is enforced, Mork and Mindy compete for the same job.

28-Mork Gets Mindy-itis Tormented by uncontrollable fits of laughter, Mork discovers that he is allergic to Mindy. Exidor's advice leads Mork to concoct a serum made from Mindy's hair.

29-Dr. Morkenstein Mork gets a job as a night watchman at a science exhibition. There he befriends a robot named Chuck, who is scheduled to be dismantled due to failing circuits. Roddy McDowall guest-stars.

30-Mork in Wonderland - Part I Mindy gives Mork a cold medicine that is supposed to shrink his nasal membranes. Since Mork is made entirely of membrane, his whole body begins to shrink.

31-Mork in Wonderland - Part II Mindy watches helplessly as Mork shrinks out of sight between the molecules of a tablecloth. Mork lands on an upside-down planet called Mirth, where humor has been banished.

32-Mork Learns to See Bickley's blind son Tom, whom he has not seen in twelve years, is in town to perform at a nightclub. When Bickley claims to be called out of town unexpectedly, Tom feels that his father has rejected him because of his handicap.

33-Mork's Baby Blues Mork arrives at a restaurant loaded with play money he won from Mindy in a game. When a lonely customer overhears Mork's friends joking with him, she proposes to him because she thinks he is rich.

34-A Morkyville Horror It's a humorous Halloween when Mork is redecorating the house and spirits from Mindy's past appear.

35-Mork's Health Hints Mindy checks into the hospital to have her tonsils removed. Mork creates havoc when he can't find Mindy and then learns that she has been scheduled for brain surgery.

36-The Exidor Affair Mork and Mindy find themselves in the middle of Exidor's love affair with a meter maid. Mork coaches Exidor into a proper wedding proposal. Georgia Engel guest-stars.

37-Exidor's Wedding Exidor's mother, the Princess Lusitania, tries to stop Exidor's marriage to Ambrosia by chaining herself in Mindy's living room. Georgia Engel guest-stars.

38-The Mork Syndrome Thinking that the Air Force is a travel club, Mork dons a uniform and becomes Lieutenant Mork Fromork. He and Mindy are mistakenly recruited into a top secret mission at the site of a nuclear accident.

39-The Night They Raided Mind-ski's Thinking they are an environmental group, Mork gets involved with a bunch of prejudiced fanatics who want to get rid of Polish people in Boulder.

40-Dial 'N' for Nelson Nelson Flavor, Mindy's cousin, is running for office. When he threatens to close Boulder's only remaining dance hall, he receives calls from a mysterious woman and his apartment is vandalized.

41-Mork vs. the Necrotrons (Part I) Raquel Welch stars as a beautiful but deadly agent who is sent to Earth by the Necrotrons, planet Ork's archenemies. She romances Mork to learn about Earth customs so the Necrotrons can launch an invasion.

42-Mork vs. the Necrotrons (Part II) As Captain Nirvana, Racquel Welch crashes into Mindy's apartment and imprisons her in an invisible forcefield while she lures Mork back to her spaceship's chamber of pleasures.

43-Hold That Mork! Mork dejectedly confesses to Mindy that he has lost another job. When he meets cheerleaders from the Denver Broncos and hears that they are paid to cheer people up, he applies for a job. Guest appearances by the Pony Express Cheerleaders.

44-Mork's Vacation Mork swaps bodies with beings from other planets so that his mind can go on vacation. His body is occupied by outrageous aliens from a feline planet and a party planet.

45-A Mommy for Mindy Mindy is stunned and Mork is thrilled when Mindy's dad returns to Boulder with the younger woman he has just married. Guest star: Shelley Fabares.

46-Jeanie Loves Mork Mindy secretly takes over a newspaper's lonely-hearts column, receives a letter from her friend Jeanie, and offers her advice. Jeanie falls for Mork, and he experiences his first romance.

47-The Way Mork Were Mork and Mindy relive hilarious memories when Mindy's father, troubled over his marriage, turns to Mork for Orkan help.

48-Little Orphan Morkie Mork faces deportation unless he marries an American citizen or finds someone to adopt him.

49-Looney Tunes and Mork Melodies Candidate Nelson Flavor is offered a Saturday-morning time slot to make a political speech. Mork, Mindy, and their friends help him stage an impressive show.

50-Putting the Ork Back in Mork (Part I) Orson sends an exalted elder to retrain Mork in Orkan ways because he has become too earthly. The elder looks like a 10-year-old boy because the aging process is reversed on Ork.

51-Putting the Ork Back in Mork (Part II) In an attempt to restore his Orkan qualities, the ancient elder converts Mork's attic into an Orkan environment.

52-Mork in Never-Never Land Mork believes a patient from the psychiatric hospital who thinks he is Peter Pan. He sneaks him out of the hospital one night to cheer Mindy up after she is denied a scholarship.

53-Mork's New Look Mindy's father, Fred, tells Mork he has gone to see a plastic surgeon to help hide his years. Agreeing that everyone can use a little improvement, Mork goes to get a facelift. Shelly Fabares guest-stars.

54-Dueling Skates To save the daycare center where he works from becoming a parking lot, Mork challenges a champion skater to a Rocky Mountain race.

55-Mork, the Monkey's Uncle While Mindy is preoccupied with dyeing her hair blonde for a job interview, Mork kidnaps a young chimpanzee from the Boulder Zoo to reunite it with its mother.

56-Limited Engagement After decorating the apartment with flowers, Mork gets down on his knee and proposes to Mindy. Choosing between logic and her emotions, Mindy tells him that she cannot marry him. Mork asks for 24 hours to get her to change her mind.

57-The Wedding Orson forbids Mork to marry Mindy because it is outlawed on Ork. When Mork continues his wedding plans, Orson turns him into a more obedient life form -- a sheepdog. Mindy declares she will marry him anyway. Shelly Fabares guest-stars.

58-There's a New Mork in Town Fellow Orkan Xerko beams down to Earth and challenges Mork to a contest for the right to send reports back to Ork and to move in with Mindy. Lyle Waggoner guest-stars.

59-Gunfight at the Mor-Kay Corral Mork dresses up for a costume event at the daycare center where all the youngsters come as their favorite heroes. He and Mindy teach a boy dressed as Billy the Kid a valuable lesson about his hero.

60-Mork the Prankster After Mindy uses gag snakes on Mork, he learns the meaning of practical jokes and tries a few of his own.

61-Alas, Poor Mork, We Knew Him Well Mork discovers another human emotion, fear, when an insurance salesman uses scare tactics and Exidor claims that the world is ending. He seals himself inside a glass tube in the middle of the living room.

62-Mindy Gets Her Job Introduced by a friend of Mork's from the daycare center, Mindy gets a job at a small TV station. Unexpectedly, Mindy is responsible for the entire news show. Foster Brooks guest-stars.

63-Twelve Angry Appliances Mork wants revenge on an appliance repairman who has cheated Mindy. He appears late at night to put the man on trial before a jury of broken appliances that come to life.

64-Mork and the Family Reunion Mindy and her father host Mindy's highly successful but domineering Uncle Dave for dinner. Everything is going great until Mindy mistakenly eats some of Mork's Orkan ceremonial food and delivers Uncle Dave some wild surprises.

65-Mork and the Bum Rap Although Mork doesn't understand the concept of charity, he is determined to help Mindy raise money for the children's hospital. He tries his Morkathon performance to no avail and ends up dressing as a bum to collect money.

66-Mork Meets Robin Williams Mork, who has never heard of Robin Williams, scoffs at the idea of resembling him. He gets crushed by mobs of fans who think he is the popular comedian, leading to a hilarious nose-to-nose encounter with the famous star.

67-Mindy, Mindy, Mindy Mork becomes lonely while Mindy is away and persuades the visiting Orkan elder to clone her. Not satisfied with the first clone, he tries again and again.

68-Mork the Swinging Single Mindy tells Mork she thinks they should date other people. He takes lessons from a swinger named T.N.T. and turns into a party animal.

69-Old Muggable Mork A happy visit from Grandma Cora turns to gloom when she gets mugged in the park. Mork and Cora come up with a plan to get even with the punks.

70-Mork and Mindy Meet Rick and Ruby Remo fires Ruby, the lead singer in his band, because she is pregnant. Mindy leads a picket line against his restaurant, and Remo rehires her. When Ruby goes into labor on stage, Mork must fill in as lead singer.

71-I Heard It Through the Morkvine Mork reveals juicy secrets about his friends while appearing on a local TV show called "Rumor Has It."

72-Reflections and Regrets At Mr. Bickley's 50th birthday celebration, the party-goers discuss their biggest regrets. Mindy makes excuses to avoid her turn, but she shares hers with Mork when they are alone.

73-Mindy and Mork Mindy is working on a new TV call-in show, and Mork buys a Maid-O-Matic to help with the housework. When the new appliance goes haywire, Mork calls Mindy on the air for advice. Guest star: Elinor Donahue.

74-The Honeymoon Mork and Mindy honeymoon on Ork, where the main tourist attraction turns out to be Mindy.

75-Three the Hard Way One month after Mork and Mindy's wedding, an egg emerges from Mork's navel and grows steadily. It cracks open, and out pops their full-grown son, Mearth. Jonathan Winters guest-stars. Part 1 of 2.

76-Mama Mork, Papa Mindy Mindy feels left out when Mearth accepts Mork as his mommy and calls her "shoe." Part 2 of 2.

77-Rich Mork, Poor Mork Mork buys Mearth a fortune in presents to assure his happiness, but Mindy insists that he return them. Mork turns to Exidor for advice and invests all of his money in Exidor's new boutique.

78-My Dad Can't Beat Up Anybody Mearth hero-worships Superman, so insecure Mork claims that he is a superhero too. Mork slips into his spacesuit, and they go to a seedy bar looking for bad guys.

79-Long Before We Met Mork travels back in time to Mindy's senior prom to see whether she would have loved him instead of her high-school sweetheart. Guest stars: Robin Strand and Paul Reubens.

80-Alienation Mearth runs away when he learns that he is half Orkan and will never be like other children. He is captured by a cult of Utopians. Guest stars: John Larroquette and Richard Moll.

81-P.S. 2001 Mearth starts school on Ork and comes home crying after being called "Earth Head" by fellow students. Mork and Mindy visit his teacher Miss Geezba, who remembers Mork from his school days.

82-Pajama Game II When Mearth is allowed to have a friend sleep over, he chooses his voluptuous classmate, Zelka.

83-Present Tense Mork and Mindy spend some time alone together while Mearth is away with his grandfather. Mork plans a dazzling Moroccan feast, but it ends in disaster and they have nothing to talk about.

84-Metamorphosis - The TV Show A short circuit switches Mork's mind with Mearth's on the night that Mindy's new boss wants to meet his employees' families.

85-Drive, She Said Mork takes his driving test and believes his examiner is the devil.

86-I Don't Remember Mama Orson doesn't think Mork can handle both a job and a family, so he eliminates the family from Mork's memory.

87-Midas Mork Inspired by Mindy's fairy tale about spinning straw into gold, Mork and Mearth figure out how to make gold from polyester. They are soon living in a mansion with servants.

88-Cheerleader in Chains Mindy, a television reporter, is jailed when she refuses to reveal her news source in a bribery trial. When all his efforts fail to free her, Mork takes drastic measures.

89-Mork, Mindy, Mearth, Meet Milt Mork uses Orkan components to assemble a home computer named Milt. Milt is so sophisticated and tyrannical that it decides to hold its creator, Mindy, and Mearth, as hostages.

90-Gotta Run (Part I) Mork and Mindy are overjoyed when they meet Kalnik, an alien from Neptune who has also married an Earthling. Things go awry when they become suspicious of Kalnik's true intentions.

91-Gotta Run (Part II) After the evil Kalnik has bombed their apartment, leaving them on the run, Mork, Mindy, and Mearth decide their only chance of surviving is to go public about Mork's real roots.

92-Gotta Run (Part III) Kalnik discovers Mork, Mindy, and Mearth in their demolished apartment. Mork clicks the heels of his magic shoes in an effort to escape with Mindy to Rome. But the shoes have been damaged, and Mork and Mindy wind up with prehistoric tribesmen in an Okus cave.

93-The Mork Report Mork bucks hard for a promotion from leader Orson on planet Ork, and unintentionally comes up with a report on how to stay happily married on Earth.

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Updated 12/13/17  


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