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Mad Men Spoilers Page

What Will Happen

  • AMC Mad Men Sunday May 17, 10:00pm-11:15pm
    "Person to Person" The stories of Don Draper, his family and his coworkers come to an end in the series finale. Preview: Times of Your Life
    7 Ways to Get Ready for Sunday's Series Finale
    Mad Men Stars Share Their Favorite Scenes  Inside Episode 713
  • AMC Mad Men Sunday, May 10, 10:00PM
    "The Milk and Honey Route" (Season 7 | Episode 13)
    Don has trouble sleeping; Pete is blindsided by a friend; Henry arranges a family reunion. Preview Q&A with Christina Hendricks (Joan)
    Q&A with John Slattery (Roger)
  • AMC Mad Men Sunday, May 3 10:00PM
    "Lost Horizon" (Season 7 | Episode 12)
    Don receives a reward for his work; Joan butts heads with a coworker on an account; Roger dodges a big decision. Sneak Peek
    Q&A – Aaron Staton (Ken Cosgrove)
  • AMC Mad Men Sunday, April 19, 10:00 PM
    "The Forecast" 1 hr 4 min 2015 TV-14
    Roger pawns off a project onto Don; Joan goes on a business trip; Peggy and Pete clash over how to deal with an account emergency.
    Sneak Peek Go Inside Episode 709  Q&A – Mimi Rogers (Pima Ryan)
    Fashion File, Episode 709 – The Church of Don Draper
  • AMC Mad Men Sunday March 5, 10:00PM
    Severance (Season 7 | Episode 8)
    Don tries to track down a friend; Joan struggles to solve a problem with an account; Peggy is set up by an unlikely person.
    10 Ways to Get Ready for the Mad Men Premiere This Sunday
    Q&A: Series Creator and Executive Producer Matthew Weiner
  • Mad Men Final Episode 2014 This Sunday starting 10/9c Preview
    Don receives a troubling letter; Pete butts heads with Cutler; Roger gets an unexpected phone call; and a risky venture entails a new future for Peggy.
    Catch up with recent full episodes on now
    Ten Ways to Get Ready for the Final Mad Men Episode of 2014, Sunday at 10/9c
    Update your Mad Men avatar, view photos from the season finale and eight other ways to get ready for this weekend.
    Q&A - James Wolk (Bob Benson)
    James Wolk, who plays Bob Benson on AMC's Mad Men, talks about his return to the series, his character's big proposal and the infamous short-shorts.
  • Mad Men "The Strategy" Sunday, May 18, 10:00pm
    Peggy does research for a pitch; Pete is invited to join an exclusive club; Joan seeks time spent with a friend.
    Next on Mad Men: Episode 706
    Q&A - Kevin Rahm (Ted Chaough)
    Photo Gallery - Jessica Paré on Her Favorite Mad Men Costumes
  • Mad Men "The Monolith" Sunday, May 4, 10:00pm
    Sterling Cooper & Partners prepares for a guest; Don calls an old friend; Roger confronts problems at home; Pete underestimates Peggy.
    Next on Mad Men: Episode 704
    Q&A - Vincent Kartheiser (Pete Campbell)
    Peer Into the Past With the Interactive Mad Men StereoScope-
    Feeling nostalgic now that the final season has begun? The new Mad Men StereoScope allows fans to relive memories from the past six seasons, '60s-style. Drop a character's disc into the StereoScope and click through images of some of their memorable moments, including Peggy's discovery of "basket of kisses," Betty's revelation at Jimmy Barrett's party, and Pete's weekend at the office (when he had a full head of hair). Then, make every day Throwback Thursday by sharing with fellow Mad Men fans.
    Click here to launch the Mad Men StereoScope »
    Inside Episode 703: Mad Men: Field Trip
  • "Time Zones" Sunday, April 13, 10:00pm
    The Season 7 opener finds Don making a new friend, and Joan meeting a client for drinks. Elsewhere, Peggy hears some impressive new work, and Roger experiences a strange phone call.
    EXCLUSIVE: Be the First to View Sneak Peek Photos From the Mad Men Season 7 Premiere
    Q&A – Matthew Weiner (Series Creator and Executive Producer)
    Mad Men's "Season 7: The Beginning" Interactive Press Kit
  • 'Mad Men' Season 7 SPOILERS: Final Season Will Be Spilt Like 'Breaking Bad,' Will There Be A Spinoff Series?
  • Mad Men Season 7 SPOILERS: Peggy Olsen To Take Don Draper's Job?
  • 'Mad Men' season 7 spoilers: Elisabeth Moss on format; James Wolk on possible return
  • 'Mad Men' Season 7 Premiere Scoop: What We Know So Far
  • Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Bones, Walking Dead, Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood, HIMYM and More!

  • Mad Men "In Care Of" Sunday June 23 10:00pm
    In the Season 6 finale, Don has a problem.
    Next on Mad Men: Episode 613
    Everyone gets ready for Thanksgiving. Sally, in boarding school, is supposed to come back to New York to testify against the woman that broke in to their apartment. Instead, she gets suspended from school for trying to buy liquor.  Don spirals. After a horrible phone call with Sally, he goes on another drinking binge and ends up punching a minister as memories from his past upset him. He gets thrown in jail and decides that he and his family should move to California to start a new agency with the Sunkist account. He stole the idea from Stan, who wanted to do that and is now pissed.  Ted and Peggy have sex, but then he feels guilty, so he begs Don to let him take his place in California. Don says no at first.  They have a big meeting with Hershey, and at first Don seems to convince them with an idealic family story, but then after getting the shakes, he tells everyone about how he grew up in a whorehouse. He then tells Ted to go to California in his place. Megan is happy to go to California but then gets really angry when he tells her that he can't go, since they are writing her out of her soap and she has jobs lined up out there. Bob maneuvers Pete out of Detroit by having him show that he's a bad driver.  Pete's mom marries Manolo on her cruise ship and then goes missing over the side.  Pete is upset but then he and his brother decide not to pay someone to track down Manolo because it's too expensive.  Pete is going out to California with Ted, apparently. The partners tell Don that he has to take some time off (maybe for good) because of his recent behavior. Peggy will be taking his place, I think, for now? But Don runs into Duck and another man that may be there to take over, too.  Roger is jealous of Bob's attention to Joan and her kid, so he gives him a stern lecture. Bob assures him that they're just "buddies". Joan finds out from Roger's secretary that Roger is a bit depressed, so she invites him over for Thanksgiving. He is surprised to find Bob there but bonds with his kid. Don takes his kids to see the crummy former whorehouse that he grew up in (on their way to Hershey, Pennsylvania, I think).  Sally gives him a shocked look as if to say, "Oh, wow, this is why you're so messed up".

  • Mad Men "The Quality of Mercy" Sunday January 16 10:00pm
    The partners disagree on a new campaign; Don takes a day off.
    Next on Mad Men Episode 612: Video
    Mad Men Season 6 Fashions - Photos, Videos and More
    Q&A - Kiernan Shipka (Sally Draper)
    John Slattery Joins THR Drama Actor Emmy Roundtable; ABC Chats With Elisabeth Moss

  • Mad Men "Favors" Sunday June 9 10/9c
    Video: Next on Mad Men: Episode 611

  • Mad Men Sun, Jun 2 10:00 PM "A Tale of Two Cities" The agency works to keep a client; Joan is caught off guard.
    Featured Video Next on Mad Men: Episode 610

  • Mad Men "Man With a Plan" Sunday May 12 10/9c
    Featured Video Next on Mad Men: Episode 607

  • Mad Men "For Immediate Release" Sunday May 5, 10:00pm
    Roger changes tack to make new business; Pete has an awkward run-in with a client.
    Next on Mad Men: Episode 606

  • Mad Men "The Flood" Sunday April 28 10:00 PM
    Peggy plans for the future, while Roger courts a potential client.
    Featured Video Next on Mad Men: Episode 605

  • AMC Mad Men Sunday April 21
    Featured Video Next on Mad Men: Episode 604

  • Season 6, Episode 2 "The Collaborators" 10:00pm Sunday 10/9c April 14
    Don has a difference of opinion with a client, while Peggy has problems motivating the staff.

  • PREVIEW: AMC's THE KILLING and Season Finale of MAD MEN on Sunday, June 10
    Mad Men "The Phantom" There are opportunities for everyone; Peter meets a stranger on a train. New. Season Finale. Note: If you have DISH network, AMC has moved to channel 9609 because of a contract dispute between AMC and DISH.
    *Don has a toothache; he treats it with whiskey and won't go to a dentist because it always got better in the past. However, he keeps seeing visions of his dead brother (probably because of guilt from Lane's suicide).
    *Megan is disappointed that her screen test didn't get sent around to film companies (she paid some company). Megan's mom is still around, wanted to be there for Easter since her husband is an atheist. Megan's actress friend Emily meets Megan's mom and admires her.  Emily tells Megan that she was up for a part for a commercial for Butler shoes (which SCDP does the ads for). Megan tells her that she doesn't think that she can help, but she'll talk to Don. Megan then asks Don to put HER name instead. Don is surprised that she would want a commercial since she is into being an artist. They argue about it, but his tooth is hurting so he's cranky. Megan gets very upset but pretends she's fine. She cries in the bathroom with the shower on. Later, she tells her mother that she doesn't want to get out of bed because she's too sad. Her mother tells her to stop feeling sorry for herself. When Megan retorts, she calls her an ungrateful little bitch.
    *Megan has been getting mystery phone hang-ups. Turns out it's Roger, trying to get Megan's mother, Marie, on the phone. Marie pretends it's her husband calling.  Roger asks Marie to meet him at his hotel for "conversation". She is wary but agrees. They rush onto the bed but then exchange witty banter. Roger tells her about Lane's suicide, which disturbs her. He asks her if she will take LSD with him, but she doesn't want to take care of him. They have sex instead.
    *Beth and her husband Howard run into Pete on the train, and then Beth phones Pete to meet her at a hotel. Pete's hairline is still receding badly.  Pete meets her, even though he feels like an idiot.  She tells him that she has been depressed and will be getting shock treatment - again, which surprises him. She warns that she may not remember him and begs him to have sex with her, so he does. He tries to convince her that she feels better being with him and doesn't need shock therapy. He tries to blame Howard for controlling her. He asks her to run away with him to L.A., but she turns him down. She describes her depression for him and insists that the shock treatment works. He professes his love, but she says they don't know each other.
    *Peggy is adjusting in her new job. She gets the new lady's cigarettes ads from Phillip Morris (Virginia Slims).
    *It's March.  Nobody wants Lane's office. Joan tells the other partners that they had their best quarter ever. She will be buying new office space in the building. Joan shows Don that Lane left the company a death benefit of $175,000, which just makes her feel more guilty for turning down Lane's advances. Don is shocked to hear it but tells Joan to give $50,000 to Lane's widow (since Lane invested that in the company).  She suggests Don see her dentist in the Chrysler building.
    *Don brings the check to Lane's widow. She accepts it but doesn't say much at first. Then she yells at Don for filling Lane with ambition. She shows him the photo of the girl in his wallet and asks who it was, but Don doesn't know. She yells at Don some more before he leaves.
    *Trudy shows Pete the drawings for the pool they are planning. He is not too enthusiastic about it. Trudy yells at him for all the doom and gloom. Pete goes to visit Beth at the hospital, saying he's her brother. She doesn't recognize Pete but asks him to stay and talk to her, anyway, so he does. He talks to her about his "friend" that is in the hospital because he cheated on his wife. He says that his life is a temporary bandage on a permanent wound. Pete sees Howard on the train. Howard tries to get him to go play hooky with him. Pete is disgusted and reprimands him for putting his wife in the hospital. Howard realizes Pete is the one who's been sleeping with his wife. they get into a fist fight. The train conductor separates them and then Pete insults him, so he tells Pete to get off the train in Harrison. Trudy is horrified when Pete comes home with his face all beat up. He lies that he fell asleep and ran the car into a ditch. She agrees that he needs an apartment in the city after all.
    *Don comes home to find Megan literally falling-down drunk. She is whiny, annoying and gives him a hard time.  Marie comes home, so Don tells Megan to sleep it off.  Don then gives Marie a hard time for leaving Megan alone. Marie tells him to nurse Megan through this defeat and things will be fine, that she just has an artistic temperament.  Don finally goes to the dentist, who yells at him for not coming sooner for his absess.  Under the anesthesia, Don's dead brother talks to him.  Don begs him not to leave him.  The dentist tells Don not to smoke for 24 hours. Don goes to the movies and sees Peggy. She hugs him and he sits down next to her. She tells him things are going well and they discuss her new product. She tells him that she's going to Virginia on a plane, which she's excited about. He lies that Megan is doing well.
    Later, Don watches Megan's screen test on a projector while he smokes.
    *The partners look at the 58th floor, where their new offices will be. Don gets Megan the job for Butler shoes after all.
    Don walks away from the commercial filming and goes to a bar, to the tune of "You Only Live twice" (very cool scene).
    We see the others-Peggy, Pete, Roger, while the song plays. Peggy is getting ready for bed and sees two dogs having sex outside; she smiles. Pete is listening to music. Roger is standing stark naked and looking out his hotel room window as if to say, "Look at me!" - obviously he took the LSD.
    Then back in the bar, Megan's friend Emily hits on Don, with another beautiful woman, asking if he's alone. We don't see his response (Payback's a bitch!).

  • Mad Men: "The Other Woman" Season 5, Episode 11
    Episode Synopsis: Don deals with a challenging pitch, while Peggy ponders taking a trip. Original Air Date: May 27, 2012 Video
    Pete and the others convince Joan to have sex with one of the Jaguar guys to get the account. Lane suggests that she ask to be a partner instead of cash. They land the account. Peggy gets a job with Cutler Gleason and Chaough, quitting Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce.

  • Next Episode: Far Away Places
    Peggy is rattled by a particularly difficult pitch. Don visits a potential client. Promo

  • Q&A -Series Creator Matthew Weiner

  • Mad Men "Tea Leaves" Peggy is given new responsibility; Don and Harry indulge a client. New.
    Video - Mad Men Season Premiere Episode Now Online
    Mad Men has returned, and with a special 2-hour Season 5 premiere episode no less. But if you missed it on AMC, there's no need to spend all day by the water-cooler hoping to get a recap: is now streaming the full episode in its entirety for free. Watch it for the first time (or watch it again) before Sunday night's all-new episode -- but do so quickly. The premiere will only be available online for a limited time.
    Don't miss an all-new episode of Mad Men this Sunday at 10/9c on AMC.
    Featured Video -Inside Episode 501 & 502 Mad Men: A Little Kiss
    Features -Q&A - Series Creator Matthew Weiner

  • When 'Mad Men's' away: My predictions for the characters' downtime‎ - Baltimore Sun

  • Ask Matt: Mad Men, Undercovers, MTV, Grey's, The Event and More!

  • Ask Ausiello 10/20

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Updated 5/16/15


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