1 | At the end of each episode, a cartoon figure says, "That's some ____ ____, Harry". (two words) |
5 | Amber was injured in this. |
6 | House has done this to most of his doctors at one time or another. |
10 | Type of humor that House is best at. |
12 | Cameron was once married to this kind of man. |
13 | The show is written by David _____. |
14 | How Cuddy got her baby. |
18 | Chase's specialty. |
20 | House is always trying to avoid his duty in this place. |
21 | House takes a lot of this drug. |
24 | One of the many things House doesn't believe in. |
27 | House and Cuddy play these with each other. |
29 | House had this many doctors working for him at the beginning of the fourth season. |
30 | House's expertise. |
31 | Chase and Cameron have one of these. |
33 | Number of episodes the show celebrate 2/2/09 (two words). |
34 | Thirteen's first name. |
35 | state the show takes place in (two words). |
2 | While others think of House as rude, he considers himself this. |
3 | Doctor who often wear low-cut blouses. |
4 | House often has his team ______ in to a patient's place. |
7 | When figuring out the disease, House writes the symptoms on this type of board. |
8 | House is American, but his portrayer Laurie is from this country. |
9 | Although the show is a "medical drama", it has a lot of this. |
11 | House enjoys solving this each week. |
15 | House thinks that _______________ lies. |
16 | Cuddy is dean of ___________. |
17 | House's best friend. |
19 | House walks with a cane and this. |
22 | Regular viewers know that any diagnoses before the end of the show will be this. |
23 | In Fall 2009, the show started this (two words). |
25 | One word to describe Dr. House. |
26 | Thirteen has ______________ disease. |
28 | House likes to watch this kind of TV show (two words). |
32 | Wilson is this kind of specialist. |