Hollywood Heights Character Descriptions From The TV MegaSite

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Hollywood Heights Character Descriptions Page

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Here are the official ones:


Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) is an 18-year-old, straight A student with dressed-down beauty who spends her time hanging out with her best friends Melissa and Adam. She has a passion for song writing and it’s Eddie Duran, her musical idol, who inspires her music. Loren is down to earth and low-key, everything that her soon-to-be world of fame is not.

Eddie Duran (Cody Longo) is a 21-year old rock-and-roll superstar who rose to fame hard and fast. That’s why he’s still got traces of his youthful spark and innocence. He’s often caught between the music and the business and sometimes feels like he’s missing out on a normal life.

Chloe Carter (Melissa Ordway) is a drop-dead gorgeous model and Eddie’s girlfriend. She’ll do whatever it takes to make it in Hollywood, even if it means lying to Eddie. She likes to be in complete control of her destiny, but her hidden past is about to create a few snags in her plan.

Tyler Rorke (Justin Wilczynski) is hot and he knows it, but it’s that arrogant attitude that has gotten in the way of his acting career. By getting himself kicked off of every job, Tyler is left with nothing but jealous bitterness towards his old friend Eddie and all the dirt on Chloe he needs to keep her close.

Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) is Loren’s bubbly and fearless best friend with a big secret to uncover about her past.

Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) is Loren’s mom and her biggest cheerleader. She helps guide her daughter through the drama of high school and a budding music career while dealing with her own complicated career and love life.

Max Duran (Carlos Ponce) is Eddie’s rocker dad who struggles to move on after his wife’s tragic and untimely death. He hopes the opening of his new nightclub will be a new beginning.

Adam (Nick Krause) is Loren and Melissa’s indie-rocker friend. He’s always there for them, but fears revealing his secret crush could change things.

Jake Madsen (Brandon Bell) is Eddie’s type-A manager and friend who has overseen his career from the beginning.

Traci Madsen (Shannon Kane) is Jake’s wife who tries to keep her workaholic husband grounded and reminded that his personal life matters too

Don Masters (Grayson McCouch) is a surgeon and the father to Loren’s high-school nemesis. He owns the clinic where Nora works, but their relationship may turn into something more than just professional.

Adriana Masters (Hunter King) is the mean, popular girl in school who tries to knock Loren down every chance she gets. Her boyfriend Phil helps take her mind off the troubles she has with her dad, Don.

Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson) is Melissa’s conniving brother and Adriana’s boyfriend who has no problem breaking the rules to make things go his way.

Kelly (Yara Martinez) is Traci’s friend from New York who comes to town for a visit, but her interest in the music business keeps her around.

Gus Sanders (Brian Letscher) is the father of Melissa and Phil. He tries his best to keep the peace between all members of the Sanders household.

Lisa Sanders (Meredith Salenger) is Melissa and Phil’s mother who is trying to keep a part of her past behind her while raising two teenagers.

Colorado (Rick Otto) is a working class guy who lurks on the wrong side of the law. He becomes an unfortunate role model to Phil, who comes to him looking for a job.

Ellie (Merrin Dungey) is Nora’s colleague at the clinic where she works. She’s pleasant and funny when things are going well for her, but can become high strung and needy when she feels threatened or used.

Lily (Tina Huang) is an aggressive TV entertainment reporter who works hard to cultivate Hollywood friendships and connections, often walking a thin line between personal and professional.

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