Haven Appearances Page From The TV MegaSite

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Haven Appearances Page

Where else to see your favorite "Haven" stars

(Nathan) stars in a new Hallmark Movie, "The Angel Tree" Saturday, November 21, 10:00PM.

(Croatoan) has three new movies coming out this year. See his live appearances  See where he's appearing on TV this month He can be seen  on commercials for Priceline, and you can also see him on his YouTube channel and on this new digital series "Hashtaggers" on E! Online (www.eonline.com/Hashtaggers)  He hosts the History series "The Unxplained" Fridays.  He appears Friday, Feb. 12 on "GMA3: What You Need To Know" on ABC to discuss his series “The UnXplained.”

Colin Ferguson (William) stars in the Maytag commercials.  You can see them here.

(Evi) stars in a CBC drama series Wednesdays "Diggstown." More Info She also appears in a few episodes of a new CBS series "Interrogation."

(Duke) has 4 movies coming out this year.

(Dave) does the voice of Jim in "Trailer Park Boys: The Animated Series" on Netflix.

(Chief Wuornos) appears in "Heartland" Sundays on CBC and also has some movies coming out. You can watch it streaming on UpTV.Com

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Page updated 2/10/21

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