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Haven Main Page

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This is one of the best science fiction shows on TV. Each season the plot twists and turns as we get closer to learning the mystery of Audrey and the Colorado Kid, and how Audrey is linked to the Troubles in the not-so-sleepy town of Haven, Maine. A colorful cast of characters and amazing guest stars only adds to the show, which has not only mystery, science fiction, and romance, but also lots of comedy, action and suspense. We can't wait for season 5.2 on Syfy!

Welcome to our site for Haven!

This Section needs a new manager!  If you're interested, please contact us!


10/8 "New World Order" and "Power"
10/15 "The Trial of Nathan Wuornos"
10/22 "Enter Sandman"
10/29 "Wild Card"
11/5 "Perditus"
11/12 "Just Passing Through"
11/19 "Close to Home"
11/26 "A Matter of Time"

"Haven" airs Thursdays on

  • Check out our new pages! News, spoilers, articles, videos and much more...
  • Great Exclusive Photos of William Shatner (who will be joining the Haven cast this year) from 2015 San Diego Comic-Con!

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Page updated 9/30/15

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