From the first time Lucas and Gail were introduced to each other it
was obvious that there was a connection between them. Their
love/hate relationship was an underlining plot to the show. In The
Pilot, when Lucas first saw Gail, he looked stunned, as if he had
seen her somewhere before and was shocked that she was back. In the
script for The Pilot, two scenes were cut out; one was in the attic
of the Temple house when Lucas first sees Gail. Lucas just stares
at Gail when she comes through the attic door and seems shocked, but
he manages to get out, "'ve come back". Gail is oblivious
to this and Matt shakes Lucas out of his reverie. The other scene
was a clip of an eighteenth century painting of Lucas and Gail in
wedding clothes, pointing to the fact that they were married in a
past life, but both scenes were cut out at the last minute.
From A Tree Grows In Trinity onwards Lucas tried to charm Gail, and
Gail even flirted with Lucas a bit, most noticeably in Eye Of The
Beholder and Damned If You Don't.
I'll walk you up. Gail: No, it's alright...I'm sure you have other
duty's. Lucas sarcastic: Ma'am? Gail smiling: Give it up.
Lucas: Are you hiding something from me, Gail sarcastic: What could
I possibly be hiding from you? Lucas: Your true feeling perhaps?
Gail, smiling and giving a fake thinking look: Ummm.
matter how much Lucas tried to charm her, Gail didn't give in. She
was attracted to him, but in her mind he killed her parents, so she
couldn't give in. But Lucas didn't let that stop him. In Dead To
The World, Lucas manipulated Gail into a tricky situation where her
face was only inches away from his lips, and before Gail knew what
was happening, Lucas kissed her. This was the couple's first kiss,
but Gail pulled away quickly, confused, and went on with her life
like nothing had happened.
Strong Arm Of The Law, when Earl tried to rape Gail, Lucas was there
with a shovel to protect her. Gail, however, had already punched
Earl in the privates and was about to get away without needing
Lucas' help, but Gail couldn't always get out of situations without
help. For instance, in Meet The Beetles, Lucas stops Ossie from
attacking Gail, and in The Beast Within, Lucas is the one to find
the key to the handcuffs and gets Caleb and Gail out of harm's way.
big change for Gail and Lucas was in Ring Of Fire. Gail had
exhausted all of her options trying to find the truth about her
parents' deaths, she was left with only one option: go to
Lucas for help. Over a candlelight dinner in a posh restaurant,
Lucas offers Gail a deal.
then what, you own my soul? Lucas: I don't want your soul. Gail: I
decided what I give, and when.
deal had been made; Lucas showed Gail the truth about her family and
her past. Gage Temple had killed her parents, not Lucas. At the
end of the episode, Gail wasn't ready, but Lucas didn't mind.
Lucas: I'll wait.
Lucas' time finally came in Plague Sower. Gail walks up to Lucas'
house and enters
garden. She walks towards the house, then suddenly stops. Lucas
stands a little distance behind her.

Wait! but it's not about anything else, Lucas: No heart, no soul,
that's the way you want it? Gail: That's the way I want it.
Lucas takes Gail's face in his hands and looks deep into her eyes.
Gail closes her hand around his wrist and they kiss passionately.
Lucas lifts her up and carries her to a bench shaded by a tree; he
puts her on it and slides his hand beneath her
Gail slowly moves down, ripping his shirt open. They kiss fiercely;
he then lays her down on the ground and they make love.
From Plague Sower onwards, we see Lucas and Gail as a couple. We
even see them in bed together in Echo Of Your Last Goodbye, where
Gail playfully badmouths Lucas in front of him, speaking into her
tape recorder. When she climbs into bed and switches the recorder
off, Lucas cuts in,
Better leave that thing running, you might want to refer back to it
later, Gail sarcastic: Which part? Lucas: Oh we ain't got there yet.

From this it's safe to assume they have a pretty steamy
relationship. Things seem to
be going
fine until Gail finds out Lucas raped her Aunt Judith and is in fact
Caleb's real father. Gail argues with Lucas and is disgusted by him,
So you raped her? Lucas shrugs: The Illusion of Free Will, Gail: You
son of a bitch, yes or no...(shouts) yes or no, Lucas! Lucas pins
Gail to his desk, Lucas: You really wanna know? Gail: Yes! I know
what you are, in my soul I know what you are! Lucas: And would you
change me if you could? Gail: No, get off... so tell me the truth
(referring to Judith's suicide) for once! Lucas lying and faking
sincerity: Ok, I will...I didn't do it.
fact that Lucas lied to Gail proves that he cares for her and
doesn't want to lose her.The relationship seems to carry on into
Triangle. Gail walks into Lucas' office,
Lucas smiles:
So you couldn't wait? Gail: No, this cant wait, Lucas taking off
Gail's jacket and smiling: I know the feeling.
Gail quickly
rejects Lucas and tells him she's leaving town. Lucas gets forceful
and grabs her arm.
Why? Gail: I'm in over my head, I thought I could just keep it...
Lucas: What? strictly physical? Gail: Don't flatter yourself,
I've had a temporary case of insanity...and now I'm outta here.
Lucas sarcastic: Oh you are breaking my heart. Gail: You don't
have a're not even human. Lucas: Some women would
consider that a positive, not a negative. Gail: Not me...not
Gail informs
Lucas that she's taking Caleb with her,
So if you wanna say goodbye I'd do it soon. Lucas: You think
its that easy? Gail, standing her ground: Yes! Its that easy.
At that moment,
Gail turns to leave, but collapses on the floor, holding her
stomach. Gail, at the hospital, has discovered she is pregnant. She
puts the ultrasound scanner over her stomach when the doctor isn't
looking. She is horrified to see that the face of the baby isn't
normal. When the baby smiles evilly and points at her, saying,
'Momma', Gail realises this baby is evil and panicks.
Gail tries to
leave Trinity but Lucas appears in the middle of the road. Gail
slams on the breaks but still hits him. When the car comes to a
halt, Gail jumps out and calls for Lucas, but no answer comes. Gail
turns around to see someone sitting in her driver's seat. When she
approaches the figure turns towards her, Gail is horrified to see
she is staring
into her own face, only different; this Gail has blood red lips and
a pale white skin. When the evil Gail smiles wickedly at her, Gail
backs away straight into Lucas.
no running from me, you know that. We were meant to be together.
Gail: No! None of this was meant to happen. Lucas: Of course
it was. I need a son now more than ever. Gail: Why? what
happened to Caleb? Lucas: He's a great kid but he can go
either way, for me, or against me, but this son, (Smiles and puts
his hand on Gail's stomach) this is all me, guaranteed.
We find out more about what Gail feels about being pregnant when
she's in her home. Gail is drowning her sorrows with alcohol and
looks a mess. She is having a dream when the doorbell rings; she
puts the chain on the door and open it to see Lucas standing there.
Morning sickness, darning? Gail: (slamming the door) Go away!
Lucas breaks the chain on the door with little effort and invites
himself in, Lucas: Taking your vitamin supplements sweetheart?
Gail: If I were the first thing I'd do is bash your face in.
Lucas: Oh now that's just the hormones talking. Gail: you know
what pregnancy is? It's an uncontrollable tumor that's growing
inside of you, it zaps all
your strength, has its own agenda,
and after nine months it goes in remission and your body rejects it!
Lucas: Don't talk like that, Gail: there's something wrong
with him. This baby is not normal, I can feel it. Lucas: You
should talk to a doctor. Gail: I should talk to an
abortionist, it's me against it, and if I don't do something soon
it's gonna destroy me from the inside out, I can feel it.
Gail feels
strongly against having this child; she even tries to commit
suicide. Lucas gets a call from Ben and rushes up to the roof of the
building to find Gail on the ledge. Gail tells him to get away from
her and he backs off and tells her to take it easy.
Take it easy? I have a freak inside of me, your freak! Lucas:
That's no reason to kill yourself. Gail: No? you think for one
minute I'm gonna bring this
into the world, do you?! Lucas sincere: What are you talking
about, its a baby Gail: No its not, its the evil inside of me that I
never wanted to face...well now I'm gonna face it, right now!
Lucas, by this
time, has lost his hold on Gail and it's Caleb that talks her off
the ledge. At the end of this episode, Gail is left holding a lot of
resentment for Lucas.
In the last two
episodes, Lucas and Gail's relationship changes again. Lucas dies,
and Gail confesses her feelings to his open casket.
Is this real Lucas? are you really dead? Lucas lays dead in his
casket Gail: I never believed you before, I guess I should now...( a
tear rolls down Gail's cheek) you son of a bitch, how could you let
this happen, ( Gail starts to cry) didn't you know...didn't you know
how much I loved you?...I'm carrying your child.
In the last
episode, Lucas has been buried. Gail is led to Lucas' house by
Selena (Selena told Caleb that Gail was pregnant and Caleb asked
Selena to bring her). Inside, Gail calls for Caleb; she thinks he's
run away and is there to help him, but finds a broken doll covered
in blood in a crib in the front room,
You like
the doll? Gail: No! Caleb: why not? isn't that what
babies look like before they get all scrubbed up?
Caleb goes on to
tell Gail that there can only be one Buck,
generation only one, and he intends to get rid of the one Gail is
carrying. Caleb attacks Gail and chases her up the stairs into the
bathroom. Gail finally outsmarts Caleb and lures him away from the
bathroom door. When the coast is clear, Gail runs to the top of the
stairs, but Lucas comes crashing through the front door. Gail,
stunned to see Lucas back from the dead, stops still. She is so
stunned she doesn't hear Caleb coming behind her,
Lucas: Gail!
Look out!
but it's too
late. Caleb swings at Gail with a hot fire poker and she falls down
the stairs. Lucas carries Gail, unconscious to the hospital. Gail is
now in a coma,
Lucas: What are
the chances of... Billy Peele: There's no baby
Lucas...(emotionless) I'm sorry. Lucas: Did she want it?
Billy: Well, she said so.
Lucas walks
over to Gail's bedside and leans close to her. He whispers in her
Lucas: You're
gonna get another chance.
What would be in
store for Lucas and Gail next is anyone's guess. I personally think
they would get back together. There is something in each of them
that makes them bound together. I think there is more to Gail than
the good-girl reporter exterior. Maybe if the show was given a
chance, Gail would've turned to Lucas' side, like Selena, had her
own power and been far more evil than anyone expected. In ten years'
time ,I see Gail and Lucas married with their me a
romantic. What's in store for these two, we'll never know.