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Someone's at the door...Someone's at the door.... Someone's at the door
Created by Shaun Cassidy in 1995, American Gothic was one of the darkest programs shown on network television.  In the eerie town of Trinity, SC, a battle of wills is taking place.  Sheriff Lucas Buck, who is supernaturally evil, has set his sights on a young boy named Caleb Temple.  Lucas Buck killed Caleb's sister and coaxed his father, Gage Temple, into committing suicide, leaving poor Caleb all alone, or so Lucas thought.  With the help of his cousin Gail Emory, a reporter from Charlston, and Doctor Matt Crower, Caleb, Lucas Bucks illegitimate son, is able to fight Lucas of, but Lucas won't be denied of what is rightfully his. 


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Updated 10/30/15


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