Gotham Appearances Page From The TV MegaSite

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Gotham Appearances Page

Where to see your favorite "Gotham" stars!

  • Jada Pinkett Smith guest-stars on "The Equalizer" Sunday, February 27 on CBS.

  • Jessica Lucas (Tabitha) appears on "The Resident" Tuesdays on FOX.

  • Tonya Pinkins (Ethal Peabody) has quite a few movies coming out. She and and many other soap stars appeared in “ABC Daytime: Back on Broadway” which was streamed Thursday, Feb. 11. You can see it now on  YouTube. She has landed a role in the Public’s Theater upcoming production of A Raisin In The Sun. The actress will play Lena Younger beginning Tuesday, September 27. The production opens at the Public’s Newman Theater Off Broadway on Wednesday, October 19 and runs through Sunday, November 6. She guest-stars on "East New York" 10/23/22 on CBS.

  • James Remar (ex-Frank) has a ton of movies coming out and stars in "Black Lightning" Tuesdays on The CW.

  • (Leslie) does the voice of Gideon on "The Flash" on The CW and has many movies coming out.  She appears Monday, 7/25 (Re-run from 2/28/22) on "The Drew Barrymore Show."

  • Natalie Alyn Lind (ex-Silver) has a recurring role on "The Goldbergs" Wednesdays on ABC. She also appears on "Tell Me a Story" this season on CBS All Access.

  • Cameron Monaghan (Jerome/Jeremiah) appears in "Shameless" on Showtime.

  • (ex-Mayor Aubrey) appears in many TV shows and movies..busy guy!   He has a recurring role on "The Goldbergs" Wednesdays on ABC and does a guest voice on a re-run of "The Simpsons" December 5 on FOX.

  • (Harvey) guest-stars on a re-run of "The Unicorn" Thursday, July 16 on CBS.

  • (Bruce) has 2 new movies coming out this year.

  • (Alfred) is in the new movie "Howl."

  • (Edward) has a new movie coming out, "Carol."

  • (Renee) has 2 new movies due out this year.

  • (Carmine) appears in "The Boys" on Amazon Prime.

  • Milo Ventimiglia (Jason) appears Friday, 9/9 (Re-run from 5/20/22) on "The Talk" on CBS.

  • (Butch) appears in the new NBC show "Aquarius" and has a bunch of new movies coming out.

  • (Sal) has 3 new movies out and appears on "Dexter: New Blood" on Showtime.

  • (Ivy) has 3 new movies coming out.

  • (Gerald) has 4 movies out this year.

  • (ex-Ivy) has a recurring role on "The Rookie" Sundays on ABC and in "Charmed" on The CW. She also does a voice on "Blade Runner: Black Lotus."

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Page updated 10/23/22

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