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We love all incarnations of Sherlock Holmes, although this page will
mostly focus on the two TV shows, "Elementary" on CBS and "Sherlock" on
BBC. Sherlock Holmes is a great detective, assisted by Doctor
Watson. In most modern versions of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock can be
quite offensive to people, and very "eccentric" as well as drug-addled.
In "Elementary", Sherlock is living in New York as a former drug addict.
Dr. Watson is his "sober companion", an Asian-American woman, who lives
with him to make sure he doesn't go back to drugs. She also has learned
to help him solve crimes as they aid the NYPD and his old friend Captain
Gregson. In "Sherlock", both Holmes and Watson are roommates in
London, a slightly more traditional but still modern version of Sherlock
Holmes. Holmes uses all of today's science and techniques to solve
murders and other crimes that Inspector Lestrade and others need help
with. While "Elementary" has a non-traditional cast and setting, the
stories are more traditional, and they have the normal pacing for a one
hour network TV show that lasts for 24 episodes. "Sherlock" only
has 3 episodes per season and each episode is about an hour and a half,
and the shows are very fast-paced and exciting. The recent
"Sherlock Holmes" movies, starring Robert Downey Junior and Jude Law,
take place in the original 1890's settings of the novels, yet they have
a very fast pace and a somewhat modern sensibility. Sherlock and
his companion are very action-oriented, more like superheroes than
detectives. |
Welcome to our site for Sherlock Holmes!

The third "Sherlock Holmes" movie debuts 12/22/21.
More Info
Watch "The Irregulars" on
Netflix! Season One is an 8-episode series about a group of street teens who
help John Watson fight supernatural creatures plaguing London. Sherlock Holmes
is a "shadowy figure." We learn more every episode. It's been
described as a "Victorian X-Files."
There are no current plans yet for "Sherlock" season 5, but season 4 did
well, so it will probably be back in a few years, after Gattis and Moffat do
"Dracula"... Post on Twitter with
and #Bring221Back
to let them know you want it back!
More Info
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- New Cast List!
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writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so
please email us
if you can help out! More volunteers always
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Page updated 4/30/21