This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to the show
or network.
Boston Legal Transcripts
01-01 Head Cases 01-02 Still Crazy After All These Years
01-03 Catch and Release
01-04 Change of Course
01-05 An Eye for an Eye
01-06 Truth Be Told
01-07 Questionable Characters
01-08 Loose Lips
01-09 A Greater Good
01-10 Hired Guns
01-11 Schmidt Happens
From Whence We Came
Girls and Beyond
Til We Meet Again
Tortured Souls
01-16 Let Sales Ring
Death Be Not Proud
We don't read the guestbook very often, so please don't
post QUESTIONS, only COMMENTS, if you want an answer. Feel free to email us
with your questions by clicking on the Feedback link above! PLEASE SIGN-->