Beauty & The Beast Appearances Page From The TV MegaSite

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Beauty & The Beast Cast Appearances Page

Where to see your favorite stars

Amber Skye Noyes (Tori) has a recurring role on "MacGyver" Fridays on CBS.

Elisabeth Röhm (ex-Dana) stars in "The Oath" on Crackle. She has many new movies coming out.

Kristin Kreuk (Kat) stars in "Burden of Truth" on The CW.

Michael Roark (Kyle) has two new movies coming out.

Zach Appelman  (Alton) guest-stars on "The Resident" Tuesday, Oct. 15 on FOX.

Jay Ryan (Vincent) stars in "Mary Kills People." They're working on the third season, which will air in Canada, but not on Lifetime.

Austin Basis (J.T.) appears in the new Amazon series "Little Fires Everywhere."

(Evan) appears in the new "Downtown Abbey" movie.

(Joe) stars in "Ambitions" on OWN and has 4 movies coming out.

(Mr. Chandler) plays Khlyen on "Killjoys" on Syfy.

(Sam) has many new movies coming out and stars in "The Good Father: The Martin MacNeill Story" Saturday, October 2, 8:00PM on Lifetime.

Nina Lisandrello (Tess) has a recurring role on "FBI" Tuesdays on CBS.

(Alex) stars in the new Paramount series "Paradise Lost."

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