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24 Predictions
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What we think might happen
I think that they will bring back 24 in
regular TV movies like they did last year with "24: Live Another Day". From
what I read, the ratings were very good. It's just a matter of luring
back Kiefer Sutherland and getting good scripts.
I wouldn't be surprised if, in a few
years, they either did a reboot or prequel version of 24 (with someone much
younger playing Jack and the other characters) or if Jack trained some
younger people for a new CTU and he was semi-retired. At some point,
he's going to be too old to do the job, but they'll want to continue the
Keifer has said he won't do any more 24
shows or movies, but I'll bet he will if the money's good enough. They are
prepared to do it without him, though. In May, FOX said they are working on
a new 24.
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