Review of "Hawaii Five-O: The Ninth Season" From The TV MegaSite

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 DVD Reviews

Hawaii Five-O: The Ninth Season DVD cover


  Hawaii Five-O: The Ninth Season 

 Review by Suzanne Lanoue 9/1/19

I can't believe this show is just about to start it's tenth season! Time sure flies. The original series lasted 12 years, so I guess they're closing in on that. Fans seem to like the show.

It's another CBS action drama with handsome guys, plus there's the beautiful local scenery. We lived in Honolulu for 3 years, so it's great to see the places I recognize. Of course, this being a cop action show, the writers make it seem like Hawaii has a lot of crime and corruption. In real life, Honolulu is a very safe place, especially for a big city. The biggest problems there are traffic on the H1, and homelessness. It's hard to smuggle guns there, and there don't seem to be many gangs. We used to see little old ladies walking their dogs at 3am.

Anyway, it's a fun show, with a lot of car chases, explosions, etc. and the cast works very well together. Even though two of the major characters left two years ago, the show hasn't suffered.

If you're a fan of good action-drama in beautiful locales, you should enjoy this. The DVD has some good special features.


Street Date: September 10, 2019

Format: DVD

Description: HAWAII FIVE-0 is a contemporary take on the classic series about an elite federalized task force whose mission is to wipe out the crime that washes up on the islands’ sun-drenched beaches. Detective Steve McGarrett, a decorated Naval officer turned cop, returned to Oahu after Hawaii’s former governor persuaded him to head up the new team: his rules, no red tape and full blanket authority to hunt down the biggest “game” in town. Joining McGarrett are Detective Danny “Danno” Williams, a relocated ex-New Jersey cop who is committed to keeping the islands safe for his children; Captain Lou Grover, who formerly headed Hawaii’s SWAT unit; Jerry Ortega, the islands’ local conspiracy theorist; Tani Rey, a bold, recent police academy graduate; Junior Reigns, a former SEAL who comes to McGarrett looking for a job.and Adam Noshimuri, a friend with old ties to a deadly crime family. Helping them is Kamekona, a local entrepreneur who has his pulse on the Island; Sgt. Duke Lukela, a trusted member of the HPD; and medical examiner Dr. Noelani Cunha. The state’s brash FIVE-0 unit, who may spar and jest among themselves, remain determined to eliminate the seedy elements from the 50th state.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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