DVD Reviews
The Flash: The Complete Second Season
Review by Suzanne Lanoue
11/15/16 |
I watch this show every week and never miss it, along with
"DC's Legends of Tomorrow," "Arrow,"
and "Gotham!"
I'm a sucker for any comic book shows or series, especially
great ones like this.
What I love about "Flash"
is that it's really fun and bright. "Arrow" is good,
but it's pretty dark a lot of times. "The Flash" has a
lot more humor and fun. There's tragedy, sure, but
it's not as much. They keep it more fun.
At the center of that fun is Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), a
cute young man who just seems very young and amiable.
Everyone likes him. It would be hard not to. He has a bit of
tragedy about him, like most heroes seem to, but he has an
optimism that keeps him from being too tragic. He leads his
friends with this can-do attitude. You might almost say
that's what makes him a hero. They did a
great job with this first season of introducing the
characters, both heroes and villains. As a comic book fan,
it's always hard for me when they make changes, as they
always do. This whole particle accelerator thing was
not around when I was reading "The Flash" comics, nor was it
in the first "Flash" series. Also, Flash was never
really in a team, aside from the Justice League. He just
went on his own, like Superman. Nowadays, though, the heroes
always have to have a team. I guess it makes it more
interesting for the TV viewers.
I'm not saying this show is perfect; if you
watch it carefully, there are quite a few times when you can
see plot holes or contrivances, or things that just plain
don't make any sense. However, if you just like it for fun,
action, humor, and great characters, it's worth watching.
Also, the show gets darker in this second season.
You're been warned! The DVD has many great
features. Check it out! MORE INFORMATION:
#1 Series On The CW! The Flash: The Complete Second
Season includes all 23 electrifying episodes from
the second season, as well as the Arrow crossover episode,
plus nearly four hours of extra content, including
behind-the-scenes featurettes, deleted scenes, and a gag
reel. The Flash: The Complete Second Season is
available now on DVD ($49.99 SRP) and
Blu-ray™ including Digital HD ($54.97 SRP).
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