Review of "Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series" From The TV MegaSite
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Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series DVD cover


 Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series

 Review by Suzanne Lanoue 11/21/11

I really miss David Tennant as the Doctor, and the great writing of Russell T. Davies. However, I think this season was much better than last season. They are writing more original stories, for the most part. I enjoy the show, even though I liked it better when Tennant and Davies were in it. Matt Smith is getting better, and I love Amy, Rory, and River Song.

I do admit that I found the whole "The Doctor Dies" plot to be a bit confusing, especially in the last episode. It kind of made my head hurt. But otherwise, it is a really enjoyable season. Also, there were fewer "children's-oriented" stories than last year--fewer silly stories.

The Christmas episode is very good, though, and if you didn't get a chance to watch it, then you must get this set. It's kind of Dickens-like, but not in a derivative way. I really enjoyed the guest stars, too, especially seeing Mark Sheppard in the first two episodes. He is one of my favorite actors and appears in just about every show I watch (especially the scifi shows).

Any scifi fan should love this set, especially Doctor Who fans. This is a great DVD because it has so many extra scenes and specials. Almost every disk has a "behind the scenes" special about one of this season's new "monsters", as well as extra little bits here and there that are like getting extra Doctor Who episodes. I really enjoyed watching it, and I'm so glad I have the DVD set.

More Information:

We're excited about the home entertainment release of Doctor Who: The
Complete Sixth Series ( )!

On November 22nd, Whovians can join The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)
and Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) as they make their triumphant return in a
season filled with fresh thrills, new monsters and pulse-pounding
adventures. Plentiful extras include a 60-minute Christmas Special;
Doctor Who Confidential, an inside look at each episode; audio
commentary; trailers and more.

Episode Clips:

Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series Trailer:

Doctor Who: Series Six "Day of the Moon" -- My Past Is His Future:

Doctor Who: Series Six "Let's Kill Hitler" - Mel Regenerates:

Doctor Who: Series Six "The Girl Who Waited" - Two Amy's:

Doctor Who: Series Six Insider - A Companion Story:

Doctor Who: Series Six Insider - "The Doctor's Wife":

Doctor Who: Series Six Insider - "The Girl Who Waited":

Doctor Who: Series Six -- Monsters - The Silence:

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Updated 11/21/11  


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