Review of "The Carol Burnett Show: The Lost Episodes" From The TV MegaSite

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 DVD Reviews

Aquarius: The Complete First Season Blu Ray


Aquarius: The Complete First Season Blu Ray

 Review by Suzanne Lanoue 9/14/15

This is a really good new drama, set in the late 60's. It's great to see David Duchovney back again, although playing a very different role than he did in "The X-Files."  He's the straight-laced, old fashioned cop here. He's trying to find a kidnapped girl, who's the daughter of a friend. His nemesis is Charles Manson, who hasn't yet become the infamous monster we all come to know later (although he's headed that way already). He works with some young undercover cops. The story takes place right after cops started having to use the Miranda warning (which most of them weren't too happy about).

I think they did a really good job with the 60's detail. My husband, who remembers the era better than I do, didn't like it. On the other hand, he's really picky, so I doubt most people would agree with him.

The writing and acting are top notch on this show. They do a good job of introducing the characters and then weaving the story together. I really enjoyed it. I'm so glad that it's coming back next year! I'm very grateful that they sent me the DVD because I had been recording it, anyway, so this just forced me to catch up on the rest of the episodes.

The first episode is a little slow-moving, but it definitely picks up after that.

Besides Duchovny, it has Claire Holt (who's been so great on "Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals") and Grey Damon (whom I've loved watching on many series, such as "The Nine Lives of Chloe King"). Gethin Anthony is just outstanding as Charles Manson, too. Check out my interview with him!

The Blu Ray DVD is wonderful and has tons of features and extras. It'll keep ya busy for a while!


AQUARIUS: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON: Starring David Duchovny / Available on DVD & Blu-ray September 15

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Page updated 9/14/15

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