Review of "Deputy" on FOX From The TV MegaSite

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Hollister and Bishop 

Review of "Deputy" 1/5/20 by Suzanne
airs Thursdays on FOX

I would not call this a good show because the dialogue is kind of hokey and doesn't sound realistic.  There's a lot of action and macho posturing, so if you like that sort of thing, you should enjoy this. It's made by the same people who gave us "Training Day."  However, this protagonist is actually a good guy who believes in justice. He's not some rogue cop or wanna-be gangster.  He's a throwback to the old days of marshalls, sheriffs and deputies, even though the show takes place in Los Angeles. I was hoping it would be more like "Longmire," or "Bosch," but it's not as good as either.

In the opener, the old sheriff dies, so the most senior deputy takes his place, due to the old laws that they apparently use in L.A. county (or at least, in this show). The new sheriff is Bill Hollister (Steven Dorff, who's great in the part), who was being reprimanded and perhaps about to be fired before he was promoted. Hollister refuses to work with ICE to round up immigrants. That's a nice idea, but both L.A. city and L.A. county are deemed sanctuaries, so they already wouldn't be working with ICE to round up random "illegals."  Whoever wrote this didn't do much research.

Hollister likes to boss everyone around and make proclamations.  He meets his new driver/body guard, Bishop, played by the always-excellent Bex Taylor-Klaus (whom you may recognize from "The Killing" or "Arrow".  Bishop is a lesbian, which doesn't faze Hollister. He may have old-fashioned ideas of justice, but he's very modern when it comes to protecting immigrants and hanging out with lesbians. She's a great character, and the interplay between the two of them is worth watching.

Hollister has to fend off bureaucrats and politicans who try to tell him what to do, especially Undersherrif Jerry London (Mark Moses, another fantastic veteran character actor).  He's married to ER doctor Paula and has some other deputies that he works with.

If you like shows like "Hawaii Five-0," this is very similar to those, but with more personality.


From director/executive producer David Ayer (“Training Day,” “End of Watch”), DEPUTY blends the spirit of a classic Western with a modern-day attitude and emotionally driven, visceral storytelling. Featuring an ensemble of ambitious and complicated people who won’t rest until justice is served, DEPUTY brings a gritty authenticity to the modern cop drama.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is one of the largest police forces in the world, but when the elected Sheriff dies, an arcane rule in the county charter, forged back in the Wild West, suddenly thrusts the most unlikely man into the job. That man is BILL HOLLISTER (Stephen Dorff, “True Detective,” “Star”). A fifth-generation lawman, Bill is only interested in justice; his soul wears a white hat. The bad guys don’t stand a chance, but neither do the politicos in the Hall of Justice.

Under Bill’s command is a county-wide crew of LA’s finest, including Deputy CADE WARD (Brian Van Holt, “Cougar Town”), a former Marine stationed in Afghanistan, eight years sober and one of Bill’s few confidantes; Deputy BRIANNA BISHOP (Bex Taylor-Klaus, “Arrow,” “Voltron”), the whip-smart, sarcastic driver in charge of Bill’s security detail; and Deputy JOSEPH HARRIS (Shane Paul McGhie, “What Men Want”), the son of Bill’s fallen partner.

The dangers associated with the job often lead the police to LA County General Hospital, where Bill buts heads with Dr. PAULA REYES (Yara Martinez, “Jane the Virgin,” “True Detective”), the hospital’s chief trauma surgeon – and his wife.

Given a job he never wanted, in an unfamiliar sea of politics, Bill quickly learns that doing what is expected and doing what is right are two different things, and that his innate, dogged pursuit of justice is the only skill the job truly requires.

DEPUTY is produced by Entertainment One and FOX Entertainment. David Ayer and Chris Long of Cedar Park Entertainment serve as executive producers, alongside John Coveny and showrunner Kimberly Harrison. Will Beall created the series and Ayer directed the first two episodes.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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