I love legal shows... especially when they're
sticking up for the little guy or the falsely
accused. In this series, Jimmy Smits plays
Elijah Strait, a lawyer who takes on important civil
rights cases. This is an older, poorer
character than Smits usually plays, so they've made
him look a bit older, letting his grey hair show at
the temples, and having him wear unflattering suits.
He's still Jimmy Smits, though, so he's got plenty
of fire and charm left. His daughter, Sydney
(Caitlin McGee) returns to town when her mother dies
and joins his firm, even though they've been
estranged for years. Although he's a great dad, he's
very flawed because Sydney learns that he cheated on
her mom and has a son (Emerson, played by Stony
Blyden) that she knew nothing about.
This is the fourth time Jimmy Smits has played a
lawyer. He started out on "L.A. Law" in the 80's. He
starred in "Outlaw" in 2010 as a former Supreme
Court Justice who starts his own law firm after
retirement. He was also a lawyer when he
guest-starred as D.A. Miguel Prado in "Dexter." I
watched and loved all of those shows. Smits plays
the perfect hero. He was also outstanding as
President Santos in "West Wing," and of course, his
role on "NYPD Blue."
The rest of the cast is great as well, including
the familiar -- Jayne Atkinson ("Criminal Minds"),
Barry Sloane ("Revenge") and Josh Kelly ("Unreal")
-- and the not-so-familiar -- Michael Luwoye and
MaameYaa Boafo. It's a good cast that doesn't
miss a beat. The stories are very good as
well. I added it to my DVR, and you should, too.
Coming from a famous Memphis family known for taking on
injustice, brilliant lawyer Sydney Strait used to work at
her father Elijah’s celebrated law firm until their
tumultuous relationship got in the way. After barely
speaking to him for years, Sydney is suddenly thrust back
into the family fold when her philanthropist mother passes
away unexpectedly. In the wake of her loss, hoping to
reconnect with the daughter he loves, Elijah asks Sydney to
rejoin his firm. She agrees because despite her lingering
resentment and distrust, she knows that working alongside
her father is her best hope at changing the world … if they
can ever get along.
The cast includes Jimmy Smits,
Caitlin McGee, Scott Shepherd, Barry Sloane, Michael Luwoye,
MaameYaa Boafo, Stony Blyden and Jayne Atkinson.
Georgaris will write and executive produce. Michael Aguliar
and David Janollari will executive produce.
City Law” is produced by Universal Television in association
with David Janollari Entertainment.
SERIES PREMIERE: In the aftermath of her family
tragedy, top corporate attorney Sydney Strait
(Caitlin McGee) decides to put aside years of
personal conflict with her father Elijah (Jimmy
Smits) to rejoin his legendary Civil Rights firm
and take on a chemical company whose product may
cause cancer. No sooner is Sydney back, when she
stumbles on a secret Elijah has been keeping
from her that may change everything. Also
starring Barry Sloane, Michael Luwoye, MaameYaa
Boafo, Stony Blyden, Jayne Atkinson and Josh
Kelly. Also guest starring Mo Gallini as Edgar
Elijah and daughter Sydney must put personal
feelings aside to help a group of farmers who
are in danger of losing everything to an
insidious corporate scheme. Anthony and Jake
team up to take on a seemingly light-hearted
case about a stolen barbecue sauce recipe that
actually would have a deeper impact on the city
than anyone knows.
The fate of an innocent man is in the hands of
Elijah and Jake. Meanwhile Sydney and Anthony
take a case brought to them by old professor
which may be more than it seems.
After a young woman is murdered Elijah and
Anthony take on hate-speech in a case against a
controversial leader Campbell Mathers who is
represented by Elijah's old friend and attorney
Rachel Madsen.
Sydney and Elijah help a
twelve-year-old girl find justice for the failed levee
system that flooded her town. Della and Anthony fight for an
old blues musician's song rights.
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