Review of "Stranger Things 2" on Netflix From The TV MegaSite

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Stranger Things 2 

Review of "Stranger Things 2" 11/2/17 by Jake
Airs on Netflix

Stranger Things could have just been a cheesy homage to the 1980's. It could have been a vapid series of pop culture references pieced together in yet another forgettable show where nothing interesting or memorable is said or happens. It could have been a mere parody of past time. But it wasn't. It went ahead and achieved something totally awesome and original.

Season 1 was marvelous in its own right, but think of it as the building blocks to its sequel. The tone has been set. The setting has been established. The characters are all people you already know and love. That's what makes any great television show important. Character development. Without that, there is no story. No journey. No circle.

In Stranger things 2, we're able to see our favorite characters grow and change. Dustin has teeth now.
Eleven has expanded her palette and is eating more than just Eggos.
Steve isn't the typical high school "cool kid" anymore. He's a baseball bat wielding hero and a responsible babysitter.
Hopper isn't a broken man who lost his daughter to cancer. He's a strong father of a daughter with supernatural powers (the opposite of cancer).
Joyce is still solving puzzles, but now she's dating a guy who loves solving them too.
I would say that Will has changed for the better, but let's be honest. Both seasons Paul Reiserare essentially about this kid having a week that isn't so great.

We are the audience and we have needs. Stranger Things 2 gave us everything we needed. Action. Adventure. Romance. Monsters. Paul Reiser.
This is entertainment that hits all the right notes, from the Gremlins theme to the Ghostbusters soundtrack. It all works so damn well, thereby resonating with all of us.

If you agree with me that Stranger Things 2 gets 2 thumbs up, there ain't nothin' strange about that.


Stranger Things: A love letter to the ’80s classics that captivated a generation, Stranger Things is set in 1983 Indiana, where a young boy vanishes into thin air. As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and one very strange little girl.

Stranger Things 2: It’s 1984 and the citizens of Hawkins, Indiana are still reeling from the horrors of the Demogorgon and the secrets of Hawkins Lab. Will Byers has been rescued from the Upside Down but a bigger, sinister entity still threatens those who survived.

Visit Stranger Things on Netflix.

Stranger Things S2 Casting Announcement

Dacre Montgomery has been cast in the role of BILLY, Max’s hyper-confident, and edgy older step-brother. He steals girlfriends away from their boyfriends, is great at drinking games, and drives a black Camaro. But lurking under his apparent charisma, is a violent and unpredictable nature. SERIES REGULAR

Sadie Sink has been cast in the role of MAX, a tough and confident girl whose appearance, behavior and pursuits seem more typical of boys than of girls in this era. She has a complicated history and is generally suspicious of those around her. SERIES REGULAR

Also, the following cast members from season 1 have been flipped from recurring to series regulars:

Joe Keery who plays STEVE HARRINGTON
Noah Schnapp who plays WILL BYERS

Sadie Sink began her professional acting career in the Broadway revival of "Annie." She went on to appear on Broadway again, opposite Helen Mirren in "The Audience" directed by Stephen Daldry. On television, she appeared as a series regular on the NBC series "American Odyssey" as well as in guest spots on "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," "Blue Bloods," and "The Americans." She will next be seen in the upcoming feature films "The Glass Castle," and "The Bleeder."

A young actor out of Australia, Dacre recently wrapped on LIONSGATE’s highly anticipated first installment of the POWER RANGERS franchise. Dacre plays their leader — The Red Power Ranger: Jason Lee Scott — starring opposite Elizabeth Banks, Bryan Cranston and RJ Cyler. POWER RANGERS will open in theaters March 2017. / headshot attached

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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