Review of "The Deuce" on HBO From The TV MegaSite

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 TV Show Reviews

The Deuce 

Review of "The Deuce" 9/26/17 by Suzanne
airs Sundays on HBO

This show takes place in Times Square, New York City, back in the 70's.  There were a lot of drugs and prostitution in that area back then, before they cleaned it up and made it a tourist place.

James Franco stars as twin brothers Frankie and Vincent Martino. Vinnie just wants to make some money, but the drugs and gangs keep him involved in the sordid life there. His brother Frankie is a gambler, which also gets him in trouble. They end up being fronts for the mob with their bar.  Pimps, hookers and mobsters are regular colorful characters in this show.  "Candy" (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and others are hookers in the area that end up getting involved in porn.

This is not really my type of show because it's just very sleazy and depressing. The writing and acting are both excellent. I do love Franco and also the writer, David Simon, who wrote one of my favorite cop shows, "Homicide: Life on the Street" as well as the acclaimed HBO show "The Wire."

Check it out if you care about high quality writing and realism in TV.


Created by George Pelecanos and David Simon (The Wire) and starring James Franco and Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Deuce follows the story of the legalization and subsequent rise of the porn industry in New York’s Times Square from the early 1970s through the mid-1980s, exploring the rough-and-tumble world at the pioneering moments of what would become the billion-dollar American sex industry. George Pelecanos, David Simon, James Franco and Nina K. Noble executive produce.

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Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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