Review of "American Gothic" on CBS From The TV MegaSite

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 TV Show Reviews

American Gothic cast 

"American Gothic" review by Suzanne 7/7/16
Airs Wednes
days, 10/9c on CBS

I wouldn't say that this is a great show, but it's entertaining to watch. The quality of the writing is sort of hit-or-miss because parts of it are very obvious and you can see it coming from a mile away. Other parts are kind of fun. I like the characters and the story, but I would definitely want to see what happens to see if it holds up.

If you saw the old show "Brothers & Sisters," about a zany California family, the dad dies of a heart attack in the first episode. Then the rest of the series is the family dealing with the fall-out of his death and secrets that came out, and how they hold it together as a family despite all of their problems and differences. This show is kind of like someone took that idea, moved it to Boston, and made the family much more twisted.

Also, even though it's set in Boston, not one of these people has any kind of Bostonian accent.  That kind of ruins it for me.  Why is it that only shows set in New York or Chicago have authentic accents? Sheesh. They don't have to be broad accents. These are actors. They can fake slight accents. Or even maybe have a throwaway line about how they all worked so hard to lose their accents once they got wealthy. Anything!  I mean, my husband's parents are from Rhode Island and Massachussetts. People from that area have very strong accents.

Anyway, despite the lack of accents, I enjoyed the first episode and would like to see more. Each of the characters is interesting and has their own secrets, and they make me chuckle.  One of them may be a serial killer. At the very end, one of them is revealed to be a killer (perhaps not the same killer). It's got a lot of mystery. Check it out and decide if you like it or not. I wasn't crazy about the last five minutes of the first episode, but not enough that it would stop me from tuning in again.

The cast is very fine, including Virginia Madsen as the mother. She always does a great job.  Everyone in the show is just a little bit off. Hopefully that won't become tiresome in future episodes.


AMERICAN GOTHIC centers on a prominent Boston family reeling in the wake of the chilling discovery that someone in their midst is linked to an infamous string of murders. As shocking secrets from the past and present are revealed, their mounting suspicion and paranoia that one of them is a killer threatens to tear the family apart.
AMERICAN GOTHIC is produced by CBS Television Studios in association with Amblin Television. Corinne Brinkerhoff (“The Good Wife,” “Jane the Virgin”), Justin Falvey and Darryl Frank (“The Americans,” “Under the Dome,” “Extant”), James Frey and Todd Cohen serve as executive producers. 

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