Review of "The Flash" on The CW From The TV MegaSite

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"The Flash" review by Suzanne
Airs Tuesdays 8/7c on The CW

Chances are, if you're a comic book fan, or a fan of comic book TV shows, you'll enjoy this one. It's got everything that one could like: action, adventure, special effects, good story, likeable actors, and good writing.

Whether it's as good as "Arrow" will remain to be seen. It's too soon to tell! I don't think it will be quite as dark as "Arrow", though, and that may be a good thing. I know I plan to watch it. I enjoyed the episodes that star Grant Gustin (Barry Allen) guest-starred in, on "Arrow", so I've been looking forward to this show ever since!

Besides Gustin, Jesse L. Martin (from "Law and Order"!) and Tom Cavanaugh (from "Ed" and so many other shows!) star. Allen is a CSI with the Central City police. Martin plays Joe, who's not only Barry's co-worker but father figure. Barry's mother was killed in a strange accident, and his father was blamed and went to jail. Barry grew up with Joe's daughter, Iris (Candice Patton). They have a lot of chemistry.  Allen is a really smart and observant guy, which makes him an outstanding CSI. He's a really nerdy scientist, but with lots of appeal.

One of the things I already love about this show is how his father is played by John Wesley Shipp, who starred in the first "Flash" series back in 1990. I loved that show, and I'm still upset that they canceled it! I'm glad they're able to use the actor in this new series, and not just in a cameo or one-shot guest role.

In the pilot, he gets hit by a lightening bolt as Star Labs turns on their particular accelerator. A freak storm also occurs (similar to the one that killed his mother). Barry goes into a coma for 9 months, and when he wakes up, he's at Star Labs, now with a great physique and the power to go super-fast. Tom Cavanaugh plays Dr. Harrison Wells, the mind behind the accelerator. It appears he will be helping Allen to become The Flash, but he may have more sinister motives.

Also, Barry gets good advice about being a hero from his pal Oliver ("Arrow"), so that was a great little cameo. I enjoyed that!

Helping Wells are two other scientists, Cisco Ramon (mechanical engineering genius, played by Carlos Valdes) and Dr. Caitlin Snow (bio-engineer, played by Danielle Panabaker). Detective Joe West loses his partner, so he is now partnered with new Detective Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett).  He becomes Iris' boyfriend while Barry is in a coma.

There are dastardly villains and lots of exciting stuff going on. I grew up reading DC Comics, so I can't wait to see more!

Check out our Flash Page for more info....I'm still building it up, though. More to come!

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Page updated 10/8/14

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