Review of "Big Time in Hollywood FL" on Comedy Central From The TV MegaSite

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Alex Anfanger and Lenny Jacobson

"Big Time in Hollywood FL" review by Suzanne 4/1/15
Airs Wednesdays 10:30/9:30pm on Comedy Central

Please, someone, tell me, why this show got made? Or why it has some big name guest stars like Ben Stiller, Kathy Baker and Cuba Gooding Jr.? Or why are reputable reviewers on Variety and other sites saying it's good? I just don't get it. It's not funny at all. It's dumb and bizarre.

Two brothers, Jack and Ben (played by Alex Anfanger and Lenny Jacobson) are in their 30's, living at home, and making videos that they hope get them recognized as filmmakers. (Anfanger and Dan Schimpf created and write the show.) They do a bunch of strange things in order to get money, and it leads to some really awful things. It's completely unrealistic and tries very hard to be silly and funny, but I just don't like it. I don't know why anyone would.

Maybe it's because it's aimed at a younger person than me, or at a guy....try it out if you have a really weird, offbeat sense of humor. Otherwise, I would advise you to skip it. This first season only has 10 episodes. I'm still not really sure how it got that many.

More Info:

After their parents decide to kick them out, delusional brothers and self-proclaimed filmmakers Ben and Jack Dolfe stage an elaborate ruse to maintain their financial dependence on Mom and Dad. But when their plan takes a dark and dangerous turn, the brothers find themselves embroiled in an increasingly messy situation that threatens both their artistic ambitions and their lives.

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