Review of "The 100" on The CW From The TV MegaSite

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Some of the teens of "The 100"

"The 100" review by Suzanne
Premieres mid-season on The CW

The CW sent me 5 disks with the pilots of their new shows for me to review. I have to say that I enjoyed them all!  This one doesn't premiere until probably January at least.  I think that's because it's not quite as good as the others, and it's more scifi than most of them. Still, I did like it and I hope to see more of it.

The show is set in the future where we have had to leave Earth because of nuclear wars; humans live in space stations high above the planet.  However, overpopulation has become a problem, among other things.  Anyone over 18 who commits any crime at all gets put to death. Anyone under 18 is locked away.  In the first episode, the people in charge have decided that Earth may be okay to return to now, so they are sending 100 of the delinquent teens planetside to see if they survive, to test it out before anyone else goes there and risks their lives.

What makes the show the most interest is the politics involved. The main teen, Clarke, is very smart and responsible. Her mom is a very important doctor who is friends with the president.  Something happens to the president just as the teens are sent to Earth which complicates things quite a lot, and we get to see the politics between the people in charge.  Clarke has a good friend to help her out, but she resents him for something he did. She has other friends there as well, but most of them are not friends. They are criminals, or at least delinquents. It feels a bit like Lord of the Flies or The Hunger Games, which I'm sure is intentional.

Of course, lots of unexpected things happen to the teens on the planet. Some die.  Things back on the space station don't go well, either. Check it out. It's quite interesting.

I think most of the cast is quite attractive, especially the young man that is obviously a love interest for Clarke.  The cast is filled with very good actors.  The weird-looking kid Julian from "Continuum", Richard Harmon, plays one of The 100. The president is played by "Grey's Anatomy" vet Isaiah Washington.  Clarke's mother is actress Paige Turco, who has been in many things. You may remember her from her recent recurring role on "Person of Interest". Henry Ian Cusick from "Lost" and many other roles plays one of the politicians that clashes with the president and the doctor. Kelly Hu, another TV vet (recently from "Arrow", also on the CW), plays his wife.

Video Clips:

Update: the show debuts March 19. Here are some more videos.

The 100 CW Connect

Eliza Taylor, Thomas McDonell, Isaiah Washington, Marie Avgeropoulos and Henry Ian Cusick answer your questions! Don’t miss The 100 series premiere Mar. 19 at 9/8c.


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