Review of "Starcrossed" on The CW From The TV MegaSite

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some of the aliens

"Starcrossed" review by Suzanne
Premieres mid-season on The CW

Of all of the new CW shows they sent me to review, this is my favorite. I'm not really sure why it's premiereing mid-season. I hope it does well.  It reminds me a bit of "Alien Nation" or "Roswell".

The premise is that aliens named Atrians crash-land here on Earth, and we greet them with guns and violence. We put the rest into camps. Honestly, the premise is all I have any problem with. The Atrians are not all that different, looks-wise, so I find it hard to believe that people would be all that prejudiced against them. Sure, people are racist and all, but a lot of that racism is based on perceived DIFFERENCES, and these aliens are just not that different.  They look like humans with tattoos. Big deal! This might have worked better if the show had been done back in the 80's, before tattoos became so popular. Now, it's a little silly.

I do really enjoy the story, though, and the characters.  The show focuses on one alien teen, Roman, and the teenaged girl, Emery, whose life he affects.  When they're little, he runs to her family's shed, and she feeds him and keeps him until the government comes to take him away.  She thinks he's dead, but later he and some of his alien friends are integrated into her school as a test to see how it works. It is reminiscent of when black people were forcibly integrated into Southern colleges (and that imagery is not by accident, I'm sure). Emery is sickly, but gets healthy by the time she is a teen, so it shapes her as a person.

The story about the teens and how they do in the school, and with their families, is very good, and the ending is very shocking. I hope you can get past the rather silly premise.

Video clips:

More: WHEN THE ALIENS LANDED… — When Emery Whitehill (Aimee Teegarden, “Friday Night Lights”) was 6 years old, an alien spacecraft crash-landed in her small town and she met Roman (Matt Lanter, “90210”), a 6-year old Atrian boy, who sought refuge with her before being taken away by the authorities. Ten years later, the two are reunited as the first group of Atrian teens is about to enroll in high school in a widely scrutinized social experiment to see if humans and Atrians can live in peace. Both Emery and Roman are surprised at the small-mindedness of their respective communities. Roman’s sister, Sophia (Brina Palencia), is excited to make new friends, but their fellow Atrians, Teri (Chelsea Gilligan, “Big Time Rush”) and Drake (Greg Finley, “The Secret Life of the American Teenager”), openly distrust all humans. The human students are equally wary of the aliens, especially the school’s queen bee Taylor (Natalie Hall, “Pretty Little Liars”). Kind-hearted Grayson (Grey Damon, “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters”) is drawn to Emery but has a secret that could threaten their new friendship. Only two of Emery’s friends – Julia (Malese Jow, “The Vampire Diaries”) and Lukas (Titus Makin, Jr., “Glee”), seem able to accept the Atrians. Emery and Roman find themselves drawn together again but outside forces work hard to keep them apart. Gary Fleder directed the episode written by Meredith Averill.

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