TV Show Reviews

"Arrow" review by Suzanne
Wednesdays 8/7c on The CW
I've only seen one episode of this show, but so far I
really like it. It may even be better than Smallville, which
I loved. It's darker, more like the later years of
Smallville where they tried to make Clark more like Batman
(but that failed miserably because Superman is such an
iconic character, and Tom Welling doesn't really have the
acting talent to play a dark character). The actor who
stars in the show, Stephen Amell, is really good. He's not
just a hunky guy who looks good in the costume or with his
shirt off.
They changed the Green Arrow story, just like they did
with Smallville, but I doubt that will bother most people
because he is not one of the most well-known heroes like
Superman or Batman. They haven't made any movies about
Oliver Queen. However, comic book fans will recognize
the character and the various names and places they mention,
for the most part. They have done a good job transforming
him into a very dark anti-hero (which he was for a long time
in the comics, too). I always hate it when they don't give
the superhero a good costume, but at least he has one,
unlike Superman in Smallville. It's very similar to the one
they had for the Green Arrow in Smallville, actually.
It's a very enjoyable show and I will definitely continue
to watch it. If you like great drama, or great action and
adventure, you should, too.
Updated: I have been watching and enjoying Arrow and have
even started a small Arrow
section of our site. The CW sent me this week's episode,
"Legacies", which I just watched. It features the Royal
Flush Gang, which comic book readers know all about. Veteran
actor Currie Graham stars as the patriarch of the gange.
Oliver doesn't want to deal with "street crime" but Diggle
convinces him to get involved with taking down these bank
robbers, so he does, reluctantly. We see a bit more of
Oliver's past, where he hallucinated seeing his father
again. He also has a bit of a tiff with his mother, but they
make up. His mother misses Walter, who took off last
episode, and she misses Oliver, too. Meanwhile, his
friend Tommy keeps trying with Laurel, whos organization
needs money. Oliver's sister, Thea, also has a crush on
Tommy. Finally, we see that Oliver is training Diggle in
some of the moves he learned on the island. Good episode! I
really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see more!
Don't forget to tune in and watch it!
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