Review of "Saving Grace" season premiere From The TV MegaSite
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"Saving Grace" final season premiere  by Suzanne
Airing on TNT Mondays 10/9 pm starting March 29.

I have never watched "Saving Grace" before, although I do like Holly Hunter. I guess I must have read some bad review of the show that convinced me I wouldn't like it. I really should know better than to believe reviews by now because they are usually wrong.  Everyone's tastes are different.  I loved Joan of Arcadia, so why wouldn't I like this one? it's like Joan of Arcadia with an edge, for adults.

The show has been canceled, so TNT is wrapping up the series in the upcoming episodes in March and April.  I saw the last episode and the first new one. They are outstanding. What a great show. I will have to go back now and watch it on DVD, I guess.

If you are a regular viewer, you may recall that Grace and Neely jumped off a tall building at the end of the last episode. They were alive, but we didnt learn anything more. Of course they do survive, but what happens is very shocking. I'm sure anyone who watches the show is used to being shocked by it.  Grace and Neely not only survive but have no injuries. They are hailed as miracles and have to deal with sudden fame and confusion. 

Everyone in the show is affected by what happened to Grace. Let's just say that there is sex, there is marriage, there is a vicious dog mauling, and acceptance, and much more.  You will have to tune in to see it, and you won't be sorry! It's excellent. It's a shame they canceled it.  It's not TNT's fault because the production company, FOX, canceled it because it did not do well enough in DVD's and such. That's a real shame.

Three years ago, TNT brought viewers one of the most unique drama series on television, Saving Grace. Starring Oscar-winning actress Holly Hunter, the series focuses on gutsy Oklahoma City Police Det. Grace Hanadarko, a woman who holds nothing back, whether on the job or in her personal life. This spring, Grace's extraordinary story will culminate in nine final episodes on Mondays at 10 p.m. (ET/PT), beginning March 29.

The press kit I received has last summer's exciting finale, "Am I Gonna Die Today?," and the premiere episode of the final run of the series, "Let's Talk." In last summer's episode, Earl worked to create a connection between Grace (Leon Rippy - Deadwood) and a young addict named Neely (Yaani King - The Prince & Me), whose life Grace saved when Neely attempted to commit suice by jumping off a building in the summer finale, dragging Grace down with her. When Neely and Grace survive inexplicably, Neely reveals to the world that they have an angle.

In "Let's Talk," Grace begins to examine the possibility that her life has a divine purpose. All the while, Earl will continue to be a part of Grace's life as he steers her toward a destiny even he doesn't understand fully.

Read my interview with Holly Hunter!

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Updated 3/11/10 


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