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Interview with Eddie McClintock &
Joanne Kelly of
"Warehouse 13" on Syfy 6/28/10
Moderator: Gary Morganstein
June 28, 2010
3:00 pm CT
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to
the Warehouse 13 conference call. During the presentation participants
will be in a listen-only mode. If you have a question please press the 1
followed by the 4 on your telephone. If at any time during the
conference you need to reach an operator press Star 0. As a reminder,
this conference is being recorded Monday, June 28, 2010. It is now my
pleasure to turn the conference over to Mr. Gary Morganstein. Please go
ahead sir.
Gary Morganstein: Welcome everyone, thank you for joining the call. I
have Eddie McClintock and Joanne Kelly, the stars of Warehouse 13,
Syfy’s most successful series ever which returns Tuesday, July 6 at 9:00
pm. So take it away guys. First reporter.
Operator: Our first question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby. Please
go ahead.
Jamie Ruby: Hi, thanks so much for taking our calls today.
Eddie McClintock: Hi Jamie, how are you?
Joanne Kelly: Hi Jamie.
Jamie Ruby: Hi, so what about the show continues to challenge you?
Eddie McClintock: The hours.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah, the physicality and the hours I think.
Eddie McClintock: Well, you know, for me the challenge is to keep it
fresh, you know, not try - we try and make sure that we don’t hit the
same beats again and again in episode after episode. So Joanne and I try
and communicate to one another if we feel like maybe a beat is stale or
we’ve used it before and so, you know, just keeping the show fresh and
new is a bit of a challenge for me.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah and - yeah, I think that, you know, as mentioned
before with the hours, people get really tired and to keep the work -
the focus on the work and to make sure that it’s continuously good
despite the hours. It doesn’t matter if it’s 4:00 in the morning, it’s
still important to make the scene as good as it can be and that
sometimes is a challenge but one of the more interesting ones that we -
I think we manage to pull it off most of the time.
Eddie McClintock: You know, people come over and they’re like oh I feel
so bad, you have worked so long and so many hours and I’ve just been
saying to them, I go ditch digger, coal miner, oil rig worker, you know.
I mean, those people have hard jobs, not me. So it kind of keeps me -
when I hear myself say that it keeps me grounded and keeps me from
ragging too much about the hours.
Jamie Ruby: Okay cool. And as a follow-up, what has been like your
favorite either scene you’ve filmed so far this season or moment that
has, you know, gone on this season?
Eddie McClintock: I’ll start I guess. I - there is an episode called
Around the Bend where an artifact has affected Pete to the point where
he begins to lose his sanity. And I have a really good scene with Mark
Sheppard that was really a challenge.
And then I have a - I had another scene with Myka and Claudia and Artie
that, you know, it’s always nice when we have scenes with all of us
together because, you know, I really feel like we work pretty well
together. So when you get everybody in there firing at the - firing on
the same wavelength, it really seems to be a great experience.
Jamie Ruby: Thanks. Joanne?
Joanne Kelly: My favorite episode this year which I think - I always
pick the one that was most challenging to me as an actor was probably an
episode that involved an artifact that was a gryphon. I have no - I’m
terrified to see that episode so that’s why (unintelligible).
Jamie Ruby: Okay, thank you very much.
Eddie McClintock: You’re welcome, thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Joshua Maloney with
Niagara Frontier Publications. Please go ahead.
Joshua Maloney: Hey Eddie, hey Joanne, thanks for your time today.
Eddie McClintock: Josh Maloney, how are you?
Joshua Maloney: Very good, very good. I’m looking forward to Season 2.
I’m a big fan of your show.
Eddie McClintock: Thanks man, thank you very much.
Joanne Kelly: Thanks Josh.
Joshua Maloney: So my question is for both of you and I want to preface
it by saying that, you know, there are so many shows right now that, you
know, they have the will they or the won’t they between the female and
the male leads. And, you know, in a lot of cases it really does get
But I really enjoy the dynamic between Pete and Myka. I feel like it’s
good now. If the two characters were to get together that would be fine
too but it doesn’t necessarily have to go there. Can you both tell me a
little bit about your on-screen chemistry?
Eddie McClintock: Well Joanne and I figured we’d just get it over with
the first week so we got together a couple of times and she -
unfortunately she kind of fell for me and I had to tell her to back off.
So since then she’s kind of, you know, she’s not quite as hands-on let’s
say as she used to be.
Joanne Kelly: Shut up. You see how long I let that go for? Are you
Eddie McClintock: You know, the other - this is kind of mine and
Joanne’s relationship in a nutshell. She and I were being pulled by a
car - a camera truck and we were - I was supposed to be driving, she’s
sitting next to me, it’s a beautiful day, and we’re being driven. And I
just looked at her and I said do you ever get tired of the fact that I
can never take anything serious? And she goes sometimes I want to stab
you in the eye with a pencil. And she goes but if you were any other
way, you know, it just - it wouldn’t be the same.
And so, you know, I mean, look, I have a personality that, you know, it
works for me sometimes and maybe not all the time but, you know, Joanne
is a good sport and she puts up with my Tom Foolery let’s say. And, you
know, we truly are like a brother and sister. Like we don’t always like
each other.
I mean, you know, we spend 15 hours a day 5 days a week. I mean, most
families don’t spend that amount of time with each other so - and we’re
in a very stressful situation. You know, it’s like there’s always
someone standing there with their watch pointing at their watch going
let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, you know, why did you mess up that line,
why don’t you know your lines, we’ve got to move, why do you - haven’t
you slept?
I mean, so there’s a lot of opportunity for us to just not really care
to like one another but, you know, we love each other and I have a great
deal of respect for Joanne and her work and I think that it reflects in
the work that we have on screen. I think that’s maybe why it works so
Joanne Kelly: Yeah, you know, I think that a lot of actors can be very
competitive with each other on screen and Eddie and I never competed and
I think that’s one of the reasons what people call chemistry is that we
actually trust and like one another.
We never compete in things, we let each other do their own thing and
that - I think we’ve - it’s just our - the fact that we’re just so
different, I think our personalities allow that to happen and, you know,
again he puts up with me because I’m not the, you know, the light of...
Eddie McClintock: The what?
Joanne Kelly: Why, are you curious?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah a little.
Joanne Kelly: You know, I’m not the happiest chick in the world.
Sometimes at 4:30 in the morning I can get a little testy and Eddie is
the one, you know, tells me - he makes me laugh. So that’s all I was
going to say -- or not.
Eddie McClintock: I always love when I look over to Joanne and she has
that look on her face like do not look at me, do not touch me. So it
causes me to like jump around - like it makes me want to jump around
even more even if I’m kind of tired I’m like ooh, all right, this is a
good opportunity for me to poke sticks at Joanne. So it’s good man, it
seems to work so far.
Joshua Maloney: Do either of you have a preference, I mean, do either of
you want to see them get together or, I mean, does it make a difference
to either one of you, you know, if they stay just partners or if they
get together and have, you know, a relationship?
Eddie McClintock: Well I’ve been saying that in Season 15 Pete and Myka
start bumping their wheelchairs into one another in kind of a mating
ritual but that won’t be for a long time.
I mean, I like the fact that they have enough respect for the boundaries
of their job and enough respect for one another not to cross the line. I
think it makes Pete a more honorable guy. I think it makes - it lets
Pete earn his other, you know, little idiosyncrasies and I think that it
gives the character depth, you know.
I mean, look, they’re two relatively attractive people that by all
rights should want each other but again I think they have a respect and
a love for each other that they don’t really go there.
Joanne Kelly: I think any human relationship, any interesting human
relationship between two people is complex and it truly takes time to
develop, anything that’s worth its salt. And for us to explore the
romantic part of it without first exploring the complexities that - of
these two people, you know, the partnership that they’re creating and
the friendship that they’re creating I think would just short change
Joshua Maloney: All right, great answers. I appreciate it, thank you
Joanne Kelly: Thank you.
Eddie McClintock: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Amy and Nancy
Harrington with Pop Culture Passionistas.
Amy Harrington: Hi, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today.
Eddie McClintock: Hello ladies.
Joanne Kelly: Hi ladies.
Amy Harrington: Hi.
Amy Harrington: We were wondering how you got cast on Warehouse 13 and
what drew you to the characters.
Eddie McClintock: Do you want to go first this time Jo?
Joanne Kelly: Sure.
Eddie McClintock: Okay.
Joanne Kelly: No you go first.
Eddie McClintock: Okay. Talk just while I chew now.
Joanne Kelly: Okay. Well how we were cast, basically it was a tough
situation. Just like any network there were about ten Petes and ten
Mykas. You know, you go in, you audition, and then they whittle it down
and whittle it down and then there’s about ten of each characters. The
network mixes and matches the characters in the room and, you know,
there’s quite a story about the way that we got put together and I’ll
let Eddie take over from here.
Eddie McClintock: Well, you know, usually by the time you get to the
test they have whittled it down to maybe two Petes and two Mykas. And in
this case we walked in and there were like - yeah like seven or eight of
Joanne Kelly: All in suits all looking exactly.
Eddie McClintock: Everybody looking exactly the same. And I just thought
oh great, I’m not going to get this job either. This was shortly after
the birth of my second son and I kind of had a thin year the year
Joanne Kelly: He was very sweaty.
Eddie McClintock: I was very sweaty inside and out and I just, you know,
an actor’s greatest fear is to make a mistake during the test, at least
that’s my greatest fear. You know, you generally only get one chance in
front of the network so you better not screw it up. And they had been
mixing and matching us all day and I hadn’t gotten placed with Joanne so
I was like oh she must suck.
Joanne Kelly: He thought I sucked.
Eddie McClintock: So they finally said okay you two go in and we were in
there together and we had been talking.
Joanne Kelly: We hadn’t been talking. Eddie you had your freak out
session before we were in there together.
Eddie McClintock: Oh that’s right.
Joanne Kelly: So he comes out of the room and he’s like sweating and he
likes takes off his tie and starts pacing. He starts talking about his
baby’s birth and I’m like what is this dude talking about?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah we didn’t know each other at all.
Joanne Kelly: No and I’m pretty Zen at tests. Like I just - which is not
how I am in real life at all.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah she actually was sitting like in a Lotus
Joanne Kelly: Not in a Lotus position but I’m very Zen.
Eddie McClintock: She had a (Bendy) on. So well what happened was the
director put his arm around one of the other actors and I was like
that’s it, I’m not getting this job.
I took off my tie, I took off my jacket, and I said you know what, I got
these - my sons, they’re like two little birds in the nest and their
necks are stretching right and they’re stretched and their mouths are
open, they’re waiting for their mom to sweep in and drop in the chewed
up, regurgitated worm and I’ve got no fucking worm. And I was a little
flipped out. And then literally Joanne was like dude.
Joanne Kelly: I sat him down and I basically just talked him off the
ledge. Tests are painful enough without some dude having a nervous
Eddie McClintock: Hence her calling me dude.
Joanne Kelly: And they called us in the room the next - and we went in.
Eddie McClintock: And Joanne’s line - she was supposed to call me a
showboat and she was like listen you showbot. And so I just started
going Showbot, Showbot, Showbot, and doing a robot and then I did like a
Michael Jackson kick with a hee hee verse.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah and I started getting mad at him and tried to get him
back on track and everyone...
Eddie McClintock: And she punched me and told me to shut up. And so when
we walked out apparently Mark Stern looked at everybody and goes there
it is, that’s the show right there. And so ironically enough we kind of
got our jobs through a mistake so it was pretty cool.
Amy Harrington: That’s a great story.
Eddie McClintock: I mean, it was just the way we recovered from the
mistake and that we were...
Joanne Kelly: Well we actually had to go in the next day because they
had forgotten to turn on the sound. Yeah.
Eddie McClintock: The girl that was operating the camera forgot to turn
on the sound.
Joanne Kelly: She is no longer with the network.
Eddie McClintock: So we had to go back the next day and they’re like
just recreate the magic. Right.
Joanne Kelly: Give me a wand. So that was our test experience. That’s
the story of our first meeting when we fell in love.
Amy Harrington: Eddie we had one other question for you which is we
noticed on your Twitter account that you were at the Trek convention in
Tulsa and that you spoke with Shatner so we’re dying to hear that story.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, I was backstage and the - my booking agent for
the expo is a guy by the name of (Gary Haas) and he’s a great guy and he
has handled Bill for years, Mr. Shatner for years. And he was telling
Mr. Shatner all about my show and, you know, all the great things that
have been happening for the show.
And I just said yeah, you know, if you - I said Mr. Shatner, if you’re
not too busy maybe you would come and do an episode of the show. And he
just looked at me and he goes, “Call me Bill, please” almost in the
voice of George Takei. And so that kind of to me was like - okay, never
mind. He didn’t come out and just say no I’m not going to do that but he
kind of didn’t need to. I don’t think he’ll be doing it, I mean, he’s
got three shows, he’s got two talk shows and another show.
Joanne Kelly: He has a talk show?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, the man is...
Joanne Kelly: What does he talk about?
Eddie McClintock: Himself. And he’s incredibly busy.
Joanne Kelly: I think he’s definitely going to come on the show after he
hears that you said that.
Eddie McClintock: But I must say that I sat next to Michael Dorn and he
was really interested in coming and doing an episode of the show. What a
great guy, really smart and nice guy, Michael Dorn who played Worf.
Amy Harrington: Very cool. Well thank you both for your time today, we
appreciate it.
Eddie McClintock: Thank you so much.
Joanne Kelly: Thank you.
Eddie McClintock: Worf is a Klingon from Star Trek Next Gen.
Joanne Kelly: (Unintelligible), British actor?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah. Hello?
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of April MacIntyre with
Monsters and Critics.
Eddie McClintock: No.
Joanne Kelly: No April.
Eddie McClintock: No April MacIntyres.
April MacIntyre: Well you know what’s interesting, I spoke to you guys
two NBC press days ago and you were both very nervous about this show.
You were doing a panel and presenting it to the TV critics and you were
like yeah, what do you think? What did you think of it? And here you
have this huge hit.
Eddie McClintock: When was this? At the PCAs?
April MacIntyre: Yeah it was NBC Press Day in Pasadena at the Langham.
You were there.
Eddie McClintock: Oh right, okay, sure.
April MacIntyre: Yeah and I spoke to you out on the lawn and you were
like what did you think of it and I was like I really liked it and you
were like - you were questioning everyone and grilling everyone. You
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, I mean, yeah.
Joanne Kelly: I don’t think it had come out yet. Was it out?
April MacIntyre: Yeah no, you guys were promoting it. Definitely I spoke
to Eddie, it might not - no it was both of you. Yeah you were there and
with the show.
Eddie McClintock: And it had already aired?
April MacIntyre: No the screen had been sent out, it was prior to air
Joanne Kelly: Well, you know, you make these things in a bubble, right?
The show, you have no idea how anyone is going to respond to it. I mean,
you don’t even know what it’s going to be until you see it.
April MacIntyre: I know.
Joanne Kelly: Until the episodes had actually starting airing, right? I
mean, I saw a few episodes but I had no - you can’t really get - I can
never get a sense of it so it’s kind of like you go in there blind. And
when people respond to it of course I think there is an element of
surprise, you know what I mean? Because you have no idea. I mean, it
really is such a subjective thing as well, you know?
April MacIntyre: Right.
Eddie McClintock: For me this is my fifth series, my tenth pilot, so,
you know, to have somebody actually, you know, I’m so wanting for the
show to be a success especially because, you know, I really like the
show and to have somebody go, I mean, when the reviews started coming in
and like there were eight good reviews to every bad review, I was just
shocked. And then the numbers came in and I still didn’t believe, you
know, because I’ve been on a show before that I thought was a hit and
then we got cancelled.
Joanne Kelly: Did you buy a car when you thought it was a hit?
Eddie McClintock: Well yeah, I was on a show in ’99 with Tony Shaloub
and Neil Patrick Harris called Stark Raving Mad and we won the People’s
Choice award so, you know, I bought a Porsche and not a boxer.
Joanne Kelly: Why would you buy a Porsche?
Eddie McClintock: It was like a 911.
Joanne Kelly: He’s very impractical this one.
Eddie McClintock: Because I have a very small penis. I’m Irish and it’s
cold there.
Joanne Kelly: It’s cold here, cold all the time, cold all the time.
Eddie McClintock: So, you know, to have people say nice things about
something that we work so hard to make good is...
Joanne Kelly: To make good?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, to make good.
April MacIntyre: Sure, sure. Wow this is going to be an awesome
Eddie McClintock: I wouldn’t say we decide to make it well.
April MacIntyre: My question for you guys, I’m really curious about -
you’ve got such an interesting array of guest stars. I mean, you know,
gosh, Lindsay Wagner, Rene, Paula Garces.
Joanne Kelly: I love Renee.
April MacIntyre: Can you tell us - can you give us a little bit of
insight on who is doing what? I know that, you know, we - the Star Wars
- oh help me, his name is Faran, Faran Tahir. He has also joined your
cast. Can you tell us who is doing what on Warehouse 13?
Joanne Kelly: No we can’t. It’s a secret, you have to watch to find out.
Eddie McClintock: I know that they have released the fact that Jaime or
Jaime, Jaime Somers -- Lindsay Wagner plays the warehouse doctor so she
has already been in one episode and I know she’s coming back to do
another episode. Tia Carrere plays kind of a lost love interest for
Joanne Kelly: A lost love interest?
Eddie McClintock: Because they never - I don’t know if they ever...
Joanne Kelly: Actually consummated the relationship?
Eddie McClintock: I don’t know if they ever...
Joanne Kelly: I think they consummated it bunches.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah well there’s a lot of...
Joanne Kelly: But that’s just Myka’s point of view.
Eddie McClintock: A whole lot of consummating going on. Paula Garces of
course plays...
Joanne Kelly: Another, yet another love interest.
Eddie McClintock: Love interest for Pete.
Joanne Kelly: There are so many love interests.
Eddie McClintock: They hooked me up pretty good this year.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah they kind of left me out to dry.
Eddie McClintock: Rene Auberjonois plays a love interest for Myka.
Joanne Kelly: Yes, Rene is sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy man.
April MacIntyre: Interesting.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah. And it’s awesome man, you know, I get to see all
these people who, you know, I grew up watching, I mean, Rene and
Joanne Kelly: And Rene and Lindsay are both lovely, lovely, lovely human
beings and Faran.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, we’ve had really great experiences with
everybody. And I think that...
Joanne Kelly: We’ve been lucky.
Eddie McClintock: You know, I think that what - we welcome them to the
show, you know, I mean we...
Joanne Kelly: We both know what it’s like to come in and have a stint on
a show and not know anyone and have people in a definite rhythm and I
think that both Eddie and I and our producers and everyone really tries
to make the set a very open and welcoming place for everybody.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah.
Joanne Kelly: A place where you can like really create and dig your
teeth in and that you feel free to make choices and that free to create
on I think is important to both of us.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah there’s not a lot of stress on the set.
April MacIntyre: Right, right. Last question for you both. Okay what is
the prop or the artifact that you guys play with that you annoy the crap
with the Art Department and they’re like put it down, don’t touch it.
Which prop, which artifact?
Joanne Kelly: Oh that’s more of an Eddie question.
Eddie McClintock: No I...
Joanne Kelly: He tries to break stuff. He tries breaking down the door,
it’s like 3:00 in the morning, he has to break down a door. He actually
tries to break - I’m like do you understand if you actually break the
door we have to build a new door and reset it and we will be here until
6:00 am. He continues to try to break the door.
Eddie McClintock: Well how many times do you get kind of permission to
kick a door as hard as you can?
Joanne Kelly: A lot in the show. We get lots of time.
Eddie McClintock: Anytime I get an opportunity to kick the door or to
slam into something, you know, I like to break it. It looks real.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah, he just likes to break it, not because it looks
Eddie McClintock: Last year Joanne threw me through the wall.
Joanne Kelly: Oh I didn’t really throw you through the - well I kind of
Eddie McClintock: She had her hands on me and I kind of threw myself
Joanne Kelly: No I threw you through the wall.
Eddie McClintock: Okay she threw me. And so, you know, they worry that
I’m going to break other things.
Joanne Kelly: Well I do all the stunts.
Eddie McClintock: On my body instead of the props per se.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah Eddie likes to break his body.
Eddie McClintock: Right and I like to break dance.
April MacIntyre: Thank you both very much.
Eddie McClintock: Oh thank you, thank you.
Joanne Kelly: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Earl Dittman with
Wireless Magazines. Please go ahead.
Joanne Kelly: Hi Earl.
Earl Dittman: Hi, y’all are having a great time. Y’all are just having a
good time, I just love listening to y’all and hearing y’all.
Joanne Kelly: Oh thanks Earl.
Eddie McClintock: Earl where are you from?
Earl Dittman: I’m from Texas.
Eddie McClintock: Oh because I hear the y’all in there and I know my
Earl Dittman: The twang. Yeah the y’all gives it away.
Eddie McClintock: My wife is from Corpus.
Earl Dittman: What? Are you from Corpus?
Eddie McClintock: My wife.
Earl Dittman: Oh well tell her hi from another Texan. I have to say I
watched the show all last season, I fell in love with it, and then I got
the box set this past week and watched the whole thing in one whole day
and fell in love with it again and thought what is it about this show
that’s so great and it’s just a very magical, well acted, well written
And I could only imagine that each day that you go into work or each
time you get a script are you surprised by some of the things that you
do or each time you get a new episode? I mean, does this still surprise
you as much as it does us, both of you?
Joanne Kelly: Yeah, every time I get a script it scares the living
daylights out of me with what they have planned sometimes. There is
never a dull moment Earl, never a dull moment.
Eddie McClintock: To me it’s like Christmas, you know, it’s like opening
a present before, you know, sneaking and opening a present because I’m
like oh what do I get to play - I get to do that? I get to break a door
because I love breaking doors.
Joanne Kelly: What is it with doors today?
Eddie McClintock: And, you know, it’s really a lot of fun, man, you
know, because we get to do so many different things on the show.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah and this season, the second season, is even...
Eddie McClintock: Even more so.
Joanne Kelly: Even more so like I’m even more scared to pick up my
scripts this year than I was last year so they have a lot planned Earl.
Earl Dittman: Well - go ahead.
Eddie McClintock: The show has gotten bigger, better, faster, and
funnier I think.
Joanne Kelly: Bigger, better, faster, stronger.
Earl Dittman: And that’s interesting because everyone - the buzz is that
everyone knows to watch the show. It’s become this phenomenon, you know.
Joanne Kelly: Well I think, you know, we’ve been really, really lucky
too, I mean, the network really pushed us last year and Syfy has been
really great about promoting the show and I think they really put it out
Eddie McClintock: Yeah we’re on billboards this year. Our faces are on
Earl Dittman: Wow.
Joanne Kelly: And I think...
Eddie McClintock: Which is very exciting for me.
Joanne Kelly: Very exciting for Eddie. But I think that, you know, the
audience response has been so good and I think that, you know, they have
just continued to push it and everybody is real proud and I think the
show this year, everyone has really done their darnedest to deliver.
Because the audience - for the audience, you know.
Earl Dittman: Yeah.
Eddie McClintock: I think the writers, you know, because last year when
we did the pilot, you know, the pilot is much thinner on the comedy than
subsequent episodes because I think when we did the pilot at that point
we were still going is this a funny show, is it supposed to be funny?
And then when they used that line about I made cookies and then when
Pete goes ooh and then that kind of became the tag for the show, I think
it let everybody know including the network and the writers and everyone
that, you know, we were really going to - we were also going to have a
good time and not take ourselves too seriously and I think that’s
Joanne Kelly: You think that came from the cookie line?
Eddie McClintock: I mean, that’s just, I mean, for me it’s just...
Joanne Kelly: I’m just kidding.
Eddie McClintock: It became kind of a metaphor for the evolution of the
Joanne Kelly: I think that is a good metaphor for the evolution of the
Eddie McClintock: Yeah. And so, you know, I think that the writers
really have found an amazing line to walk in regards to being able to
have a very well written, well done, dramatic moment and then in the
same scene there is a big comedy beat. And then in the next beat we’re
on a chase.
Earl Dittman: Oh exactly.
Eddie McClintock: And so I think it keeps the viewer off balance, it
kind of keeps me as an actor off balance, and I think it helps keep the
show fresh.
Earl Dittman: Yeah, that’s what it is, fresh. Before I let y’all go,
I’ll make it really quick, ideally you’d love to work on a show for 15,
20 years. But do you see kind of like a point where you’d like to see
Warehouse 13 get to at least what season before the show starts to go
stale? Or it may not go stale, I mean, look at ER and stuff like that.
Eddie McClintock: You know, I mean, if you see the shots of the
warehouse, the warehouse is massive. I mean, it goes on for...
Earl Dittman: Forever.
Eddie McClintock: For miles.
Joanne Kelly: It’s infinite.
Eddie McClintock: And so, you know, I mean, as far as where the story
can go, as long as they don’t, you know, put me on water skis in an Evel
Knievel outfit and have me jump a shark, you know, I’m still there, I’m
still ready to go. I remember watching that episode and even I at that
age was like what? What are we doing here?
So yeah, I mean, I think as long as you continue to enjoy what we’re
doing and enjoy each other, I’m in, you know. I would like the show to
get moved back to LA, I’m not thrilled that we’re in Toronto just
because my family is in LA, you know.
Earl Dittman: The first season was in LA and now you are in Toronto this
Eddie McClintock: No, last season was here in Toronto as well.
Earl Dittman: Oh, any talk that it might go to LA?
Joanne Kelly: No.
Eddie McClintock: Well, you know, after contract renegotiations and I
have fully blossomed as a, you know, actor type prick, I think I’m going
to, you know, muscle the network into making it move back to LA.
Earl Dittman: Well I hope you get back home and tell your wife to come
back home to Texas every so often.
Eddie McClintock: There you go.
Earl Dittman: Well thank you guys and again I hope you have another
great season. We’ll do our best to get people to watch it because it is
one of the best shows on TV right now.
Joanne Kelly: Thank you so much.
Eddie McClintock: You’re the best, thank you man.
Earl Dittman: Thank you so much.
Joanne Kelly: Thank you so much, we really appreciate that.
Earl Dittman: Thank you.
Eddie McClintock: Bye-bye.
Earl Dittman: Bye-bye.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Curt Wagner with
RedEye. Please go ahead.
Joanne Kelly: Hi Curt.
Eddie McClintock: I’m got a red eye right now Curt.
Curt Wagner: Do you?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah.
Joanne Kelly: Eddie, quiet.
Curt Wagner: Nice to talk to you again.
Eddie McClintock: We met didn’t we?
Curt Wagner: What?
Eddie McClintock: Did we talk the other day?
Curt Wagner: We did, we talked last Thursday or something like that.
Eddie McClintock: The Show Patrol.
Curt Wagner: Right, right, right. Joanne nice talking to you, I’ve never
talked to you before. It’s our first time.
Joanne Kelly: Who me?
Eddie McClintock: That’s a good dude.
Joanne Kelly: Oh hi Curt.
Curt Wagner: Hi. Well Eddie, last week and earlier this call you talked
about how the two of you, your relationship is a lot like Pete and
Myka’s relationship so it got me thinking, could each of you describe
how the other one is like their character?
Eddie McClintock: Why don’t you go first Jo?
Joanne Kelly: Why? I don’t want to.
Eddie McClintock: All right, I’ll go first. You know, I am impulsive.
Joanne Kelly: Wait, we’re supposed to describe how the other one is like
their character, not how you are like your character. Is that correct
Curt Wagner: That is correct.
Eddie McClintock: So how is Joanne like her character?
Joanne Kelly: That’s why I wanted you to go first so I could get you
Eddie McClintock: You know the expression don’t get your panties in a
bunch Priscilla?
Curt Wagner: Yeah.
Eddie McClintock: That’s kind of...
Curt Wagner: Not the Priscilla part but yes.
Eddie McClintock: A one-liner for JoJo. And she’s really tall. So Myka
is tall and Joanne is - Myka has very long legs and so does Joanne, Myka
is very pretty and so is Joanne. You know...
Joanne Kelly: Curt you should ask us those questions separately when
we’re both not in the room.
Eddie McClintock: I see Joanne as a right brain, more of a right brain
thinker and I think Myka is the same way. Myka is smart, Joanne is very,
very smart. And Myka wants to give Pete all the money in her bank
account and so Joanne wants to give Eddie all the money in her bank
account. And go.
Joanne Kelly: I think everything you need to know you’ve just heard.
Curt Wagner: All right. Is that it? All right so they’re both jokers,
Joanne Kelly: Yeah. You know, I’m a big believer that every character
you play you take a little piece of you and you just kind of run with
it. In this case I think the writers tend to write for who they think we
are as people and what we bring to work and I think, you know, I’m very
focused at work and very practical and very problem solving and that is
who Myka is. And Eddie is five years old.
Eddie McClintock: You can say it.
Joanne Kelly: He’s five years old. But that’s - and that’s what is so
Eddie McClintock: I know you are but what am I?
Joanne Kelly: Five years old. I think there’s a lightness and a real
love of what he does and a real, you know, mischievousness that makes
it, you know, mentally watchable. So I think that, you know, kind of my
stick up the assedness and his...
Eddie McClintock: You made up a word.
Joanne Kelly: And his, you know, lightness and kind of craziness, we
allow each other to take that to the nth degree.
Eddie McClintock: You know, it’s like this. When you’re working and
you’re shooting for 15 hours a day it’s hard to hide behind a character.
It’s at least for me it’s like if I had to try and fool someone with
this character for this amount of time I don’t know, maybe it’s because
maybe I’m not that great of an actor.
So instead of trying to play act some character or be someone else, I
mean, I pretty much just think well how would I say that, how would I
react to that, and let that - and sometimes it works and sometimes it
doesn’t and when it doesn’t work Jack, our EP comes - he will come and
say, you know, maybe you should change that.
And there’s other times when, you know, I mean, when I just figure
because I’m not in certain circumstances that Pete and Myka end up in
that I just assume how would an adult act and then I just try and do
that. Anyway.
Curt Wagner: All right, all right thanks. One follow-up question.
Joanne, Eddie told me last week that superhero suit you have to wear I
think in the second episode, that he was kind of mad he didn’t get to
wear it. He thought his butt would look - have looked a lot better.
Eddie McClintock: Ooh, did I say that? I must have been drunk.
Joanne Kelly: No.
Eddie McClintock: She had a pretty nice booty.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah my bum is pretty good.
Eddie McClintock: She works out pretty well.
Joanne Kelly: I work out hard. But Eddie’s is a little on the flat side.
It’s a little flat in some places.
Eddie McClintock: Thank you.
Joanne Kelly: But maybe if we pulled it up into a wedgy like apparatus
that would have been the most flattering.
Eddie McClintock: My ass has more dimples than a Titlist, okay?
Curt Wagner: All right, well thanks guys. Look forward to seeing you at
Joanne Kelly: Thank you, thank you, have a nice day.
Eddie McClintock: See you man.
Curt Wagner: Bye-bye.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jenny Rarden with
Jenny Rarden: Hi guys.
Eddie McClintock: I like that one.
Jenny Rarden: Eddie I’ve talked to you on Twitter several times.
Eddie McClintock: Of course, yeah.
Jenny Rarden: You know me as (unintelligible) on there.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah yeah, I just saw today. You were going to speak.
You have that cool little icon. How are you?
Jenny Rarden: I’m good, thanks. Well I have a couple of questions for
you both and I actually have to say first that my 12 year old son is a
huge fan of the show. We all watch it as a family and when I told him
this morning that I was going to be speaking to you guys he was like I’m
so jealous.
Eddie McClintock: Oh that’s amazing, that’s amazing.
Joanne Kelly: That was very cute, yeah.
Jenny Rarden: So my first question is are you surprised - are you guys
surprised that it’s such a hit with such a variety of ages?
Eddie McClintock: Am I surprised? Well like we said earlier, I’m always
surprised when something is a hit. I mean, the fact that viewers have
400 channels to look at and they need to have - the show needs to be an
immediate success or the networks, you know, they kill the show. So I’m
surprised that it’s a big hit.
Am I surprised that it’s a hit with such a wide audience? No I think
that was kind of our - certainly it was my hopes that, you know, the
show could be a show that would bring a family together, you know, like
something that everybody could like say okay, you make the popcorn, I’ll
get the blankets, you turn the lights down, I’ll get, you know, and
everybody sits and watches it and the next day at the breakfast table
they could talk about the show.
Or, you know, I mean, I know it’s kind of an old - it may be like I
don’t even know if people - families sit down for breakfast anymore but,
you know, it’s kind of an old fashioned notion. But it just seems like
maybe it would be nice to get back to that.
You know, I know there were shows like that in the past and we used to
do that when I was a kid. We’d watch the Night Stalker, you know, Cold
Shack and everybody would get a little creeped out and I used to have
such a - it’s just such a great memory for me as a kid.
And if I can create those kind of memories for some other kid that has
an overactive imagination like I seemed to have when I was a kid then
that would be amazing. That’s kind of the dream come true for me. Jo?
Jenny Rarden: Yeah well, I mean, we definitely do that as a family. We
enjoy it and enjoy talking about it after. So my second question is can
you guys think of any artifact -- well I mean make up of course -- that
hasn’t been on the show yet that you’d like to see?
Eddie McClintock: Well, you know, I’ve kind of been saying that I’d love
to have Janis Joplin’s backstage pass from Woodstock and whoever held
this backstage pass could go to any concert through time. And so it
would allow me to go back and see, you know, early Beatles or go see
Black Sabbath or the Doors or Credence and all this music that my dad
exposed me to as a kid that I never was able to see live.
You know, like I was supposed to go see Led Zeppelin when I was in like
the 8th or 9th grade and then John Bonham died and I never was able to.
And they’ve been, you know, for me music is such a huge part of my life
and I use songs as like memory triggers, you know, so a lot of my
memories of being a kid and growing up are associated with different
songs. So it would be the backstage Janis Joplin laminate pass from
Jenny Rarden: And Joanne, do you have anything?
Joanne Kelly: Yeah, you know, if I could meet one person dead or alive
it would be Shakespeare so we already did Edgar Allen Poe’s pen so I
think it would be uninventive of me to say that. Maybe like Shakepeare’s
hat or Shakespeare’s - something so I could meet him.
Eddie McClintock: Shakespeare’s codpiece.
Joanne Kelly: No.
Jenny Rarden: All right, thank you guys very much.
Eddie McClintock: All right thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Joseph Dilworth with
Pop Culture Zoo. Please go ahead.
Joanne Kelly: Hello.
Joseph Dilworth: Hey guys, thank you for your time today.
Eddie McClintock: JD, what’s up brother?
Joseph Dilworth: Nothing much, how’s it going?
Eddie McClintock: Good, we’ve spoken before.
Joseph Dilworth: We have, we spoke last year and we do the Twitter
Eddie McClintock: Nice, nice, good to hear from you man.
Joseph Dilworth: Yeah thanks. My first question is considering all the
past, you know, warehouse operatives have essentially left the job due
to being killed, is that something that’s in the back of the minds of
Pete and Myka and does that affect them at all going into Season 2?
Eddie McClintock: You know, I think that Pete never really allows
himself to go there. Again I think part of his defense mechanism in
regards to having those kind of thoughts are - his defense mechanism is
his arrested development, the state of arrested development that he
tends to live in. But, you know, put him in a serious situation and you
would want no one else, you know, backing you up.
But, you know, from the time that his father died at a young age Pete
has used his sense of humor as a way to escape and I think that’s what
he does in regards to any kind of thoughts of being killed. And, you
know, he’s a brave guy at heart and I don’t think that he’s all that
concerned about that as long as he can die nobly and help the world and
help his friends.
Joanne Kelly: I think Myka is - it’s quite the opposite for her. I mean,
in Season 1 we see her having already lost a partner which I think comes
from a lot of the mask that we see in Season 1, the kind of obsessive
personality, the need for control, the need for structure.
I think that death is something that her partner’s death and her lover’s
death was something that affected her and I think that’s why she holds
onto everything so tightly and why she’s so regimented and has such
structure in her life is because that’s something that she lives with
every day and the fear of that happening again is a driving force behind
her character. And I think that’s very much where her seriousness comes
Joseph Dilworth: Cool. And as just a quick follow-up, last season we got
to see - we got to meet Myka’s parents to get more of an insight into
her background. Do we get to get any more on Pete’s background this
Eddie McClintock: In regards to his parents, no. You know, I think we
kind of - we touch on Pete’s alcoholism and we touch on, you know, his
military history, he’s a former Marine. And, you know, that was a thing
that I kind of - that I really wanted. I wanted him to be an ex former
Marine. I thought that it kind of - it lent more credibility to - it
gave Pete some gravitas.
And it was a good opportunity for me to kind of give a shout out to all
the people in the armed forces who are - who have lived and died and
continue to fight for our country. That’s just the way I kind of grew up
so that was important for me. And so yeah, I think we continue to find
out more and more about all the characters throughout the show.
Joseph Dilworth: Awesome, well thank you very much guys. I’m looking
forward to the rest of Season 2 and keeping fingers crossed for Season
Eddie McClintock: Thanks man.
Joanne Kelly: Thank you, thank you so much.
Joseph Dilworth: Thanks.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Troy Rogers with
Troy Rogers: Hi Eddie, hi Joanne.
Eddie McClintock: Troy, what’s up?
Joanne Kelly: Hi Troy.
Troy Rogers: I’m sitting up here in Vancouver in the rain.
Joanne Kelly: Groovy, yea.
Eddie McClintock: We’re in Toronto in the heat and humidity so trade
Troy Rogers: Sure, I’ll take it. Many fans want Pete and Myka to hook up
which probably won’t happen so I want to know how would any other love
interest work in relation to the job that they have?
Joanne Kelly: Well how does any love interest work in relation to the
Eddie McClintock: They tend to not work out.
Joanne Kelly: They tend to not work out. You know, I think that the
truth of this is we see two people who are consumed by their profession
and who are trying to develop relationships both within the warehouse
and without. I mean, one of the things that I think makes this so
interesting is that not only is it fantastical and not only do you have
really cool artifacts and such but it’s the relationships in the show
that is the heart of the show.
And I think as we explore that, as we continue to explore the
relationships between the people in the warehouse and their attempts to
form relationships outside of the warehouse which I think you’ll see in
Season 2, you see how, you know, as in - as reflected by life that
conflicts into. I mean, career and love in life as it is in the
warehouse I think is very different and I think we see a lot of people
struggle with that this season.
Eddie McClintock: And I think, you know, some people realize that
they’re just better as friends, you know. So it’s almost like I think
they realize they’re really so different from each other that they’re
better - they better serve one another as friends. No? I don’t know. So,
you know, Pete almost goes to Myka and, you know, Myka I think - my back
story is like Myka would be, you know, Myka would be the first one to
try and help Pete, you know, hook up with some chick that she thought
that was good enough for him.
Joanne Kelly: Which would be no one.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, exactly.
Troy Rogers: So and what does the Eureka crossover mean for the show?
Eddie McClintock: Well, I mean, I think that Eureka has such a great
following, you know. I think it will be great for our show. You know, we
went to Comicon last year and their panel was just enormous and I was
just blown away. I really had no idea that the show is that popular.
Joanne Kelly: It’s such a great bunch of people and actors as well, like
a really talented cast, really nice cast.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah, yeah.
Joanne Kelly: And a lot of them are Canadian as well. I’m Canadian so
that makes me happy.
Eddie McClintock: We won’t hold that against them.
Joanne Kelly: He’s in Vancouver.
Eddie McClintock: I know. But, you know, I think it will be good for
both shows man. And I think that it kind of opens up the door for maybe
Pete to end up on Sanctuary or, you know, I don’t know if - I don’t know
what would happen if Pete ended up on Caprica. I don’t know what they
would make of him there.
But, you know, I think it’s great. It’s - Syfy has a great way of
sharing the casts between shows and they don’t worry too much about it
and they actually encourage it so I think it’s cool.
Troy Rogers: True. One more quick thing Eddie. Was it by design or
coincidence that Pete has a weakness for cookies and Artie loves to bake
Eddie McClintock: It was kind of in the script. I think it was one of
those things that just kind of happened and then they were like ooh,
let’s make that a thing, you know. I don’t really think it was by
design, I think it was just one of those lucky little coincidences that
occurred on the set, you know, which we’re thankful for because I do
like cookies.
Joanne Kelly: He likes sugar but he’s quit eating sugar. I’m very proud
of him.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah I don’t eat sugar at all during the week because,
you know.
Joanne Kelly: But he used to, he used to eat so much he’d make his belly
Eddie McClintock: Yeah my belly would.
Troy Rogers: All right guys.
Joanne Kelly: Gumballs.
Eddie McClintock: All right, all right.
Troy Rogers: Thanks guys, good luck.
Eddie McClintock: Yeah not to go off on a sugar tangent there.
Gary Morganstein: We have time for one more question so we could let
Eddie and Joanne get back to filming their wonderful series.
Operator: Our last question then comes from the line of Ian Cullen with
Sci-Fi Pulse. Please go ahead.
Joanne Kelly: Hi Ian.
Eddie McClintock: Hey Ian.
Ian Cullen: Hi guys. I had a question about some of the guest stars.
You’ve got Lindsay Wagner from Bionic Woman, we’ve got Sean Mayer from
Firefly. Are we going to see any sort of playful references to those
shows in the new series when it comes out?
Eddie McClintock: Not to Firefly and I don’t know if we have any
references to Bionic Woman in the show.
Joanne Kelly: Other than the person who plays the Bionic Woman.
Eddie McClintock: Right, right.
Joanne Kelly: Which is enough isn’t it?
Eddie McClintock: But, you know, we reference so - there are so many
nods to so many different shows.
Joanne Kelly: This is true.
Eddie McClintock: And a lot of times, you know, we’ll be nodding at a
show and I’ll be like what show is this again? And sometimes I won’t
know it and but it’s great. I think it’s great for the fans, I think
it’s great for the old fans and for the new fans but I don’t think - it
doesn’t alienate the people that don’t get it. They still make it funny
whether you are a fan of that particular show or not. So even though we
don’t necessarily reference the shows that the guest stars, there are
plenty of other show references.
Ian Cullen: And I’ve got one more question if it’s okay.
Eddie McClintock: Sure.
Ian Cullen: I’m just wondering as actors how much actual input do you
guys actually have in regards to the characterization of - do you
actually get to talk to the writers if you feel that something isn’t say
true to the character in your point of view?
Eddie McClintock: Yeah absolutely, I mean, I think the writers - no one
really truly knows the characters better than we do I guess at the end
of the day even though they write the words for us. And if there is a -
if we have a problem basically we’ll ask, you know, what do you think
about this and then generally what happens is they will say well just
try it as written and then we’ll do it your way too so we’ll have both.
So that way everybody kind of is satisfied in that regard.
Joanne Kelly: Yeah and, I mean, at the beginning of each season, you
know, because we are in Toronto we actually go and have a sit down with
the writers, all of us, and they tell us what they’re planning for the
season and we all talk about it. Not a lot of shows do that.
And they’ve been - the writers room is so great because they’re so open
to suggestion and they’re so open to any ideas that either Eddie, I,
Saul, Allison, anyone really has. And they really - I think it’s part of
what makes the show so great is that kind of openness towards any ideas,
our ideas or, you know, anyone else’s.
Eddie McClintock: Hey thank you so much you guys.
Joanne Kelly: Thanks everyone.
Eddie McClintock: For the interest. Man, I hope that...
Joanne Kelly: Have a wonderful afternoon.
Eddie McClintock: I hope that you guys enjoy the show and we’ll try not
to let anyone down.
Gary Morganstein: You won’t. Tuesday, July 6 at 9:00, Warehouse 13
returning. Thank you Eddie, Jo, and thanks everyone for being on the
Joanne Kelly: Thanks guys.
Eddie McClintock: Thanks guys.
Gary Morganstein: Take care.
Eddie McClintock: Thanks JoJo.
* "The Return" Promo -
* "Pisa" Promo -
* Myka Sneak Peek -
* Claudia Sneak Peek -
* Pete Sneak Peek -
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