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Interview with contestants of "The
Voice" on
NBC 3/11/15
Moderator: Shauna Wynne
March 11, 2015
1:00 pm CT
Operator: Welcome to The Voice advancing artists press and
media conference call. During the presentation, all
participants will be in a listen-only mode. Afterwards, we
will conduct a question and answer session. At that time, if
you have a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on
your telephone. If at any time during the conference you
need to reach an operator, please press Star 0.
As a reminder, this conference is being recorded Wednesday,
March 11, 2015. I would now like to turn the conference over
to Shauna Wynne with Voice Publicity. Please go ahead.
Shauna Wynne: Hi everyone, thanks for joining today’s
conference call with The Voice’s advancing artists. If you’d
like a transcript of this call, please email me at
Joining us today from Team Adam we have Nathan Hermida,
Blaze Johnson, Deanna Johnson, Joshua Davis, and Tonya
From Team Blake we have Travis Ewing, Meghan Linsey, Sarah
Potenza, and Brian Johnson.
From Team Christina we have Sonic and Joe Tolo.
And from Team Pharrell we have Hannah Kirby, Paul Pfau, and
Mia Z.
Out of respect for all reporters queuing up, please only ask
one question at a time. You will then have the option to
queue up for additional questions. And if you’re asking a
question to the group, please indicate who you’d like to
answer first. And I’ll now turn the call over to the
question and answer.
Operator: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to
register for a question, please press the 1 followed by the
4 on your telephone. You will hear a three-tone prompt to
acknowledge your request.
If your question has been answered and you would like to
withdraw your registration, please press the 1 followed by
the 3. If you are using a speakerphone, please lift your
handset before entering your request.
Our first question comes from the line of Joshua Maloney
from Niagara Frontier Publications. Please proceed.
Joshua Maloney: Thank you. I’m sorry, did you say is Ashley
on the call or no?
Shauna Wynne: Ashley is not on the call.
Joshua Maloney: Okay. My question is for Hannah. Hannah, how
are you doing today?
Hannah Kirby: I’m good. How are you?
Joshua Maloney: Good. Obviously you were very good in the
blind audition, but when we saw you in the battles, the
coaches, I mean, they were practically, you know, stomping
over each other to get you on their team. They were very,
very impressed with you. What sort of did you learn or what
sort of process did you go through would you say to have the
improvement that we saw from the blind audition to the
battle round?
Hannah Kirby: Well, Sarah and I just - we worked really hard
on the song. And I think just spending so much time on both
of us wanting to be in sync, like we both wanted it to be so
good, not only for ourselves but for each other, so that the
battle would be the best that it could be. And I think just
all of that work just turned out a really fantastic product
for both of us.
Joshua Maloney: Okay. Thank you very much.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jonny
Reinhardt with WCXT. Please proceed.
Jonny Reinhardt: So this question is for Brian, Brian
Johnson. Now you were competing against Joshua Davis,
playing guitar and performing a song that seemed to be in
his wheelhouse, Knocking on Heaven’s Door, but you guys
definitely held your own. How do you feel about, you know,
still being on Team Blake now and Joshua being on Team Adam?
Do you think that gives you guys an advantage or gives
Joshua an advantage?
Brian Johnson: Well, I mean, the song in general we were
both really happy with. You know, Knocking on Heaven’s Door,
Bob Dylan is a very simple, you know, solid song. And we
just worked really hard to make it the best song it could
be, like Hannah was saying earlier.
You know, for both of us we went into this thinking the end
goal has to be that one of us wins and one of us gets stolen
and that was kind of our mindset from the get go. And I
think that Joshua would agree that, like, it worked out best
for both parties in this situation. And I think Adam was
such a good spot for Joshua. And I mean, like I have loved
working with Blake and I’m excited about, you know, working
with him in the knockout rounds as well.
Jonny Reinhardt: Awesome.
Operator: All right. And we have Cody Wickline from Team
Blake that has joined us. Our next question comes from the
line of Al Howard from WKEY. Please proceed.
Al Howard: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This
question is for Cody. Cody, Big Al here from Covington,
Virginia. I talked to you a couple of weeks ago via phone.
Congratulations on your win last night over Matt.
Cody Wickline: Thanks man, I appreciate it. How are you
Al Howard: I’m doing really well and How Country Feels
seemed to be a good start for you with the battles. I think
you’re winning over all the ladies last night, especially
with Christina Aguilera.
Cody Wickline: Yes, that’s pretty awesome. Yes, it really
Al Howard: Well congratulations, congratulations.
Cody Wickline: Thank you.
Al Howard: My question is this. Now that you’ve made it
through the first round of the battles, where do you go from
Cody Wickline: Well now, you know, it goes to the knockout
round and everything and so that means, you know, we’ll be
paired up again and - but this time, you know, we’ll do
individual songs. So that’s what happens next.
Al Howard: Any idea what your next song will be?
Shauna Wynne: He’ll have to wait to answer that one until
the next round.
Cody Wickline: Yes, I can’t answer that.
Al Howard: I’m sorry, that’s twofold. I’m sorry. I’ll get
you on the next round, thanks Cody.
Cody Wickline: That’s all right. Thank you.
Operator: All right. So our next question comes from the
line of Steve Gidlow with hngn.com. Please proceed.
Steve Gidlow: This is for Sonic. I just wondered if you
thought you had it in the bag at the end of that competition
or did you kind of feel this could be it.
Sonic: Wow. I don’t know, honestly. I was really struggling
in rehearsals so I honestly didn’t - I didn’t really know at
that point. I just wanted to get up there and kind of give
it my all and leave it all on the stage. And I worked
really, really hard with that song and it ended up working
out for me. But, you know, I like to stay pretty humble and
just go into it with a positive mindset.
Steve Gidlow: Cool. Thank you.
Sonic: Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register
for a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. Our next question comes from the line of Al
Howard with WKEY. Please proceed.
Al Howard: Let’s go back to Cody again. Cody, question. What
will be your next song in the knockout round?
Cody Wickline: I can’t answer that right now.
Al Howard: Okay.
Cody Wickline: I’m not allowed.
Al Howard: Can I ask another question then?
Cody Wickline: Sure.
Al Howard: Can I ask another quick question? The question is
Blake Shelton, I believe, is very much a Cody Wickline fan.
He made that very aware last night. How does that make you
feel to know that you’ve got a superstar on your side?
Cody Wickline: It makes you feel - it’s really surreal that
you’ve got somebody as big as Blake Shelton that has got
your back and really believes in you, you know. It’s
unbelievable, you know. I never thought I would actually
make it this far. And to have, you know - for me to be able
to make it this far and then to have somebody like Blake
kind of in my corner, on my side it’s really - it’s
remarkable. It really is.
Al Howard: Thank you Cody.
Cody Wickline: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Earl
Dittman with Digital Journal. Please proceed.
Earl Dittman: Hey guys, congratulations everybody. All my
favorites made it through. It’s fantastic.
Man: Thank you.
Woman: Thanks.
Woman: Thank you.
Earl Dittman: Yes you all deserve it man, it was incredible
to watch last night. Travis, of course, you looked like
there for a minute you were not going to make it but then
Blake just took you at the final second. Did that really
shock you? I mean, were you thinking you were going home?
Travis Ewing: I mean, that was a difficult performance for
me because obviously The Temptations is kind of something
that Anthony has been doing for a really long time and I
hadn’t heard the song before I was given it by Pharrell.
So being on that stage and Pharrell looking at me, you know,
I was accepting my fate. And even though, you know, Blake
had said in his comments that he would have picked me, I
still wasn’t sure that he would be putting up a steal for
that. So yes, I mean, I said my thank yous and my goodbyes
and I started to move forward off the stage and he hit his
button which was - I think you could probably see it in my
face. I was pretty surprised and pretty relieved.
Earl Dittman: Yes, well now you’ve got some Motown soul in
you now.
Travis Ewing: Yes a little bit. I learned something new for
Earl Dittman: Well Paul, also yesterday we talked about Lyle
Lovett. I did listen to it again. I almost have to agree
with you. But were you a big Beatles fan before you did
this; before the song last night?
Paul Pfau: Oh, of course I was a big Beatles fan. Like I
said in the - you know, in my interview on the show, like
that - one of the first moments I ever had that inspired me
to really want to start playing guitar and even playing -
even singing was listening to that exact song in my dad’s
And so to be able to play that on national TV with one of my
best friends, Meghan Linsey, you know, that was like one of
the coolest moments so far. I mean, it was - yes, I just
hope I made Paul McCartney proud. I hope he’s not mad at me.
Earl Dittman: If you had a chance of doing a Beatles song,
is there one you would like to do?
Paul Pfau: Oh man, there’s a hundred I’d like to do. There’s
so many. While My Guitar Gently Weeps would probably be a
good tune for me because like I said I’m a guitar player, I
love shredding, I love that bluesier kind of sound and
Clapton was the guitar player on that recording and he’s one
of my favorites. So I would love to do that. That would be
super cool.
Earl Dittman: Great. Well thanks, guys. I’ll get back in
line. Thank you much.
Paul Pfau: Yes, thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register
for a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. Our next question comes from the line of
Elizabeth Collins from RealityWanted. Please proceed.
Elizabeth Collins: Hi, how is it going?
Man: Hi.
Elizabeth Collins: Is Meghan on the line?
Shauna Wynne: Yes.
Elizabeth Collins: Hi Meghan.
Meghan Linsey: Hi, how are you?
Elizabeth Collins: Great, how are you?
Meghan Linsey: I’m good.
Elizabeth Collins: Okay. So you came on The Voice to launch
your solo career and Blake didn’t hit his button at first
and then last night you lost the battle, but then all three
judges hit their buttons to steal you. How did you feel when
that happened?
Meghan Linsey: It was just surreal, you know. It was, you
know - it was cool because Paul - I feel like everybody is
saying this but Paul and I, you know, we worked really hard
on our song, you know, trying to make it really hard for the
judges so that one of us would win and one of us would get
stolen and that was kind of the end goal. So, you know, I’m
glad we accomplished that. And it was really exciting to,
you know, have all three judges want me on their team was
really, really cool.
Elizabeth Collins: That’s awesome. And how did you end up
choosing Blake? Was it because of your personal history with
Meghan Linsey: You know, he said some things that didn’t
really make the episode, but I just felt like he really got
me and was - just really believed in me in that moment and
so I just felt like - I just went with my gut and that was
what felt like the right thing to do.
Elizabeth Collins: That’s great. And Sarah Potenza, are you
Sarah Potenza: Yes, ma’am.
Elizabeth Collins: Okay. You’re selling it this season and I
feel like you don’t believe in yourself as much as other
people do. I mean, I feel like you’re shocked at moments and
now you’re going through to the knockout round. How did you
feel last night after winning that battle which I’ve got to
give kudos to Hannah too because it was unbelievable.
Sarah Potenza: Thank you so much. Well, it’s not that I
don’t believe in myself. I’ve always believed in myself and
I’ve always worked really hard to climb every mountain that
I’ve climbed in my career.
But it’s like every, you know, for every yes that I’ve
heard, there have been like a hundred nos. There have been
like a hundred times that I’ve been disappointed or been
like, you know, I worked so hard and put my all into this
and it was just kind of another more fuel for the fire of
being like - of being, you know, an underdog.
So then to come into this thing on The Voice and then to,
you know, turn four chairs and then to win this battle
against this incredible, incredible singer, it just - it
really was like I really didn’t expect to hear my name
especially after, you know, the coaches all had said so many
great things about both of us, but they really were very,
like, surprised with Hannah’s performance.
And, you know, I really expected it to be like similar
situations that I’ve had in my life where it was like oh,
you know, you did a great job, but for whatever reason we’re
going to go with the other person. And so I just didn’t
expect to hear my name.
Elizabeth Collins: It’s funny because I feel like people
watching did expect to hear your name but we’re only seeing
you now and so we haven’t seen all of the nos that you got
before. So for us it’s like oh my gosh, she is so amazing.
Sarah Potenza: Oh thank you so much.
Elizabeth Collins: You’re welcome. And Hannah, after they
called Sarah’s name for winning the battle, how confident
were you that you were going to get stolen?
Hannah Kirby: Well, like I said earlier, Sarah and I went
into the battle. And I feel like you - to give an amazing
battle you have to go into it thinking okay, whoever loses
is going to get stolen. One of us is going to win and one of
us is going to get stolen. Therefore, you know, we’re both
going to win in a way.
And so I just - I went in there with that belief that no
matter what happened, one of us would be stolen. And so, you
know, after Sarah’s name was called, which - and honestly
she says that she was surprised but I wasn’t surprised, you
know, because I think that we’re both fantastic singers and
it could have been either one of us and our voices are
really different. So it’s just, like, you know, apples and
oranges kind of thing.
But I was just happy to be stolen and I went in there with
the belief that one of us would be stolen. And I kept
believing that while I was standing there. And I think I had
to, you know, or you’re going to break down and be a wreck
and that would not be pretty. So, you know, I kept believing
that and then that belief, you know, came to life.
Sarah Potenza: Yes, I think we both just believed that. From
the very beginning we just were both just like there’s not
going to be like a winner or a loser, there is just going to
be like us doing everything that we can for the sake of the
song to make this, like, an awesome performance, a piece of
art, a piece of, you know, theater on TV and like we just
really worked really hard on the song.
You know, every night for weeks leading up to it we would go
out into the parking lot and practice our choreography, we
would practice the song vocally for like two hours, like,
every day.
We just wanted it to be, like, really incredible and we
wanted us each to leave space for each other to shine so
that, you know - we both have big voices so that there was
space enough for both of us to really make this on our own
and really show off, but also do what was best for the song.
And we just went into it thinking that if we did that,
neither of us could lose no matter what the outcome was.
Operator: And our - we have a question from the line of
Melanie Chapman with WSAZ. Please proceed.
Melanie Chapman: Hey, this question is for Cody Wickline.
Blake talked to you about coming out of your shell on stage.
How are you feeling as you do more on The Voice stage?
Compare your battle round experience to maybe your
experience during your first blind audition.
Cody Wickline: This is Cody. I feel like I was more open and
put a lot more energy into it, you know, kind of coming out
of my shell, you know, getting away from the guitar and kind
of being able to move around and work the stage a little
I really enjoyed that, you know. I kind of - I felt like it
helped me focus more on getting connected with the lyrics
and the performance and kind of helped me put a little bit
more personality into my performance.
Melanie Chapman: Awesome, we thought you did a great job.
Blake made a comment at the end that he had to go with the
gut feeling of where he thinks you can go from here and he
chose you. So what are your thoughts on that, that Blake is
supporting you and may be interested in seeing just how far
he can take you?
Cody Wickline: Yes, I think definitely, you know, from
hearing that I think that, you know, it’s really a blessing,
you know, to be on that stage and it’s even more of a
blessing to have a coach tell you, you know, somebody like
Blake Shelton tell you that he really, you know, he believes
in you basically.
And I really - I think that, you know, regardless of what
may happen as far as the turnout of the show and stuff I
definitely think that me and Blake will be working together
for a long time. You know, he’s got that sincerity in his
voice, you know, when he tells me something and I feel like
he’s really supportive of my career because he believes in
me a lot.
Melanie Chapman: Okay. Thank you. Congrats.
Cody Wickline: All right. Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Jonny
Reinhardt with WCXT. Please proceed.
Jonny Reinhardt: Is Mia around?
Mia Z: Yes, I am here.
Jonny Reinhardt: Okay. So a lot of you guys have a lot of
great coaches and great mentors. I would say though your
team having somebody like Pharrell and Lionel Richie with
their enormous amount of talent but also their years in the
industry. What sort of advice are they giving you not only
about singing a song and being on stage but just the music
industry in general?
Mia Z: They’re both very, very, you know, since they’re that
soul and R&B and that blues so, you know, they definitely
understand it and they get it. So, you know, it was just the
advice of, you know, staying Mia Z and like staying me and
singing from, you know, my heart and going out there on the
stage with Ashley and just, you know, giving it all
together. So basically just that kind of stuff.
Jonny Reinhardt: Awesome.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Steve
Gidlow with hngn.com. Please proceed.
Steve Gidlow: This question is for Ashley. She is there;
Shauna Wynne: Ashley is not on the line.
Steve Gidlow: She is not on the line, okay. Then I’ll jump
back in. Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register
for a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. We have a question from the line of Al Howard
with WKEY. Please proceed.
Al Howard: Last question for Cody Wickline. Cody, last night
during the battle round with Matt did you get any chance, I
guess, at the end of the battle round and after leaving the
stage to talk with Matt to see what he was going to be doing
with the rest of his career?
Cody Wickline: I did, actually. You know, I got to talk to
him for a little while afterwards, you know, because we had
to record and everything together. And, you know, he really
seemed really positive, you know. He said, you know, he said
going into this he said I really - all I wanted was to be
able to have the opportunity to let the, you know, nation
hear my voice basically.
And so, you know, and he’s such a respectful guy, you know,
I mean, as soon as I seen him afterwards he come up and
shook my hand and gave me a big hug. And he just said, you
know, I’ve got your back, brother. He said, I’m supporting
you all the way.
And he still does, you know. We still, you know - we’re
still talking and everything. And I just talked to him last
night, actually. I texted him and - but he seems really -
he’s a real positive guy anyways, you know; he has a real
positive attitude about things. And, you know, I think that
he’ll definitely - I think something good will come out of
all this for him.
You know, he’s a very talented guy and it was a privilege to
get the chance to perform like we did on stage. I mean, you
know, it was really - we went out there and we put on a
really good performance between the both of us and I think
he was really pleased with that, I really do.
Al Howard: You guys sure did. You did a great job and again
congratulations and wishing you the very best for the knock
out rounds. I’ve got a question for Meghan Linsey. Meghan,
Big Al with 103.5 Big Country, Covington, Virginia. How are
you today?
Meghan Linsey: I’m good, how are you?
Al Howard: I’m doing great. We used to play your music a
good bit when you were with Steel Magnolia.
Meghan Linsey: Awesome, thank you.
Al Howard: Love your music and now that you’re breaking out
to do your own thing, I guess it’s a real pleasure to get
back to working with Blake Shelton again.
Meghan Linsey: It is man. He’s awesome so I’m excited to be
on his team. I think he really supports the singers on his
team. And, you know, I think all the coaches are awesome but
I do notice that Blake, you know, in the long run it seems
like he really tries to help out the people on his team. And
so I feel like he’s a sincere guy and it’s good to be on his
Al Howard: Well, you know, with Blake Shelton believing in
the female country artists and knowing that there is a
shortage of female country artists in Nashville today,
you’re pretty much in the catbird seat right now.
Meghan Linsey: Yes, I mean, and I’m experimenting with all
kinds of sounds on the show and everything too but yes
definitely, you know, I’ve made a career in country music
and I love country music and I love writing country songs.
So yes I think I’m in a really good spot on Blake’s team for
Al Howard: Well congratulations again on being stolen last
night by Blake. I’m just sorry that it took him this long to
figure out that you were a great voice for his team.
Meghan Linsey: Thank you so much.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Krista
Chain with The TV MegaSite. Please proceed.
Krista Chain: Yes my question is for Meghan. Were you
disappointed since you had worked with Blake before when he
didn’t press his button the first time?
Meghan Linsey: No I really wasn’t. I was just glad that, you
know, anybody pressed their button. And I actually walked
out there really wanting to be on Pharrell’s team and so it
was really exciting when he turned around for me, you know,
and the other two coaches as well. So yes I was just
thrilled to just get on the show and to be on Pharrell’s
team. And, you know, Blake is awesome but I really, you
know, it wasn’t like a worry for me at all or anything.
Krista Chain: Okay great, congratulations.
Meghan Linsey: Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, to register for a question
please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. We
have a question from the line of Earl Dittman with Digital
Earl Dittman: Hi this is for Tonya. What is the best advice
that you got from Ellie that we didn’t see on the show?
Tonya Boyd-Cannon: Hi, how are you doing?
Earl Dittman: Doing great.
Tonya Boyd-Cannon: Her best advice was everything was
amazing and great advice that she gave me. But the most
important thing was just to never lose who I am as a
vocalist in the song and to relax and just, you know, as
Adam had also agreed with her was just to sing in the pocket
more rhythmically.
So that has been a lesson for me and it continues to be a
lesson to this day. So she is golden for that, her name is
not Ellie Goulding for anything. So she’s golden for that
tool and skill set that she supported me.
Earl Dittman: Yes, that’s great. And Brian what about your
coach, what about Meghan? What did she say to you that maybe
we didn’t see on the show?
Shauna Wynne: Brian, make sure your line is not on mute.
Brian Johnson: That was what happened. Working with Meghan
was incredible. She had so much positive things to say about
Joshua and I. And at one point like, you know, we’re
practicing the song and she made a comment about making sure
that we have emotion in the song so that was my main
intention and Joshua’s main intention when we were
And then, you know, as we get to sing the song to see her
react emotionally to the song, it was just a huge honor to
be able to sing in front of her and to see someone as
successful as Meghan Trainor not just for her popular songs
but she has been in the writing game in Nashville for so
many years and written songs for artists that I look up to.
So just to be able to work with her and to see that she
likes the music and the voice that I’ve been putting out
there is a huge honor.
Earl Dittman: That’s fantastic. Well thanks guys, thanks
again. I appreciate it.
Brian Johnson: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of (Samantha
Boyer) with WBLK230 AM. Please proceed.
Samantha Boyer:: This question is for Tonya Boyd-Cannon.
Tonya Boyd-Cannon: Hi.
Samantha Boyer:: Hey Tonya. Congratulations. I want to take
you back to your blind audition when you first performed on
The Voice, you know, and we were all watching cheering down
here in New Orleans.
But why did you pick Adam and did it have to do with the
fact that he was the first one to push the button? Because I
think there were a lot of people surprised that you sang a
Pharrell song Happy for your blind audition and yet you
chose Adam. Can you talk about that?
Tonya Boyd-Cannon: Sure, sure. That’s the number one
question I get from everyone. Thank you for all the love and
support from New Orleans, you know, back home. Adam, it
wasn’t about the chair being turned first. It was about the
message of who would work, you know, allow me to stay out of
my comfort zone.
And all three coaches, you know, gave their pitch for me to
choose them. However Adam made his comment in his pitch, you
know, Tonya you’re bad, you can sing, you know, you can sing
anything. However, there are some things that we need to
work on with pitch and we need to work on with your rhythm
of singing.
And that spoke to me because I could easily sing something
as far as being in my comfort zone with some soul, some R&B,
some rock, you know, some jazz. However I want someone who’s
going to challenge me and take me outside of that.
It was an honor to be validated by Pharrell when I sung his
song. And it gave me even more courage. And for him to
validate that also confirmed my decision of who I chose
because, you know, as he encouraged me and he told me he
said Tonya you’re bad. You sung that song like no one else.
I mean, that confirmation was truly rewarding.
And when after speaking with him and then knowing that my
coach was there to support me and also to push me the more
it confirmed my choice, my selection and to this day I stand
on that. I stand behind my coach because I know my coach
believes in me and he supports everything that he has given
me and he supports also what I’m going to give back for my
Samantha Boyer:: Excellent. Thank you.
Tonya Boyd-Cannon: Thank you so much.
Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Andrew
Garcia with FanSite. Please proceed.
Andrew Garcia: Hi, this question is for Blaze.
Blaze Johnson: Hello.
Andrew Garcia: Hey, how are you doing?
Blaze Johnson: I’m good, how are you?
Andrew Garcia: I’m great man. So my question is coming from
the Bahamas and moving to the United States at a young age,
it seems like your family particularly your father was
always in your corner. I just want to see if you can
describe how your family and friends feel about you being on
The Voice and like what do they say and how does that
inspire you.
Blaze Johnson: Man, it inspires me a lot. You know, it means
a lot when I hear, you know, my family is really happy.
Because, you know, back in Bahamas there’s not a lot of big
things that happen really in Bahamas, you know, in the
But just the fact that, you know, just to make my father and
my mother proud, you know, they have worked so hard all
their life and tried to do their best for me, you know, be
able to give back to them and to show them that, you know,
they didn’t fail, that they didn’t mess up or anything, you
know, that’s the biggest thing for me to show them that like
they didn’t make a mistake, you know, that they made the
right choice.
And I want to be able to give them everything they gave back
to me. And, you know, it’s a humbling thing and I’m very,
very proud to say that they’re my family. I want to make
them proud. So yes.
Andrew Garcia: Perfect, thank you.
Blaze Johnson: Thank you.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder, to register
for a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. We have a question from the line of Jonny
Reinhardt, WCXT. Please proceed.
Jonny Reinhardt: This question is for Anthony. Now you made
the comment during rehearsals when you guys were doing the
battle rounds.
Shauna Wynne: Jonny I’m going to go ahead and interrupt you.
Anthony is not on the line either.
Jonny Reinhardt: Oh Anthony is not on the line, okay.
Shauna Wynne: Yes so if you want to ask a question to anyone
else, that’s fine. Anthony and Ashley are not on the line.
Jonny Reinhardt: Okay Anthony and Ashley, okay. Okay then
this question is for Sonic. Now you have had some challenges
with having hearing issues and it seemed like you were
struggling a little bit in the rehearsal. What did you do to
prepare yourself for the actual battle rounds? Because it
seemed like you blew it out of the park.
Sonic: Thank you.
Jonny Reinhardt: Is the hair a thing that may have given you
an advantage?
Sonic: I don’t think the hair was. You know, around The
Voice (unintelligible).
Jonny Reinhardt: Right.
Sonic: I struggled a lot, I struggle a lot as a singer, you
know, with only having one ear. And, you know, even my good
ear is kind of like borderline normal. But I never like to
make that an excuse. I drilled myself and you probably heard
in the rehearsal, you know, Christina like try
I just - what I did since everyone is really singing
practicing their songs, you know, while filming or doing
something like that, I would try to sing my song through on
my part while people were singing because it’s really
And I just - I worked really hard and I practiced a lot
every day and I stayed up really late until I got it. I
think, I mean, I was like hoarse probably two days before my
battle and because I was singing so much. I actually had to
go on vocal rest. But I just yes, I put in a lot of work.
Jonny Reinhardt : Well look forward to it and I also look
forward to seeing the next hairstyle that you have.
Sonic: Thank you so much.
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen as a reminder to register for
a question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your
telephone. There are no questions at this time. I will turn
the call back over to you Ms. Wynne. Please proceed.
Shauna Wynne: Hi everyone, thanks for joining the call
today. Once again if you do want a transcript you can email
me at s-w-y-n-n-e@m-p-r-m.com. Thank you and have a nice
Man: Thank you.
Woman: Thank you.
Woman: Thank you.
Man: Thank you.
Man: Thank you for (unintelligible).
Woman: Bye.
Man: Bye Brian, bye Nathan.
Man: Bye.
Man: I want to hug you all.
Woman: I know.
Woman: Hug over the phone.
Man: I loved answering all these questions.
Man: I love you (unintelligible), I love you.
Man: I love you man.
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