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Interview with Nico Tortorella of "The
Following" on FOX 4/24/13
Final Transcript
FBC PUBLICITY: The Following Conference Call
April 24, 2013/10:30 a.m. PDT
Joanna Wolff
Nico Tortorella
Moderator Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by.
Welcome to The Following Conference Call. At this time, all
participants are in a listen only mode. Later, we will
conduct a question and answer session. Instructions will be
given at that time. As a reminder, this conference is being
I’d now like to turn the conference over to your host, Ms.
Joanna Wolff. Please, go ahead.
J. Wolff Hi, everyone, and welcome to The Following
Conference Call with Nico Tortorella. The Following season
finale will air this Monday, April 29th at 9 p.m. on Fox.
For more information, photos, and clips, please head to
FOXFLASH.com. So, without further ado, I will turn this over
to Nico.
N. Tortorella Hello, hello.
Moderator Our first question will go to Jamie Ruby with
SciFi Vision. Please, go ahead.
J. Ruby SciFi Vision. Hi, again, Nico. It’s great to talk to
you again. You know, I told you last time that Jacob needed
to kill Emma. You really should have.
N. Tortorella I know, I know. But it’s all about the drama
and it all just kind of unravels.
J. Ruby No, I know. Can you talk about filming your death
N. Tortorella Yes, for sure. I found out probably a week
beforehand and that was the last scene that I got to shoot
with Valorie – she’s actually calling me right now, which is
hysterical. It was intense and dramatic and emotional. It
was my goodbye to her. We’ve had such an incredible season
working together.
The neck prosthetic piece that I had on my neck was a big,
whole ordeal. It took four hours to put that piece on and
then it was all rigged up with the blood. It was a lot.
J. Ruby Wow, I didn’t know they went through all that for
that. That’s cool. So, what do you think, all in all, that
you’ve learned about yourself in filming the show? Whether
as an actor or just in general?
N. Tortorella Just enjoy the moment, you know, because you
never know when it’s going to stop. In good and in bad, this
too shall pass.
J. Ruby Great. Well, excited to see you in future stuff,
especially Odd Thomas. Good luck.
N. Tortorella Thank you so much.
J. Ruby Thanks.
Moderator Thank you and we’ll go to Lori Rackl with Chicago
Sun Times. Please, go ahead.
L. Rackl Nico, thanks for talking to us.
N. Tortorella Hi, Lori. Yes, for sure.
L. Rackl Hi. Since, you know, you’re from Wilmette, I was
wondering if you could talk a little bit about growing up
here and what got you into acting.
N. Tortorella Yes, it was fantastic. I went to New Trier and
I started on stage when I was pretty young, like, eight or
nine I did a show at Wilmette Children’s Theatre, which was
The Wizard of Oz. From that point on, I stopped playing
sports – I was playing hockey and lacrosse – and started
working in Chicago theater.
I worked at the Northlight Theater in Skokie, the Mercury
Theater on South Port. I did a show there for three years,
actually; it was called Over the Tavern. I studied at
Goodwin and Steppenwolf. It was just an amazing city to be
introduced to this world. It’s such a great middle point
between L.A. and New York and such an awesome starting
place. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
L. Rackl I understand that your grandmother, she owns an
antique shop out here, is that right, in Glenview?
N. Tortorella Yes, Resale & Antiques in Glenview.
L. Rackl Does she pass along – is that where you get your
love of antiques and vintage clothing and all that?
N. Tortorella That’s where it all started: me traveling the
garage sales and auctions with my grandma. That’s when they
planted the seeds.
L. Rackl Are your folks still here?
N. Tortorella My folks actually moved out to L.A. once my
brother and I moved out there. They’ve been there for a
couple of years now. But I still have this huge Italian
family all scattered throughout all of Chicagoland, so I’m
back as much as I can be.
L. Rackl Thank you.
N. Tortorella Absolutely.
Moderator Thank you, and we’ll go to Samantha Sobolewski
with TV Guide Canada. Please, go ahead.
S. Sobolewski Hi, Nico; thanks so much for talking to us.
N. Tortorella Hi, Samantha. Yes, for sure.
S. Sobolewski So it’s been a rollercoaster of a relationship
between Jacob and Emma. How did you feel about it being Emma
who ended up actually killing your character?
N. Tortorella Well, I think that it made the most sense, in
terms of the drama, and just really the love story between
the two of us and her love story with Joe Carroll. Honestly,
maybe aside from Joe Carroll, I wouldn’t have wanted it to
be anybody else.
S. Sobolewski Okay. Can we expect some kind of karma to come
Emma’s way in the finale after offing Jacob?
N. Tortorella Absolutely. There’s going to be some twists
and turns to throw her character off a little bit.
S. Sobolewski Finally, The Following ... team up with Kevin
Williamson, so what do you like about working with him?
N. Tortorella There’re always surprises and you never know
what’s going to happen. He’s one of the few masters of his
genre. It’s always a pleasure to work with him. I’m excited
for what our next project is.
S. Sobolewski Is there any chance you’re going to be working
with him in the near future?
N. Tortorella I hope so.
S. Sobolewski Okay, great. Thank you so much.
N. Tortorella Thank you.
Moderator We’ll go to Alice Chapman Newgen with
Times-Courier. Please, go ahead.
A. Newgen Hi, Nico, it’s great talking to you.
N. Tortorella Absolutely, you too.
A. Newgen What was the hardest thing that you had to work on
during the show and why?
N. Tortorella The hardest thing that I had to work on – you
know, it was probably Paul’s death. It was definitely the
most challenging scene that I’ve had to work on thus far, as
an actor, just because it was utterly, emotionally,
completely draining. Probably the most satisfying and
gratifying experience I’ve ever had as an actor, as well. It
was a long day and that was the last scene of the night and
I gave it every inch of what I had available.
A. Newgen Once you finished – your character is finished
now, what was it like? Was it gratification that I did my
part and I think I did a great job and it’s over and I’m
going to move on? Or was it kind of sad? Or a little bit of
N. Tortorella Yes, totally bittersweet. I would have loved
to stay on the show for longer and watch Jacob’s character
unfold a little bit more and see how exactly he got to this
place and where he was going. But at the end, Kevin
Williamson just has such an amazing way of building up
characters to a certain point and then just dropping them
out to shock the audience so well. At the end of the day,
it’s all about the drama and I wouldn’t change this
experience for anything.
A. Newgen Alright, well, thank you.
N. Tortorella Thank you.
Moderator We’ll go to the line of Bill Harris with Sun
Media. Please, go ahead.
B. Harris Nico, do you think it’s kind of ironic, or at
least interesting in a way, that as we move forward in the
story, Joe Carroll’s biggest Achilles’ heel, I guess, is his
love for a woman. It’s what’s driving him, but it’s also
what’s putting him at great risk.
At the end of the day for your character, it was also the
love of a woman, wasn’t it? He could have just gotten in
that car and gone, but he wanted to take Emma with him. So
what are we saying about love on this crazy show?
N. Tortorella Love rules all. It absolutely does.
B. Harris Or ends all.
N. Tortorella Yes, I guess it goes both ways, for sure. When
I was in the car – when Jacob was in the car with Emma, he
turns to her and says I’m leaving with or without you, but I
do love you. It was ultimately her decision, her love for
Joe Carroll that ruled all. Yes, so it totally is ironic.
B. Harris One quick followup: do you think that this show is
kind of pushing the envelope in terms of what we’re seeing
on network TV. I can’t remember too many shows that have
been, I guess, for lack of a better word, extreme on network
TV. It seems like every week it goes a little bit further.
Are you guys aware of that when you’re making it? Does it
give you sort of a sense of accomplishment or pride or kind
of like we really are getting people’s attention because
we’re really pushing the envelope here?
N. Tortorella Yes, for sure. We were kind of the followup to
the drama and the intensity that 24 had on Fox, which is on
the same level, completely, as The Following is. But it’s
always gratifying to know that you’re working on a show that
is not only intense but it’s also social commentary. It’s
constantly pushing the envelope, and that’s every actor and
filmmaker’s dream.
B. Harris Alright, thanks very much.
N. Tortorella Thank you.
Moderator Thank you, and we have a followup from Jamie Ruby
with scifivision.com. Please, go ahead.
J. Ruby Hi, again. I was just curious, were you surprised
that Paul – now I’m going to call you Paul and Jacob –
seemed to forgive Emma so easy? I guess it wasn’t that easy,
but after a while, because I was kind of surprised.
N. Tortorella Yes, I was surprised to an extent. But at the
same time, there were only so many people that Jacob had to
turn to in that house. Emma was getting literally slapped
back and forth by everybody else in the house, and when she
finally turned to Jacob for support, Jacob had nobody else
to turn to, so it was either love or not love, and I think
Jacob just showed love.
J. Ruby Just in your own opinion, if they had gotten away
and left, what do you think would have happened? Do you
think that he would have caught them? Do you think that she
would have turned on him down the road?
N. Tortorella In my opinion, if we had gone away, a whole
little Bonnie and Clyde story would have been a perfect
season two, but I’m not the writer.
J. Ruby Well, tell them they need a spinoff. Alright, thanks
a lot.
N. Tortorella Thank you.
Moderator We’ll go to Philana Ng with Hollywood Reporter.
Please, go ahead.
P. Ng Hi, Nico. Thanks for doing this, I really appreciate
N. Tortorella Absolutely.
P. Ng You kind of mentioned that you want to work with Kevin
again. What are you looking to do in terms of a followup?
Are you looking for other TV projects, like horror, drama?
N. Tortorella I’m actually shooting a movie right now called
Hunter and Game, which is a fictional documentary about an
electronic music group. It’s super comedy and hysterical and
a lot of improv and it’s been a great followup to working on
such a dramatic show like The Following.
But I want to do it all. I don’t want to get locked in any
one type of genre. Some type of romantic comedy after The
Following would be just fine with me. But working with Kevin
Williamson and I’m reading a bunch of amazing scripts right
now; some in the suspense genre and other completely not,
some period pieces. I just want to constantly be working
with amazing directors and amazing actors and just always
pushing the envelope on what I can do as an actor.
P. Ng Are you actively seeking TV projects or just whatever
comes your way?
N. Tortorella It’s both. I love the consistency of working
on television. You don’t get that in working on film, but
it’s all about the right projects. I’m reading different
stuff every single day, so actively seeking.
P. Ng Awesome. Thank you.
Moderator We’ll go to Jamie Ruby with scifivision.com.
Please, go ahead.
J. Ruby Hi, again. Would you – you talk about that you want
to keep acting. Would you ever be interested in doing
something behind the scenes, like directing or anything?
N. Tortorella Yes, for sure. Especially after working on The
Following and we had so many amazing directors come in and
I’ve learned so much from just being in this industry for
the short amount of time that I have been. Is it something
that I want to do right away? No, I definitely want to stay
in front of the camera and learn more from as many people as
I can. Somewhere down the line, yes, writing and directing
and producing and all encompass would be fantastic.
J. Ruby Awesome. I was curious – you talk about different
types of projects and that you’re happy to do any different
kind, but is The Following the type of show you would
normally watch? Do you like suspenseful horrors? What do you
watch, in general?
N. Tortorella Not necessarily. I watch a lot of Comedy
Central. They’re doing a lot of really cool new shows, like
The Nathan Show and The Ben Show – I guess it’s Nathan for
You. It’s kind of like the real reality TV, like behind the
scenes reality TV that’s happening right now that I’m into
at this moment. But in terms of big dramas like this, I’m a
huge Game of Thrones fan, but I’m also a huge Girls fan. I’m
kind of all over the place, really.
J. Ruby Okay, great. Thank you.
Moderator We’ll go to Alice Chapman Newgen with
Times-Courier. Please, go ahead.
A. Newgen Hi again. I’m from the Atlanta area and I was
wondering if you think there might be something for you in a
project down the road in this area?
N. Tortorella In what area is it? I’m sorry.
A. Newgen Atlanta.
N. Tortorella In Atlanta. We actually shot the pilot for The
Following in Atlanta, which was great. There’s amazing
antique shopping all outside of the Atlanta area. I had a
lot of fun there.
You know, there’s so much that’s shooting there, I’m sure I
will wind up back in Atlanta at some point.
A. Newgen Great. Alright, thank you.
Moderator We’ll go to Jamie Ruby with scifivision.com.
Please, go ahead.
J. Ruby I thought of another one. With The Following, were
they real strict with the lines or did you improv at all or
add things?
N. Tortorella Kevin was kind of stickler on staying to the
books. There were a few places where I was able to adlib a
little bit, but not really. The way he writes is pretty
consistent and he wants you to say what he writes.
J. Ruby Okay, great. Thanks.
Moderator At this time, there are no questions in queue.
Please, continue.
Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our conference for
today. This conference will be available for replay after
12:00 noon today running through May 1st till midnight. You
may now disconnect.
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