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Interview with Monica Ten-Kate from
"Monica The Medium" on ABC Family 8/18/15
ABC Family’s Q&A with Monica Ten-Kate
Monica the Medium
Moderator: When did you first realize you were a medium?
Monica: I was intuitive and impassive growing up, but it
really wasn’t until high school that I started to realize
that this is not just things I’m feeling and hearing, but
there are dead people around me. I was able to see that I
had this gift and when you’re in high school, you’re already
dealing with a lot of other things to try to fit in and you
want to be normal, so it was hard for me. I still suppressed
my gift, out of fear of what people and what my classmates
would think, so I only told some of my closest friends, but
when I started college, I realized I needed to be true to
myself. I came out as a medium and I’ve been doing it
publically ever since.
Moderator: What did it feel like when you realized you were a
Monica: When I first realized that what I was experiencing
was coming from Spirit, I went through like every stage of
emotion I think [laughs]. Like when you start to first
experience it, it can be a little bit fearful just because I
remember going to bed thinking “I don’t want to see
anything, I don’t want to hear anything, I don’t want to
smell anything” because it’s so unfamiliar. Once I started
to have more experience and start passing on messages, I
realized what a beautiful gift this is and that it’s not a
scary thing. It’s a very peaceful, happy and great
experience to have, but I still went through different
emotions that, of course, just me being a rational person in
general, I was even skeptical. I was skeptical of myself
when I first started doing this work and connecting to
Spirit. I thought it could be a coincidence, or a lucky
guess. I was doubting it because even to this day you’re
still thinking “Oh my goodness!” It’s so crazy to wrap your
mind around, but the more and more that I did it, the more I
realized, okay this is not a coincidence, this is definitely
Spirit and there’s no question.
Moderator: Where was the craziest place you’ve done a reading
and what was your craziest encounter during a reading?
Monica: The most interesting encounter that I’ve had was in a
steam room at the gym, where I delivered a message
spontaneously through the fog and steam, and we were in
towels [laughs]. That was probably the craziest encounter as
far as location goes, but I would say that every reading has
something distinct and special and memorable about it. I do
try to release all the information, memory and energy after
every session or it would just be too much, too draining and
too emotional to be carrying around all those feelings,
emotions and messages after every reading. I don’t really
remember the nitty-gritty of every reading, but I do know
that there’s something special about every connection.
Moderator: Who was your first Spirit that you encountered?
Monica: That’s actually a tricky question [laughs]. The first
Spirit that I really knew and felt was in high school. I had
a friend of mine who had lost her mom in third grade, and
every time I’d be around her, I’d get emotional, I’d get
choked up, and at first I wasn’t really sure why. Every time
she would tell stories of her childhood and share memories
of her mom, I would just hear the ending of the story before
she’d even finished telling it. After a few months, I
decided to tell her all the things that I would be hearing
or feeling, and I would repeat the message and she’d start
crying asking “How’d you know that about my mom?” since no
one else knew about it. So that was the first Spirit that I
ever really communicated with.
Moderator: Do you have to be in contact with a person to do a
reading for them, or do you contact Spirits without people
Monica: For the most part, I have to at least be
communicating with that client or with the person and hear
their voice in order to really start to hear and feel Spirit
come through. We could be talking about the weather for all
that matters, but I just need to have some connection.
Communicating and hearing their voice is usually the switch
for me to start feeling and hearing their loved ones.
Occasionally, there will be instances where I could be
texting with a friend and then all of a sudden I get that
overwhelming emotion and I’ll tell them what I’ll be hearing
or feeling about their loved ones. So, there are
occasionally times where it happens randomly, but for the
most part I have to be talking to them.
Moderator: Has there ever been an encounter with a Spirit
that scared you?
Monica: There has never been an encounter with Spirit that
scared me. I am very clear with people that I’m a Spirit
medium and not a ghost buster or paranormal activity person.
I don’t go through haunted houses and things like that, but
there have been occasions where I went into a home or an
apartment, where even though I do not connect to that
energy, I might feel a presence of something that is a bit
more earthbound and not somebody who is in heaven. I think
for the most part, I’m not scared of it, but I can get
uneasy. But I know how to protect myself and I say a little
prayer to the angels. You’ll see this actually in one of the
episodes of Monica the Medium. I actually check out the
apartment of one of my friends and her roommates after they
felt like they had a ghost there. So, you’ll see how I react
to that kind of feeling with that kind of thing.
Moderator: Have you met any of the Pretty Little Liars cast
Monica: Yes! I obviously met Ian Harding because we did live
tweeting together for one of the PLL episodes which was
amazing. It made my summer! So I’ve met Ian, and I’ve met
Shay Mitchell, who I’ve seen twice now. We ran into each
other getting lunch the other day, which was cool, and then
I met her at the TCA press day and I met Janel Parrish at
TCA as well. I’ve also met Marlene King, the creator of
Pretty Little Liars. I’ve met quite a few, which was very
Moderator: Can you connect with animals or do readings for
any pet owners about their pets?
Monica: I’ve had clients ask to schedule a reading who have
told me they haven’t lost anyone close except for a pet and
want to connect with their pets, but for me it doesn’t come
through as often in the readings. They do come through and
sometimes spontaneously, like somebody’s dog or cat will
come through, but for the most part, it’s something that
will come in supplemental. I wouldn’t schedule a reading
just for them— it would come up naturally in a reading where
they’re already talking to other loved ones because their
dad or their brother or their grandfather who’s passed might
be telling them that they’re with the dog. It’s interesting
where animals do come through and communicate just like the
people I’m communicating to.
One of the strongest readings I’ve ever done was with a
woman over Skype actually. She lost her cat, and I asked if
she would call her cat Mr. W, and she lost it. That was what
she called her cat, Mr. W. I told her I felt like she was
with him from the moment this cat was born and the moment
that he passed. Then the craziest thing that I was nervous
to say because I’ve never had a cat and it’s not part of my
frame of reference, but I told her that her cat was showing
me a wooden box and it says Mr. W and I described the box to
a tee, and I told her he’s telling me that she cremated him
and his ashes are in this box which I had described. She
turns around because she was at her desk and pulls open a
drawer and pulls out the box that I had described that her
cat’s ashes are in and she says “I’ve never posted about
this, I’ve never told anyone about it, no one knows what
this box looks like,” and it was amazing. So, there are
definitely times that animals come through quite strong.
Moderator: Besides being a medium, what are you studying in
college and hoping to do after you graduate?
Monica: I’m a communications and PR major, and I joke around
that I’m a bit busier with the different kinds of
communication [laughs], but that is my college degree that
I’m working on. After college, I still plan to be doing my
work as a medium full time. I always say I plan to be doing
this work connecting to Spirit until the day that I die, but
whether or not, maybe 20 years from now, maybe one day, I
will want to be a stay at home mom for a bit and have a
family or do other things and take a little break from doing
this as a career. But that doesn’t mean I would stop doing
it and sharing my gift out and about.
Moderator: Have you also done any readings with other mediums
as well?
Monica: I actually have. We call it a medium trade, where you
give a reading for another medium and then they’ll give you
a reading, so you just do it free for each other. I always
say that Spirit comes through strongest for those who need
it the most, not necessarily who want it the most and I
don’t really need it because I know how much they’re around.
People always ask can you connect to your own loved ones and
I can’t because they’re too close to me. I can’t communicate
with them the same way I communicate to everybody else’s
loved ones, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the signs and
symbols, the hellos from heaven, songs on the radio,
butterflies, all those things. I still feel that connection
and know they’re around me.
Moderator: How did you get involved with the show Monica the
Medium and why did you decide to continue with it?
Monica: It’s actually a long and crazy story, but the way I
got into TV is probably one of the coolest parts of this
whole thing. I was not looking, trying or asking for these
opportunities. I didn’t do anything really to get the TV
show; it landed in my lap, and the fact that I didn’t try or
go out of my way by any means, was a sign from Spirit and
the angels that I was supposed to be open to opportunity.
About a year and a half ago, three different producers from
different production companies unrelated from each other,
found me in random ways and all reached out to me asking to
have a casual conversation and all asked to set it up the
same Friday, back-to-back-to-back. I noticed that Spirit
made it loud and clear that I’m supposed to at least be open
to it. So, from there things just went on to me flying out
[to L.A.] to have meetings, and then I signed with Lionsgate.
I always said from day one that if I was going to do a TV
show, I would only do it if it was with ABC Family, and
everyone told me not to get my hopes up. But I just had a
feeling that I was going to have a TV show with ABC Family
and here we are now, so it’s been pretty amazing.
Moderator: Does your gift as a medium interfere at all with
your social life and in your studies?
Monica: It definitely does. I’m learning more and more how to
try to juggle and balance everything. Back in high school,
where you’re just trying to get through and be a regular
girl, you’re already struggling with a lot of other things
and you want to be the one to fit in and be normal. But for
me, once I was in college, I decided I’m not going to care
what people think, I’m just going to come out and I’m going
to be loud and proud that I’m a medium and this is what I
do. That doesn’t mean that everybody responds in the perfect
way or in the nicest way. Especially around college boys.
It’s hard sometimes to even say “Hi, I’m Monica,” at a party
and then tell them how I talk to dead people, especially
when it’s with a guy that you’re flirting with or one that
you’re interested in. Some may take that as like a red flag
or think I’m crazy. It’s definitely a bit hard and I think
socially you want to fit in. This is a very unique thing
that is very different than everybody else at school. But I
think more and more people are realizing once they have the
experience or they witness that I do have this gift and how
beautiful it really is, they realize I am just like
everybody else. I’m not some weirdo with a crystal ball; I’m
very normal.
Moderator: How is your show going to be different from other
medium shows on television like Long Island Medium?
Monica: It differs in a couple of ways. Monica the Medium
will be hour-long episodes, and the biggest difference is
that it truly shows just as much of me just being Monica as
it does me being Monica the Medium. I know with other shows
like Long Island Medium, it does show her being a mom and
shows that part of her life, but I really think with our
series it takes it to the next level of everything that’s
going on in my life, whether it’s from my day-to-day like
dating, being with my friends, pulling all-nighters, things
for school, hanging out with my roommates, bickering over
whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher, to seeing my
family. All the aspects that are going on and around me in
my life on top of being a medium and connecting with Spirit.
I think that what’s great about it. There’s something that
everybody can relate to. There’s some people who maybe
haven’t really had a significant loss in their life, but
they’ll relate to going on a date with a guy and being
really nervous getting ready for it. So, I think there’s
something that everybody can relate to.
Moderator: How long did it take for you to get used to being
Monica: [The] first episode, was our first experience with
having a camera crew follow us around and film all these
readings. I had done events and larger group readings and
things like that, but it is definitely the first time where
I’m not just the only one being vulnerable and open to all
these other people being around and watching me as I connect
to Spirit. It’s the first time that my clients or the people
that I’m reading are also having to be very vulnerable and
open to that experience and allowing it to be shared with so
many. I was definitely pretty nervous and it was out of my
element at the beginning, so you’ll kind of see the
difference as the episodes progress—even just by episode
two. I got so used to it after about a week and a half to
two weeks, the crew became like family to me. The readings,
my everyday life and just going out and about, everything,
was so much more natural and comfortable and I truly forgot
the cameras were around and it kind of faded in the
background and I just wouldn’t notice.
Moderator: Have you ever done a reading for one of the crew
Monica: It’s funny; at the beginning of production I made a
pact with Spirit telling them it’s going to be a little
tricky if every time I’m giving a reading or connecting to
Spirit, some of the crew’s people start to creep in, because
that would just be too much [laughs]. It would be too
overwhelming, so I asked everybody from the crew and their
loved ones in Spirit to please back up or give me the space
so I can do my job because it can be hard sometimes. Once
you open the door to Spirit it’s like everybody wants to
come through who’s around you, and so, for the most part
Spirit behaved and did that, but I did do a couple readings
for the crew when it was the right time.
I joked if people from the crew wanted a reading, the best
way would be to be stuck with me in the car for a while,
because then it is bound to happen—especially if we were
alone. One of the girls on our crew wanted to go visit some
family in DC. We had a weekend off and I wanted to go too.
So we took the ride together and it was four hours long, so
I ended up connecting with all her loved ones because it was
just the right time. It did happen a few times, for about
four or five people, but hopefully we’ll have a second
season and that will be more of an incentive for them to
come back and work on our show and give a chance to the ones
who didn’t have a reading yet.
I also found out something about the crew that I didn’t know
until we had our wrap party. On the days where the clients
came over to my home office, we tried to have what we call a
“skeleton crew.” Just the most essential people that have to
be in the room, so there will be less people with Spirit
trying to come through, but also so the clients are more
comfortable. It would just be two cameramen and the audio
guy. I asked them [at the wrap party]: “Were there ever
times when I was giving readings where the client wouldn’t
be able to validate somebody and the messages that were
coming through connected to a particular Spirit, but it did
connect to you guys?” Both of the camera guys and the audio
guy said they each had had an experience where someone came
through with a name connection, how they died, how many kids
they had, everything connected was one of their loved ones
and they just didn’t tell me and they didn’t speak up
because they didn’t want to interrupt the reading. So, I was
like “Oh my gosh! How could you guys not have told me?”
Because here I was, thinking “Who the heck is this person?”
And it sucks for this client that I’m talking to another
person’s loved ones. So, I thought that was really cool that
they still received some healing messages, even though I
didn’t know that it was for them and it was something that
they didn’t confirm, but they still got the message.
Moderator: Have you ever had any funny Spirits?
Monica: I have funny Spirits all the time. I love Spirits who
come through with their humor and their personality and
especially some of these loved ones that would have been
very witty and have a dry sense of humor or be sarcastic.
They have me just cracking up, giggling and same with their
loved ones [laughs]. There are so many instances that at
least for me and my readings, where you are laughing mid
tears. You’re wiping away the tears but then they have you
laughing so much that it hurts because they’re so joyful and
fun, so yes, definitely.
Moderator: If you could guest star on any ABC Family show,
which would it be?
Monica: No question, Pretty Little Liars.
Moderator: Who would you want to play on Pretty Little Liars?
Monica: I think it would be fun to play a medium, but in that
sense it would be fictional, because Monica: the Medium shows
me in my real life, and doing this part would be fun on a
scripted show to do that. Also, I think it would be a good
part to play in Chasing Life. I feel like in some of the
storylines for sure with people being sick. My favorite show
other than Pretty Little Liars is Grey’s Anatomy. They could
definitely, with all the people over the years that have
died, they could use a medium on that show.
Moderator: Do you find yourself getting messages everywhere
or are there any specific places where you know that you’ll
get messages or feel something coming through?
Monica: For me, it can happen anywhere and everywhere. For
the most part, I do have a bit more control in turning off
the porch lights, as what I’ll jokingly call it. But it is a
lot more likely, even if my lights are turned off, that
maybe a pushy Spirit will still come through even though I’m
trying to stay off the clock. It happens especially in
situations where I’m getting my hair or makeup done, I’m
getting my nails done or I’m getting a massage, things where
people are physically touching me, because they’re so close
to my energy, I’m so close to theirs. In those instances, a
lot of times, even though I didn’t have any intention to, I
end up giving a reading.
Moderator: Does it also happen when you’re sleeping as well
through dreams or nightmares?
Monica: I’ve had interesting dreams my whole life, and ever
since I was a child I was also a lucid dreamer, which is
when you know you’re dreaming and you can kind of control
the dream, but there have been instances where my loved
ones—and this happens to not just me as a medium, but lots
of different people have had experiences like this—where you
can have your visitation dreams. Like my grandfather who’s
passed away, he’s come to me in a dream before and I
realized that the last time I had a Spirit visitation dream
with him was the day of the anniversary of his passing. I
didn’t realize it was the anniversary of his passing until I
checked the calendar, which was really amazing. So, I have
visitation dreams with my own loved ones and one of the ways
that I sense them is through dreams.
I’ll also occasionally, very, very rarely, but occasionally,
have a reading booked the next day and I’ll go to sleep and
I’ll have a dream where somebody connected to one of my
client’s loved ones will come through. I’ll wake up
thinking, “Who is that Fred who is talking about his three
daughters…blah, blah, blah” and then I’ll be with one of my
clients that day and it’s her daughter and it all connects
to her. So, it definitely has happened before.
Moderator: Do you have any family or friends who are mediums
like yourself or feel that they’re intuitive?
Monica: I am the only one in my family that is a full blown
medium. I know that on my mom’s side there has been a great
aunt or one of our grandmothers that would have had actual
dreams before. Loved ones would have passed and they were
just more intuitive, but they were a very conservative
Catholic Hispanic family where you wouldn’t ever say that is
medium stuff. They would never acknowledge it that way. I do
have some friends that are mediums that I’ve become friends
with after coming out and looking for people who are like me
and I can relate to. You can relate to them and you have
them as support and they totally get it because they go
through it too.
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