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Interview with Wade Boggs, Robert Davi, Kristy Swanson, and D.B.
of "Swamp Shark" on
Syfy 6/21/11.
Syfy Conference Call
Swamp Shark
Wade Boggs, Robert Davi, Kristy Swanson, and D.B. Sweeney
June 21, 2011
3:00 pm CT
Coordinator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. Welcome to
the Swamp Shark call.
During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen-only mode.
We will conduct a question-and-answer session. At that time if you have
a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone.
If at any time during the conference you need to reach an operator,
please press star 0. As a reminder, this conference is being recorded
Tuesday, June 21, 2011.
I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Gary Morgenstein.
Please go ahead, sir.
Gary Morgenstein: Hi everyone. Welcome to the Syfy Saturday Original
Movie Swamp Shark press conference. It’s going to premier Saturday, June
25 at 9:00 pm Eastern and Pacific/8:00 pm Central.
And I’m delighted to introduce in alphabetical order: Wade Boggs, Robert
Davi, Kristy Swanson, and D.B. Sweeney - the stars of the movie. Welcome
Man: Thank you.
Man: Thank you. It’s great to be here. And welcome to everybody on the
Gary Morgenstein: Daisy, you want to start...
Gary Morgenstein: Daisy?
Coordinator: Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to register a
question please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. You
will hear a three-tone prompt to acknowledge your request.
If your question has been answered and you would like to withdraw your
registration, please press the 1 followed by the 3. If you are using
your speakerphone, please lift your handset before entering your
request. One moment please for our first question.
And our first question comes from the line of Pattye Grippo with Pazsaz
Entertainment Network. Please proceed with your question.
Pattye Grippo: Hi everyone. Thanks for talking with us today.
Man: It’s a pleasure, Pattye.
Man: Hello?
Pattye Grippo: Let me ask how did each of you get involved with this
Woman: Well Robert, you want to start?
Robert Davi: Well, I got a phone call from the agents and they said,
“Hey, there’s a Syfy movie called Swamp Shark.” So I was immediately
intrigued by the title because I have a 10-year-old boy where all he
does on You Tube is look for swamp shark images. And him and his friend
-- his 10-year-old friends gather around that computer and they go, “Wow
look at this shark thing.” So when I heard Swamp Shark I said, “Send me
the script.”
I then read the script, and I enjoyed it - it had a great sense of fun,
it had a great sense of humor, it had the tradition of course of seeing
a film that was shot in Louisiana in the Bayou which is a great
location, a sort of a different place to put a shark and I then asked
them to, you know, the directors and the producers that had some ideas
about the character and they were very open to that. And the process
started forward and then of course the beautiful Kristy Swanson was
Pattye Grippo: And Kristy how did you get involved?
Kristy Swanson: Oh, I also got a phone call from my agent to read the
script and I thought that the title of it was very interesting as well.
And then I heard Robert Davi was on board and I’m a big fan of him and a
good friend of him and so I thought this would be a really good
experience to work with him and be a part of the project. I really liked
the character that I would be playing. She’s a very strong female role
and I’m always attracted to that and that’s how I got involved.
Pattye Grippo: And anybody else?
Woman: D.B.?
Wade Boggs: Wade Boggs? Well go ahead, D.B. I’ll go after you.
D.B. Sweeney: The reason I got in, I heard Wade Boggs was in and I’m a
big Red Sox fan - a big baseball fan. So I had all kind of chicken
recipes I wanted to try out and I had already gotten on the plane before
I found out Davi was in it. It was too late to pull out so I had to go
down and make...
Robert Davi: I know. That was already signed because when I found out
D.B. was in it, I was going to pull out.
D.B. Sweeney: But no. I know Robert and Kristy and it sounded like it
was going to be a lot of fun and it certainly was. And I went to school
in Louisiana for awhile, so I love that part of the country and it was
just a lot of good reason to do it.
Wade Boggs: This is Wade Boggs. I was in a golf tournament in Orlando
with Jeff Chase and he plays the Swamp Thing, and he asked if I would be
interested in doing a bit part in a movie that he was doing down in
Louisiana -- for up in Louisiana rather -- and I said, “Absolutely.”
Being a baseball player, you’re a ham any way and got an opportunity to
play somebody other than myself in an acting role. So I was really
looking forward to it and just had an absolute blast with meeting
Robert, and D.B., and Kristy, and the whole cast. It was really a
special opportunity for me.
Pattye Grippo: Great. Well I look forward to the movie and thank you all
very much for your time today.
Wade Boggs: Thank you.
Kristy Swanson: Thank you.
Robert Davi: Thank you and please enjoy it.
Coordinator: Our next question comes from the line of Reg Seeton with
thedeadbolt.com. Please proceed with your question.
Reg Seeton: Hi. This question is for Wade. Wade, can you talk about the
similarities between the zone inside the batter’s box and the zone of
acting? Is there a similar focus or are they different?
Wade Boggs: Well actually I think they’re somewhat different. I know
that the concentration has to be exactly the same. You have to portray
an individual and people have to believe, and I think being an athlete
you don’t have the opportunity to say cut, Take 2, cut, Take 3, cut,
Take 4. You either strike out or put the ball in play. So I think
there’s somewhat similarities, but by concentration. Like I said about
knowing your lines and coming across, but if I had to have a druthers I
just love acting.
And being a baseball player you’re an actor, too. You’re playing in
front of 45,000/50,000 people every night and so you’re on stage. So
basically that’s the acting bug that comes out in you.
Reg Seeton: And D.B., since you were in Eight Men Out earlier in your
career is it extra special to be in a movie with Wade Boggs?
D.B. Sweeney: Oh yes. I mean he’s one of the all-time greats and when I
did Eight Men Out Wade was with the Red Sox at that time and his career
batting average was pretty close to…that’s when I was able to measure
how well Shoeless Joe Jackson did in his era. One of the metrics that I
could look at was that Wade was one of the dominant hitters at that
time. So it was a big thrill for me.
I mean I’m sure he deals with it all the time but when you’re a baseball
fan I think that part of you that’s 9 or 10 years old comes out when you
get around the guys you watched on TV.
Man: Thanks guys.
Man: Thank you.
Coordinator: Our next question comes from the line of Joshua Maloni with
Niagara Frontier Publications. Please proceed with your question.
Joshua Maloni: Hi gang. Thanks for your time today.
Robert Davi: You’re welcome.
Kristy Swanson: Thank you.
Joshua Maloni: So Kristy let me ask you, you know, Syfy has obviously
done a really good job with their real and their imagined monsters.
They’ve had some really fun monsters. How does Swamp Shark sort of
compare to some of the others we’ve seen?
Kristy Swanson: Some of the other Syfy monsters that we’ve seen?
Joshua Maloni: Yes. How does this monster compare to - we’ve seen, you
know, giant octopuses and snakes and gators and all kinds of other
things. What is sort of intimidating and impressive about Swamp Shark?
Kristy Swanson: Well he’s a lot more different looking than any other
normal shark, but to be honest I haven’t seen all of those other
monsters so I don’t really know how to answer the question properly, you
know. I’ve seen the movie and I think it’s really great and it’s really
fun and it’s got a lot of suspense and interesting stuff and it takes
place in a really beautiful part of the country and I think that you’ll
really enjoy it.
Joshua Maloni: And Robert and D.B., you guys have both played some
really good guys and bad guys. At this point in your careers do you have
sort of a preference?
Robert Davi: Well right now I want to sing. I’m doing an album that’ll
be out called "Davi Sings Sinatra" and that lets me be the good guy. But
no, it’s a great way to slip in a plug. It’s fun playing all kinds of
characters if they’re fun and interesting and whether it’s good guy or a
bad guy. And you know, this was fun for me because I played a guy that
was kind of like going back East but then move to the Bayou for the last
25 years. I had an uncle that did that. He had the strangest accent, so
I kind of like fashioned it after him and it was fun to do that. I’m
open to all kinds of interesting characters.
D.B. Sweeney: I think a lot of times playing a bad guy is more fun I
think because you got to stir the pot, you know, the protagonist often
has to walk a sort of straighter line. When you’re the bad guy anything
goes. You’re not constrained in the same way as the guy who’s in every
scene and the audience has to sort of root for.
Joshua Maloni: All right. And lastly Wade, you know, obviously I’m sure
you grew up playing baseball. We all know how good you were in that
sport, but the acting thing. I mean where did that come from for you?
Wade Boggs: Well actually my first acting job was Cheers in 1986. I did
an episode playing myself during the bar wars when Gary’s Old Town
Tavern and Cheers were going back at it and exchanging good fun and
trickery and things of that nature. So that was my first acting job and
went on to do a guest on Simpsons and actually I just finished up an
episode on Psych up in Vancouver about two weeks ago.
So I love acting, but once it bites you it sort of consumes you and it’s
something that I’d like to pursue a little bit more. Not only playing
myself, but I like going into character. I like trying various accents
and things of that nature trying to come up with a Louisiana do dat
Cajun accent a little out of the ordinary. But yes I love acting and I
respect each and every actor and actress that does a role very well and
my hat’s off to all of them.
Joshua Maloni: All right. Thank you.
Kristy Swanson: And Wade acting loves you because you were great in the
Wade Boggs: Oh thank you.
Kristy Swanson: You are. You’re really good.
Wade Boggs: You’re very sweet.
Joshua Maloni: Thank you.
Coordinator: And our next question comes from the line of Kristyn Clarke
with popculturemadness.com. Please proceed with your question.
Kristyn Clarke: Hi everyone. Thank you for talking to us today.
Man: You’re welcome.
Man: A pleasure.
Kristyn Clarke: So what would you say was the most challenging aspect of
filming Swamp Shark for each one of you?
Kristy Swanson: The weather. It’s really hot in Lafayette, Louisiana in
June and that’s what it was year. It was so hot. I think that was the
most challenging was just the heat and sort of working on boats and near
the water is always a challenge. So that was the toughest for me.
Robert Davi: For me it was staying away from the rich Cajun food let me
tell you. They had some great crayfish down there and Etouffee and all
that good stuff. Everything is fried so. I love the heat and I love the
humidity of that even though it was tough because it’s part of the
character, you know. So you could of like meld into that for me. Any
time an actor can have a condition - like when I did Stargate Atlantis
-- we had these scenes where we were in the rain and it was terrible -
it was horrific, but I enjoyed it because you’re in the elements. You
don’t have to act it it’s there so this whole experience and the
gorgeousness of the Bayou.
We had a terrific director Griff Furst and producers and Louis and Tim
that made things as comfortable as possible for us down there. And it
was just a blast.
Kristyn Clarke: And D.B. or Wade?
Wade Boggs: Well as far as I was concerned, I was inside the jail and it
was 125 degrees in there.
Kristyn Clarke: Oh.
Wade Boggs: And probably the most difficult part was keeping my makeup
on. I didn’t want my makeup to run too much...
Robert Davi: You wore makeup, Wade?
Wade Boggs: Absolutely, absolutely.
Robert Davi: Oh that image just destroyed a whole week for me. Okay.
Robert Davi: You know, Robert Nixon once said...
Wade Boggs: I was trying to keep the fake blood on my nose and that was
the most difficult part...
Robert Davi: I never thought you would have worn makeup.
Wade Boggs: I was sweating so bad and trying to keep the blood on my
nose after I got punched out by the swamp thing.
Robert Davi: Here it is macho Wade Boggs wearing makeup. It’s like what
Robert Mitchum said, “There are no actors only actresses.”
Wade Boggs: Perfect.
D.B. Sweeney: I had a great time driving the boat around. I like it when
they let me either drive a car or drive a motorcycle on a blocked off
road. That’s kind of the funniest thing, but acting in this case we had
this great boat that I got to drive around and the biggest challenge was
to drive it really high speed and keep Kristy from puking so...
Kristy Swanson: Yes. Remember I nicknamed you Captain Crunch.
D.B. Sweeney: Well we were on a tight schedule and there were a lot of
shots where I had to drive up to the dock and it was a shark chasing
after you. You can’t come in like under full safety with flags or
anything. You have to sort of come in kind of hot. So we ran up on more
than one dock.
Kristy Swanson: Yes.
Kristyn Clarke: Wow. Thank you guys so much.
Wade Boggs: Oh, you’re welcome.
Robert Davi: A pleasure.
Kristy Swanson: Wade, I just did (Psych) four weeks ago.
Wade Boggs: Did you?
Kristy Swanson: Yes.
Wade Boggs: Those guys are awesome. They are a hoot. They are an
absolute hoot.
Kristy Swanson: Yes. I’m going to email them today.
Wade Boggs: We had a great time with that.
Kristy Swanson: Oh good.
Coordinator: And our next question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby
with Scifivision.com. Proceed with your question.
Jamie Ruby: Hi. Thanks so much for taking the call today.
Robert Davi: You’re welcome. It’s a pleasure.
Kristy Swanson: Sure.
Jamie Ruby: Okay. First I wanted to say I guess happy late birthday to
Wade and happy early birthday to Robert. Robert, you actually share my
birthday so.
Robert Davi: Really?
Wade Boggs: Well thank you very much.
Jamie Ruby: Yes.
Robert Davi: Hey thank you. That doesn’t happen often to me. Well happy
birthday to you then.
Jamie Ruby: Thank you. So now Wade you already talked about this, but
can the rest of you talk about how you got started in acting?
Robert Davi: Sure. I always wanted to act as a kid and in fourth grade I
did a play -- George Washington Slept Here -- where I played Sam the
black butler. I was typecast from the beginning. So, you know, I was a
character actor from the beginning so then I wound up getting the buck
for it and the teachers in my school were encouraging my parents to put
me in the arts and then I wound up in high school winning a lot of
awards for dramatic interpretation, for singing, and first place in New
York State.
Then got a scholarship to Hofstra and then studied with Stella Adler and
then went off to the Actor Studio and studied with Miser and (Chekoff)
and all these guys and then did my first film with (Chanocha) and then
they put me under (Kaiser) at Columbia. The rest is either uphill or
downhill. However you want to look at it.
Jamie Ruby: Kristy, D.B., one of you?
D.B. Sweeney: This is D.B. You know, after I won American Idol it was
sort of a natural progression for me. You know, I didn’t really want to
have a recording contract so I thought, you know what I’ll just go take
a job from a real actor so that’s what I did. No I started out in New
York and I did a
Robert Davi: How did you win a ribbon in American Idol? I missed those
episodes? My daughters watch that all the time.
Were you the guy that did the George Gobel impersonation?
Wade Boggs: Pass on the ground.
D.B. Sweeney: I just started on theatre, I never thought they’d let me
into Hollywood, or movie, or TV and, you know, I figured I’d just do...
Robert Davi: I don’t know why they did.
D.B. Sweeney: I’m on probation.
Robert Davi: You’ve got the longest probation in history.
D.B. Sweeney: No that’s all I had. I’m a one trick phony.
Robert Davi: Hardly.
Kristy Swanson: I guess my background is similar to Davi. I started when
I was very young. I was pretty much always performing, acting, anything
I could get my hands on when I was a little girl 6 years old doing any
church plays or musicals that were going on or community stuff or school
stuff. And then I had some friends that did commercials in Hollywood and
I talked to their mom and I got their mom and my mom to talk and I said,
you know, “I could do what those kids do on TV. I want to do that.”
And my parents were, you know, school teachers from Orange County.
They’re like Hollywood let’s just say knew nothing about it. They didn’t
want me to get involved with it, but after me, you know, persisting and
persisting they finally just, you know, decided okay well we’ll send
some pictures to those agencies - this children’s agency which is Mary
O’Grady Agency.
And they asked me to be a client and I went on my first audition in the
next day and I got the job and then I got the second job, and then I
missed the third but got the fourth. So I was kind of on a roll right at
the beginning when I was 9 years old and I just been doing that every
since so, you know, 32 years later it’s just, you know, kind of like all
I know. That’s what I do and I love it.
Jamie Ruby: Okay great. Now you all talk about what was hard about
filming the movie. What was your favorite part?
Kristy Swanson: What was my favorite part?
Jamie Ruby: Everybody.
Kristy Swanson: Well my favorite part was the cast and the crew and the
directors and producers, everybody involved in the project. Seeing them
everyday and working with them everyday, you know. I mean we were in
some extreme heat, you know, down in the swamp with lots of bugs, you
know, so there were tough elements and stuff. But everyone made it a lot
of fun and we had a lot of laughs and, you know, just always had the
upbeat, you know. So that was the most fun for me was working with
Wade Boggs: I'd ditto on that. When you’re behind the scenes and
watching how everything comes together and not really knowing what the
final product’s going to really look at and how your segment is going to
blend in with everything else and then because I haven’t seen the final
episode yet - the final product. So this is going to be all news to me
Saturday when I look at it so. I think the best part was...
Robert Davi: You’re not in the picture, Wade. They took you out.
Wade Boggs: It won’t be the first time I wind up on the editing floor.
But it was just working with extreme professionals and finding how the
things behind the scenes work and how much preparation and everything
goes into it. It was just a tremendous experience.
Jamie Ruby: Okay.
Robert Davi: D.B., do you want to go next?
D.B. Sweeney: I think it’s always fun. I mean, you know, I read
sometimes actors talking about how hard it was to do their part. I mean,
you know, it’s a long day. Yes, you might work, you know, 12 hours or
some movies you work 14. So we were pretty much tied to daylight so
there’s only about 12 hours of that. So, you know, it’s never really
hard like a manual labor job but it can be stressful and so it’s good
when you have good people around you like Kristy, and Robert, and Wade,
and Jeff Chase, you know, and Griff. Griff, the Director was really good
at keeping things kind of light and, you know, we had a lot of laughs so
it was definitely one of the fun ones.
There’s jobs that you kind of like looking at the schedule and counting
down the days until you get the airport and get away from all these
people and then there’s jobs like this where you’re kind of sad that
it’s over.
Jamie Ruby: Great. Okay thank you. One more question. I’m sorry.
Kristy Swanson: Go ahead. I cut you off.
Robert Davi: No I mean to me it was you had the whole experience I guess
like I said being in the Bayou, the people down there. Like what Kristy
said: the cast, the crew, the support team from director to producers.
Also the most fun was, you know, interacting with some of the Cajun
locals. We shot this one location that’s terrific that’s off the swamp.
I forget what it’s called, but it’s like, you know, the guy that -
there’d been generations down there, you know, Cajun, Louisiana and
hearing some of the folklore.
You know, you go to a place and you learn about that and that’s what the
audience will get to experience there - that because I think they really
showed the Bayou in the picture. Griff did a good job opening it up and
showing that there and then watching D.B. sweat. I had a blast watching
him sweat.
Jamie Ruby: So one more really quick question and then I’ll let somebody
else go. I wanted to ask you guys about other roles you had. If Wade and
Kristy could talk about Psych, and D.B. I’d love to hear about Harsh
Realm, and Robert about Stargate.
Wade Boggs: I just filmed an episode that’s been I think a couple of
weeks ago for Psych and played myself. I was come in as a hitting coach
and the guys were trying to figure out a murder at the baseball field,
so it was me written into the scenario of coming in and being a friend
of the guy that - sort of don’t want to give too much of it away - but
the guy that winds up killing everybody. But it’s going to be a cute
episode and it was fun to be on set and really figure out how another
episode works.
Man: Go ahead, Kristy.
Kristy Swanson: I had just shot up there in Canada with the Psych guys a
couple of weeks before Wade doing an episode about the vampire episode
where I’m the main vampire suspect and it’s going be their Halloween
episode. And I mean I never had so much fun other than Swamp Shark of
course, but I had a blast on Psych. They’re a great group of guys,
they’re super fun. You know, so it was a really great experience and now
I’m looking forward to the fact that Wade’s going to be on it this year.
That’s great.
Man: D.B.
D.B. Sweeney: I loved doing the Harsh Realm. The show that you mentioned
is one of my favorite jobs that I’ve ever had. It was Chris Carter, the
guy who created the X Files and came up with it and it was sort of a
Matrix meets - I guess Chris used to say it was Matrix meets the Paths
of Glory - but Matrix wasn’t really out yet so we kind of were making it
at the same time and they beat us to the bunch.
But it’s a computer simulated world and, you know, I got to play a real
kind of swashbuckling character and, you know, it’s the same kind of
thing. It’s like if you have a shark in a Bayou, you know, you don’t
have to worry about, you know, what’s the reality here. You know, you
can sort of use your imagination more than have worry about him. I do it
exact way that they do it in the real world. You know, if you’re in a
computer simulation whatever you say is reality so. You know, and it was
great working with Terry O’Quinn and Samantha Mathis, you know, some
really great people on that show. And, you know, I was disappointed that
it got whacked after nine episodes and...
Kristy Swanson: Yes so was I.
D.B. Sweeney: One of those ones. But I think the DVDs are out. You can
get it on Netflix and I think it’s one of those shows that really stands
up. They spent a lot of dough on it and I think it looks pretty good
and, you know, I hope people check it out who haven’t seen it.
Robert Davi: And Stargate is again one of those things where my
10-year-old boy loves Syfy and I’ve never really done a lot of, you
know, like space stuff. But he loves Stargate thing so he came along and
I wound up doing a bunch of these episodes for the Stargate Atlantis
which was just a blast. The whole crew up there in Vancouver is great,
the show is terrific, and my character (Codeo) was a lot of fun to play.
I’ve done a series before with Wise Guy and then Profiler for 4-1/2
years and this was the first Syfy experience and it was a lot of fun. I
enjoyed it.
Jamie Ruby: Okay thanks.
Wade Boggs: You’re very welcome.
Kristy Swanson: Thank you.
Robert Davi: You’re welcome.
Coordinator: And our next question comes from the line of Brandon Sites
with bigdaddyhorrorreview.com. Please proceed with your question.
Brandon Sites: Hi everybody. Thanks for talking with us today. My
question is for everybody in general. What was your first impression
when you saw the Swamp Shark creature?
Robert Davi: Well, the first impression is the shark’s that in the water
they got to do some CGI effects for. We didn’t get to see the final CGI
stuff until later on, but they had something in there that looked - at
least if you looked on the surface - was a little bit scary for you. You
know, it was better than I see at Universal on the ride that kids go on
and get terrified on. And they did the CGI stuff and had what they had.
What’s funny is that there have been spottings now of sharks in the
Bayou. Did you know that?
Brandon Sites: Wow.
Robert Davi: Yes there’s actually -- I saw it on AOL -- a couple about
two months ago. There are sharks that have been in the rivers or in the
Bayous that they’ve never seen before so how out there is this concept
is what’s funny to me.
D.B. Sweeney: Yes and to Robert that maybe they get older or they get a
little sick and they start to look for different ways to get food and
they come up into the Bayou.
Robert Davi: Yes, it was very interesting.
Brandon Sites: Okay. Now as we all know with Jaws there were legendary
reports of the shark not working properly for Steven Spielberg. Did you
guys have any of those of problems with the Swamp Shark creature?
Kristy Swanson: Yes I believe we did.
Brandon Sites: CGI. It’s, you know, there’s not really a mechanical
shark like they had. It’s mostly computer generated so I hate to break
to the people who think it’s a real one but.
Kristy Swanson: We had a puppet head that we worked with. It was more
like this, you know, just a head that would come from the water up to
the surface and then it had tubes with blood in them coming out the
teeth, you know, that kind of thing. But the rest of it is mostly all
Brandon Sites: And my last question is for Kristy. How do you get into
the mindset of playing these tough kick-butt kind of characters like
your character in Swamp Shark, Rachel Broussard, and of course Buffy the
Vampire Slayer?
Robert Davi: What mindset? That’s who she is.
Kristy Swanson: I guess Robert answered the question.
Robert Davi: She’s a tough beautiful broad.
Brandon Sites: Okay. Thanks for my call and you all have a good one.
Kristy Swanson: Thank you.
Brandon Sites: Thank you.
Kristy Swanson: Oh Robert, you’re so funny. They’re tweeting as we’re
talking. It’s very funny.
Robert Davi: Oh, are they?
Kristy Swanson: Yes.
Coordinator: And our next question is a follow-up question from the line
of Reg Seeton with thedeadbolt.com. Please proceed with your question.
Reg Seeton: Wade, since you’ve accomplished so much in baseball and
you’re now in a fun movie like this, what motivates you today in terms
of filling that void of being on the field?
Wade Boggs: Well actually the one thing that for a few years defined the
adrenaline that I tried to accomplish with baseball, I went to Africa
and would chase animals around over in Africa and lions, and leopards,
and elephants, and things of that nature. But I think that the acting
bug can fill that void of sort of getting back into that being an actor
because I’d said in the previous question that athletes are
And we’re on an entertainment basis to where we put people in the seats
and then have a product that goes on for 2, 2-1/2, 3, for 3-1/2 hours
and so acting it sort of fills that void. The way you can get on set and
get adrenaline going and sort of lose touch with reality a little bit,
and then all of a sudden go into a character or even if you’re playing
yourself go into that person and you really take a step back and it has
an opportunity to fill that void.
Reg Seeton: And D.B. does sports fill a certain void for you away from
the screen?
D.B. Sweeney: You know what? I love playing hockey and I love playing
golf and yes. I mean I grew up doing all of that stuff and I enjoy
acting. It’s my job and when it’s over yes I’d definitely - I get a big
kick out of playing hockey these days and I wish I was a better golfer
but I don’t mind hacking around the course a little bit. So I don’t know
if it’s a void but it’s definitely something I enjoy.
Reg Seeton: Great. Thanks guys.
Wade Boggs: You’re very welcome.
Kristy Swanson: Thank you. Robert?
Robert Davi: Yes.
Kristy Swanson: Someone just tweeted on Twitter they said, “Robert Davi
just called Kristy Swanson a tough broad.”
Robert Davi: Oh no.
Kristy Swanson: And I corrected them and said, “No he called me a tough
beautiful broad.”
Robert Davi: Yes, I did. They forgot the beautiful.
Kristy Swanson: (That’s great). Yes. They misquoted you.
Robert Davi: Right away now. A tough broad. I mean now it’s going to be
like I’m sexist. You know, you can never win.
Kristy Swanson: Oh my God.
Coordinator: And our next question comes from the line of Joshua Maloni
with Niagara Frontier Publications. Please proceed with your question.
Joshua Maloni: Kristy, I had a follow up for you. You know, obviously we
see you as a female heroine here. Looking at your Web site, you know,
we’re reminded that you really open up the door for sort of the female
heroine, the female action star; I’m wondering what sort of feedback do
you get from your contemporaries?
Kristy Swanson: What kind of feedback do I get? Like...
Joshua Maloni: Yes. I’m sure that some of the roles that you were in and
made famous really sort of paved the way and maybe ignited a lot of
careers for the female action stars that we see nowadays. Do you get any
sort of feedback from them or what sort of response do you get from the
Kristy Swanson: I don’t know what kind of response from the industry and
I think that, you know, any time that a role is written like that, you
know, it’s a strong female role it’s great for any actress to be able to
play that kind of role. It means a lot to do that. So, I think all
actresses that are out there that are doing those kinds of roles are
enjoying it. I enjoy it.
Robert Davi: I think she’s being modest. I know a lot of young actresses
they say, “You did a movie with Kristy Swanson?” And these are girls 23,
24, 25 and they’re all like, very respectful of Kristy and how she -
that thing you just brought up in terms of being one of the strong
female characters out there. So she is being modest on that.
Kristy Swanson: Maybe, maybe. No, I’ve always gotten really good
feedback from the fans. Buffy still plays really well, 20 years later.
There’s a lot of young girls that they love that character. She’s in
high school and she’s strong and she’s out there killing vampires and
they really enjoy it and they look up to it. And that means a lot to me
because, you know, that’s giving them self-confidence.
Joshua Maloni: Great. Thank you.
Coordinator: And our next question comes from the line of Jamie Ruby
with scifivision.com. Please proceed with your question.
Jamie Ruby: Hello again and I apologize for the misquote, but I fixed
Robert Davi: Oh.
Kristy Swanson: Okay.
Robert Davi: While you’re tweeting around would you tweeter "Davi Sings
Sinatra - The Wave", go check that out. I’ve got an album coming out.
Jamie Ruby: What’s the name of the album? I’m sorry.
Robert Davi: It is called Davi Sings Sinatra on the Road to Romance. And
you can check it out on the radio if you Google Robert Davi, the wave,
you can listen to some clips from the album.
D.B. Sweeney: You guys really got to check this out. I saw...
Jamie Ruby: I will tweet that.
D.B. Sweeney: Yes. And Robert...
D.B. Sweeney: ...as good an actor as he is, he’s a fantastic singer...
Kristy Swanson: Yes.
D.B. Sweeny: ...and people are going to be surprised because there’s so
many actors that go out there and make a record or something and it’s
sort of like, “Oh Jesus. Why couldn’t you just, you know, stay home and,
you know.” But and you have to suffer through it. But Robert is maybe
even better at singing than he is at acting.
Kristy Swanson: When we went to his...
Robert Davi: Thank you.
Kristy Swanson: ...show and he was phenomenal. We loved it. We enjoyed
Robert Davi: I’ll be doing Vegas and I’ll be announcing the date soon.
Kristy Swanson: Oh good.
Jamie Ruby: Let me ask you then why did you decide to make the album?
What made you want to do it?
Robert Davi: Well first I did my first film with Sinatra and secondly as
a kid I was singing. I was winning awards, I studied in Florence, I sang
at City Center, and singing was one of my, you know, concurrent
passions, very strong, you know. And I had always in the back of my mind
- I directed a film a couple of years called the Dukes, it won a bunch
of awards, and I sang in that, got the bug and then put this whole album
together. And with Phil Ramon who’s gotten 23 Grammy’s or so, he did
Sinatra’s albums, Tony Bennett.
He just did Paul Simon’s and he’s doing a new duet album for Bennett and
Billy Joel. I mean he’s a legendary record producer I did at Capitol
Records with a 30-piece orchestra and terrific arrangements and it’s
something that is really who am I. More of who I am than anything I’ve
done in film and so people say, “You look like a different person up
there.” It wasn’t that I was a different person, it’s finally who I am.
I’m able to express the totality of myself in the music.
Jamie Ruby: Great. So for all you what would be your ultimate dream
world or if there’s someone specific you’d want to work with?
Kristy Swanson: That question always stumps me because there’s so many
great actors out there that I would love to work. I don’t have one
particular dream. I don’t know. Do you, D.B.? I don’t know that really
stumps me.
D.B. Sweeney: You know, I mean no. Yes, it’s a hard to say. I mean
there’s some great directors that, you know, I really enjoy. I’ve gotten
to work with some of the people that I really admitted already so I
don’t really have like a long list, you know. But to me it’s always like
what’s the role. Is there something that you haven’t done before so
that’s kind of how I think about it. I know that’s not a very good sound
bite, but it’s reality.
Jamie Ruby: No that’s good. That’s good.
Kristy Swanson: Hey Davi do you think we were on that list? Do you think
we were on D.B.’s list?
Robert Davi: On D.B.’s list?
Wade Boggs: Hi guys. This is Wade. I’ve got to bug out because I’ve got
to pick up my grandson at 2:00. So I hate to...
Wade Boggs: ...leave you guys, but...
Robert Davi: Hey Wade. One thing I wanted to straighten up with you.
Wade Boggs: Yes.
Robert Davi: When you said that, “It’s not like acting because we
multiple takes as an actor.” Well that’s what they call Strike 1, Strike
2, Strike 3, Ball 1, Ball 2, Ball 3, Ball 4.
Kristy Swanson: Yes.
Wade Boggs: Multiple foul balls do count as Take 1, Take 2, Take 3...
Robert Davi: You guys get a lot of swings at...
Wade Boggs: Absolutely. Yes. I could 17/18 pitches. That’s about 18
takes right there.
Robert Davi: Okay.
Kristy Swanson: There you go.
Wade Boggs: Nice talking with you guys. Hey, hopefully our paths will...
Kristy Swanson: Take care.
Wade Boggs: ...cross again.
D.B. Sweeney: Take care, Wade.
Wade Boggs: Love you guys. Take care. Bye bye.
Kristy Swanson: Happy Father’s Day. Bye.
Jamie Ruby: Bye bye.
D.B. Sweeney: I’m going to have to duck out in a second too if there’s
maybe one more because I got to a rehearsal...
Gary Morgenstein: One more question, D.B.
Coordinator: Our next question...
Robert Davi: What are you rehearsing, D.B.?
D.B. Sweeney: I’m doing the Young Players Festival at the Blank Theatre.
It’s a theatre I’ve been involved with for a long time. Noel Wiley is
one of the movers and funders before the theatre and every year we do a
Young Players Festival where we had over 1000 submissions, kids under
19, and we do full productions of their one-act plays. So I’ve done it
about five times and we open on Thursday. If people go to the blank.com,
there might still be a couple of tickets.
Robert Davi: That’s fantastic. What play are you doing? Do you know what
it is I mean?
D.B. Sweeney: Yes, it’s a play - actually the writer is from Florida and
I’ve done one of his plays before. His name is Alex Nunnelly and this
play is called Tanoshinde which is a Japanese word that means to have
fun. And the play I did before was Barbara Bane that he wrote was called
Red Cross and this kid he’s been selected to be in the festival five
times and now he’s at Harvard on a writing scholarship. So it’s really
working. We’re creating new writers so we’re excited about that.
Robert Davi: Hey man text me where these performances are. If I can make
it, I’ll come down.
D.B. Sweeney: Yes. It’s in Hollywood and Vine at the Stella Adler
Theatre so it’s kind of cool. So it’s kind of cool. It’s right next...
Robert Davi: That’s my - yes. Let me know the days.
D.B. Sweeney: It is this...
Robert Davi: Make it easy for me.
D.B. Sweeney: This Thursday...
Robert Davi: What are the days?
D.B. Sweeney: This Thursday...
Kristy Swanson: Thursday.
D.B. Sweeney: We open Thursday for two days...
Robert Davi: At 8:00?
D.B. Sweeney: Yes.
Robert Davi: All right.
D.B. Sweeney: Yes. I don’t know if there’s somebody that wanted one more
question or something...
Gary Morgenstein: One more Daisy, please.
Coordinator: Certainly. Our last question comes from the line Brandon
Sites with bigdaddyhorrorreviews.com. Please proceed with your question.
Brandon Sites: The only question I have actually is do you guys have
like any unusual stories that may have happened during filming or
anything, you know, kind of weird or bizarre perhaps?
Kristy Swanson: Trying to - I guess nobody’s coming up with anything.
Robert Davi: The one weird story I had was they have this place I forget
what it’s called, but they make these crayfishes right. You know, you
have this crayfish. You know, I remember having crayfish in LA, you
know, in New Orleans when I’ve been there. You know, you have a few on
the plate but I said, “Can I get them to go?” “How many pounds do you
want?” “What do you mean how many pounds do I want? I just want a couple
of crayfish.” She said, “We order it by the pounds” and they was 5 pound
increments or something like. So all of a sudden a fish gets put on the
table of crayfish that are mounded about 2 feet high.
Man: Wow.
Robert Davi: And this is how they eat the crayfish like this because
they’re not big, you know what I mean? They’re like - they have a little
meat, but now that to me was just a unique experience. You know, I’m
Italian. I’ve seen a spaghetti pile like that, but never crayfish so. It
was amusing, tasty, and fun.
Gary Morgenstein: Well that’s going to.take care of it...
Gary Morgenstein: ...we’re going to let...
D.B. Sweeney: The last restaurant I went to with Robert Davi was an
interesting experience because Robert really knows food and is a very
specific food that they’re making down there in Lafayette, Louisiana and
it’s fantastic. But I don’t think it’s the stuff that Robert grew up
Robert Davi: No, it wasn’t necessarily I didn’t know some of the stuff.
Although there were, you know, the Italian and French influence is on
the food but it was very delicious and we went to this Greek restaurant
quite a bit, remember?
D.B. Sweeney: Yes. That was great.
Robert Davi: There was a Greek restaurant, but the Cajun food was with
the catfish and stuff like that that was all. I didn’t do the alligator
and the frogs. Didn’t do that, but the crayfish mounded there 2 feet
high was quite impressive looking and kind of like bite the head and
suck the tail or something like that so.
D.B. Sweeney: Have you been looking at my Twitter again?
Kristy Swanson: It was a water moccasin. Remember that, D.B.?
D.B. Sweeney: Yes.
Kristy Swanson: When they were on the boat and the water moccasin came
by and I started screaming bloody murder and...
Robert Davi: Oh for God’s sake.
Kristy Swanson: ...you were all looking at me wondering why.
Robert Davi: You can see water moccasins over here.
Kristy Swanson: You guys were wondering why I was screaming.
Robert Davi: You can see water moccasins in LA for God’s sake.
Kristy Swanson: They hadn’t cued that the shark had arrived yet, you
know, and that’s when we were all supposed to scream. But I screamed
like long before I was supposed to, but it was a snake right in front of
me. But that was about it.
Robert Davi: The snake was D.B. That’s what...
D.B. Sweeney: You know what? It’s great to talk to you guys, but on that
note. No I got to go to rehearsal, but thanks for having me on and I
hope to see you guys soon.
Gary Morgenstein: Thank you, D.B.
Gary Morgenstein: Thank you, Kristy. Thank you, Robert. Thank you
everyone for joining the call.
Kristy Swanson: Thanks you.
Robert Davi: Okay and thank you.
Kristy Swanson: Thank you. Happy belated Father’s Day to you guys.
Gary Morgenstein: Thank you.
Robert Davi: Thank you, darling.
Kristy Swanson: Okay. Bye bye.
Robert Davi: Thank you. Bye, bye, bye. Hey D, be good.
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