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Interview with Amber Stevens of "Baby Daddy" on ABC
Family 8/14/12
ABC Family’s Q&A Session with Amber Stevens –BABY DADDY
Moderator Could tell me a little bit about your role coming up here on
Baby Daddy and how you got approached about being a part of it?
A. Stevens Well I was originally approached because I’m part of the ABC
Family alum. So I am also good friends with the casting director because
she helped get me on Greek. So when the role came around, I guess she
just had me in mind, thought that I could pull it off, and asked if I
was interested. Without hesitation, I said yes; whatever you want me to
do, I’ll do it. I trust you—and I had barely read what it was. And the
character—basically, I just play a woman who is a young mom and she’s
the head of her own Mommy & Me company. She comes over to the boys’
house to help them one evening with Mommy & Me things and instead of
doing her job, she maybe gets a little flirtatious and lets loose a
little—and hilarity ensues.
Moderator we miss Greek so much. Are you open to becoming a series
regular again on maybe an ABC Family show or maybe another network?
A. Stevens Oh, always. Yes, I mean I’m open to anything. I mean, I had
so much fun working with this network and going back to there and a lot
of the same people were at Baby Daddy that were at Greek. So it was
great to see everyone again and work with them for the week, and I have
nothing but great memories with ABC Family.
Moderator Do you think this might end up turning into a full-time
position for you on the show?
A. Stevens We joked about it when I was there, but there’s no way to
know. I mean, when they give me a call, we’ll see; but I’m not sure.
That has not been discussed but I guess, potentially, anything could
happen in the world of sitcom.
Moderator You’re going to be playing sort of the love interest of Ben,
which is played by Jean-Luc Bilodeau. How’s it been like working with
him in that manner?
A. Stevens It was really fun. He and I had actually met years ago
because he was on Kyle XY at the same time Greek was premiering, so we
did some press stuff together. So as soon as we saw each other, we
remembered each other and it was very easy going; from then on, it was a
lot of fun. It was actually one of the best sets I’ve ever worked on
because every single actor on that show is hilarious and super friendly.
So I had a great week with everybody.
Moderator So like the cast of Baby Daddy, the whole group seems like
really, really close. Was it easy like coming in and like sitting in
with the group? Did you feel at home right away?
A. Stevens I actually did and I was worried about that because I know
how a lot of casts tend to be—they get very close to each other and then
they’re having a new person guest star every single week, then it’s like
people coming and going and like they may not want to engage as much as
they do with each other, because they’re all just best friends
immediately. I didn’t feel that way at all. I was included all the time.
I sat at lunch with everybody. If they were all sitting around on set
waiting for rehearsal to begin, they would always make sure that I was
invited over. It does help that I baked cookies for everyone.
Moderator You baked cookies. That’s definitely a plus.
A. Stevens I did. I was going through a phase at the time where I was
baking like every day and I was joking around on set with everyone one
afternoon, saying that I needed to give my desserts away because I was
eating them all and it was not good. They’re like, we’ll eat it, we’ll
eat it; just bring it here. So I just baked a bunch of cookies one night
and I gave them to all the cast and crew and stuff; and I was well
received after that.
Moderator So no trouble keeping up with Melissa Peterman?
A. Stevens I just idolized her; watching her work was such a learning
experience. She’s also super friendly and she didn’t need to eat a
cookie to have my friendship, but she was wonderful.
Moderator What is it like working with a baby on set?
A. Stevens It was so fun. Both those girls are so cute and professional
and their mom is the sweetest and she’s so trusting with everybody. The
babies are great; they’re comfortable with anyone holding them really.
So it was a lot of fun to work with them.
Then the two boys that I got to work with they were really cute and also
their first time ever doing it. They were the coolest babies ever and I
probably, if they would have let me, I would have taken one of them home
because they were just the sweetest little munchkins that I’ve been
around in a long time. I actually haven’t had a lot of experience with
babies period; so at first I was a little nervous and I got a little
talking to about how to hold the baby, because I was holding it like a
football apparently. But it was super fun. I loved it. I can’t wait to
do it again.
Moderator Was there any one baby moment that you have, that you remember
from being on the set?
A. Stevens Well, we do a lot of pre-shooting with the babies. I guess
because you never know what could happen. They could have a tantrum all
of a sudden and then you don’t want to hold up an audience. So we did
all the pre-shoots and during one take, the little baby I was holding
was having like a cold or he had a stuffy nose or something; so he was
breathing really loud and there was like this bubbly noise and no one
could figure out what it was. At the very end of the scene, I had to
tell everyone. I was like the baby is making the weird noise. So they
had to clear his nose and stuff because it was like a weird gurgling
bubble noise. It was cute though; no one cares.
Moderator You were in this year’s amazing Spiderman movie as well. How
was that experience for you?
A. Stevens It was really incredible. The whole process is so interesting
because I auditioned with fake sides, not knowing what the character
was. I booked the part not knowing what it was. They wouldn’t send me a
script because it’s so, so private. They don’t want anything to be
leaked about the movie, so I literally like got to the set and still
didn’t know what I was doing.
Then finally, on set, they give you the pages that you’re going to read,
so you have to learn whatever your lines are for the day pretty much
there, on set; and then at the end of the day, you have to give your
sides back to make sure that you don’t take anything home with you that
may have evidence of what’s in the script. So it was really interesting
because I’ve never worked on such a high profile project like that,
that’s so sensitive to people finding out what it’s about.
It was also great; I got my scene that was completely cut from the
movie, for the people who actually saw it and realized that now all I
had to do was blow bubble gum. But I had a couple scenes; they were all
cut from the movie, but I did work with Andrew Garfield for both my
scenes. He was really nice and gracious and professional and just
definitely an actor to admire, because he really like took it seriously
and he wasn’t messing around. It was a really great experience. I’m glad
that I got it even though no one will ever see what I actually did.
Moderator Oh, that’s a shame.
A. Stevens Oh, that’s all right. At least I can say I did it.
Moderator You come from like a sitcom background more or less; which is
more difficult for you, movies or sitcoms?
A. Stevens Well, sitcom actually just refers to like the live audience
aspect of it and I haven’t had much experience with that. Baby Daddy was
my first like real significant experience with that. I was on How I Met
Your Mother as well, but that’s not taped live. So it’s a bit of a
different animal.
Greek was a one-hour, single camera show. So the hours are much, much
longer and you’re shooting a lot more scenes because it’s an hour show
rather than a 30-minute show, and so it’s just a different animal.
Sitcom, I would say, is the best schedule in the acting world. You work
just a few hours a day in the beginning of the week and then, at the end
of the week, you pre-shoot and then you film the episode live in front
of the audience.
Having a live audience there gives you the instant gratification of
having the laughs be live. You know you’re hitting your jokes. If you’re
not, we’re going to rewrite them. We’re going to like, improv a little.
It’s so much fun. It really keeps you on your toes.
Then the in-between on set with the audience being there, they have like
a hype guy in the audience that’s telling jokes and throwing out candy
and giving out pizza to the audience, and making them sing and do talent
show stuff. It’s hilarious. It’s really fun to get to watch the audience
enjoy their time, also, while they’re doing setups and stuff for the
next scene. It was just a blast. I would love to work in sitcom; that’s
pretty much my dream world.
Moderator Are going to be live tweeting during the episode of Baby
A. Stevens I believe I am from my handle @AmberoniStevens.
Moderator Well, we know that you’re really hands-on with your fans and
I’m wondering how being a part of Twitter and Facebook has allowed you
to have a really close interaction with your fans.
A. Stevens I have; it’s wonderful. It’s nice to get feedback on things
that I’m doing and support from people. It really kind of helps me stay
motivated and believe in myself and my abilities as an actor. Then to
just share part of my life outside of acting a little bit with people is
also kind of fun, because I know that I enjoy those kinds of moments
from other people. Like I’m a huge Beyonce fan and when she put that
tumbler thing up of all those private photos of her on vacations and fun
stuff like that, I mean I just died over it. So I try to give at least a
little bit of that to fans as well.
L Steinberg We know you also keep busy with your food blog and beyond
Baby Daddy, are there any recent projects that we’ll also get to see you
A. Stevens Yes, I worked on a film earlier this year called Jezebel.
It’s a horror film. I’m not exactly sure when that’s set to release yet.
It might be later this year or early next year. But that was really
wonderful, so people could look out for that. Then I’ll begin filming on
another project in a couple months, but I will be more specific about
what it is once we get closer to the date. But it’s a movie and I’m real
excited about it.
Moderator How do youkeeping up with your fellow Greek alums?
A. Stevens Yes, everyone is staying really busy. It’s awesome. I’ve kept
in touch with both of them; and some people more than others. I just had
brunch with Dilshad on Sunday, and she’s doing really well and we caught
up a little.
Then Scott, actually, has just moved to New York City to work on a new
television show; so we had a little like going away kind of party, hang
out session, for like three days in a row getting him ready to leave for
New York. Then Spencer is doing well; she has her baby, which is
amazing. She’s just a happy family over there and yes, everyone is doing
well. Jake was on his other show that he did for while, the Chelsea
Handler show, and he was super happy over there. Everyone is happy and
I’m so glad that we’ve kept in touch.
Moderator What did you learn about yourself after taking on the role?
A. Stevens I definitely learned that sitcom is what I would love to do,
ideally. I was a huge Friends fanatic and the director of our episode is
Michael Lembeck and he directed a ton of Friends, and he actually
directed some Greek, so I was familiar with him. But getting to work in
that element with him, after knowing that he’s directed the best sitcom
cast on television ever, in my opinion, was just so exciting to be like
let into that world a little bit. So I definitely know, now, that I love
it and that I would, ideally, like to work in sitcom long term. And then
that babies are cute and that I want a baby; but not right now, like in
five or ten years.
Moderator At what point did they decide to get Ashley and Rusty
A. Stevens You know what’s so funny is that they didn’t even realize
that it was something that was happening until it was happening, because
they realized that fans were asking for it. Because whenever Rusty and
Ashley had scenes together, fans just were like, they should be
together. They’re so cute; they’re best friends, all this stuff.
I think they planted a seed like subliminally, I guess, to the writers
that they started writing more and more stuff for us together. Then for
the final season, they knew they had to wrap up everyone’s storyline
somehow, and they’re like this is the perfect opportunity to bring these
two characters together. Aren’t you glad they did? So cute.
Moderator I really enjoyed the last season, and I was glad you guys were
able to wrap it up the way you guys did.
A. Stevens I know; and we were so grateful for that last order of
episodes because we wanted to like really give a good ending to the
Moderator Do you miss working on Greek?
A. Stevens I do. We were all best friends and just like spending all
those hours together were so fun and it’s sad, now that we’re not
together all the time. We’ve got to like make an effort to keep in touch
because our lives have moved forward, but it was such a blast. I loved
every second of it.
Moderator Yes, you guys really did seem like friends.
A. Stevens We really were. We spent all day at work together and then
all weekend together; so like we couldn’t get enough of each other.
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