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Interview with Jeri Ryan of "Warehouse 13" on Syfy
I was so thrilled to speak with Jeri Ryan. I've been a
Trekkie since the original show in the 1960's. I've seen all of the Star
Trek episodes, including all of the Star Trek: Voyager episodes starring
Jeri Ryan. Also, I have watched her on other shows, including her
current regular series "Body of Proof" on ABC. She is a really
great and versatile actress, aside from being so beautiful.
She was very nice and interesting on the call. I enjoyed
asking her questions and listening to her talk to the others. I
know you will find this call fascinating like I did.
She guest-starred on "Warehouse 13" and that is
primarily what this call was about.
Syfy Conference Call
Warehouse 13
Jeri Ryan
July 28, 2011
2:30 pm CT
Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by. And welcome
to the Syfy Warehouse 13 featuring Jeri Ryan.
During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen-only mode.
Afterwards, we will conduct a Q & A session. At that time, if you do
have questions, you may press the 1 followed by the 4.
If at any time during the conference you need to reach an operator,
please press star 0. As a reminder, this conference is being recorded
Thursday, July 28, 2011.
I would now like to turn the conference over to Gary Morgenstein.
Gary Morgenstein: Welcome everyone. I’d like to introduce Jeri Ryan who
will be guest starring...
Jeri Ryan: Hi, guys.
Gary Morgenstein: Hey. Warehouse 13, Monday, August 1. So
(unintelligible), you can put forward the first question.
Operator: Perfect. Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to register
your question, please press the 1 followed by the 4.
We’ll begin with Michael Hinman from AirlockAlpha. You may proceed.
Michael Hinman: Hey. I get to be the first question. This is great.
Jeri Ryan: You just got a lottery ticket today.
Michael Hinman: Yes, I know. I think I’m going to go do that next. We’re
very excited to have you on Warehouse 13.
Jeri Ryan: Good.
Michael Hinman: I know that Eddie McClintock was also very excited on
his Twitter account talking about it quite a bit. I was just wondering,
Kate Mulgrew is also going to be guest starring in some episodes. Are
you sharing any episodes with her?
Jeri Ryan: No.
Michael Hinman: Would you like to have? And what would that be like
having you two working together again?
Jeri Ryan: Yes, it’d be nice to see her. It’s been a long time so it’d
be funny.
Michael Hinman: I bet.
Jeri Ryan: Especially in a different context.
Michael Hinman: I’m sorry?
Jeri Ryan: Did we just black out there? I said no, it would be funny...
Michael Hinman: Yes, I think so. I’m sorry.
Jeri Ryan: ...especially in a different context.
Michael Hinman: I guess this is kind of like your first trip back into
science fiction in a way, you know, since Voyager. What’s it been like
to do that? What’s it like to kind of return to that genre?
Jeri Ryan: Well, I mean I’d be eager to do a lot of stuff in that genre
that you don’t really get to do in typical drama or comedy which is one
of the reasons you become an actor is to do as many different things as
you can and live as many different lives as you can. And it’s fun to do
a role where you can really kind of suspend reality a bit. It’s a good
time. And it’s a great...
Michael Hinman: Excellent.
Jeri Ryan: ...thing, too. It’s just a great group of people and Eddie
and I had a ball working together especially.
Michael Hinman: That’s what it sounds like. So I can’t wait to see that.
Jeri Ryan: Thanks.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Pattye Grippo from
Pazsaz Entertainment Network. You may proceed.
Pattye Grippo: Hi, Jeri. Thanks for talking with us today.
Jeri Ryan: Hi. Thank you.
Pattye Grippo: Thank you. Let me ask you this. What was your most
memorable moment working on the show?
Jeri Ryan: Wow. The most memorable moment. That’s a good question. I
don’t know that there’s one specific moment, but Eddie and I -- and I
don’t want to give too much away with the story -- but there were
Pattye Grippo: Right.
Jeri Ryan: ...a couple of really, really nice sort of emotional scenes
that Eddie and I got to play together. It was just really fun connecting
with him. He’s a great actor. He’s a funny, funny guy. But he’s also
just a really good actor. So that was a lot of fun.
Pattye Grippo: Okay. Well let me ask you then. What would you say is the
most important thing that you learned from your time spent on the show?
Jeri Ryan: I don’t think I learned anything particularly except how much
fun Eddie is. That was my big surprise. But yes, it wasn’t like, a huge
educational experience in my acting career. But it was great. It was a
fun show to do. I really enjoyed it.
Pattye Grippo: Okay. Well let me end with this one. Maybe you got an
answer for this. How about what’s next for you?
Jeri Ryan: Well right now I’m shooting Body of Proof. We just started
shooting Season 2.
Pattye Grippo: Right.
Jeri Ryan: And we actually are shooting our second episode today so.
Pattye Grippo: Oh, okay.
Jeri Ryan: That’s a full-time gig right now.
Pattye Grippo: Okay. Well thank you very much.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Joshua Maloni from
Niagara Frontier. You may proceed.
Joshua Maloni: Hi, Jeri. Thanks for your time today.
Jeri Ryan: Hi. Thank you.
Joshua Maloni: So as you said a minute ago, you do have a full-time gig
right now. So what attracted you to this particular acting opportunity?
Jeri Ryan: Well, it just seemed like a lot of fun. And, the show runner
is a friend of a friend and he’s a great guy and the offer came up and
it seemed like an interesting role and an interesting story line and it
looked like a lot of fun to do. And it was, I had a ball. And my husband
and my daughter came up with me and so we had a good time.
Joshua Maloni: Cool.
Jeri Ryan: A little family get away.
Joshua Maloni: Oh, that’s nice. What can you tell us about the character
Jeri Ryan: She’s a Marine. She is Eddie’s ex-wife...
Joshua Maloni: Oh.
Jeri Ryan: ...which is a bit of a surprise to everyone else at the
warehouse. And she is getting remarried and things sort of take a bit of
a turn without giving away too much of the story. And she sort of needs
Eddie’s help to get out of a bit of a problem.
Joshua Maloni: All right. And did you know Eddie beforehand or was this
the first time...
Jeri Ryan: No...
Joshua Maloni: ...you guys got to meet?
Jeri Ryan: We’d never met.
Joshua Maloni: All right.
Jeri Ryan: So it was fun. I mean everybody’s great, but he was really a
pleasant surprise because he’s just so much fun in real life...
Joshua Maloni: Right.
Jeri Ryan: He’s just a great guy.
Joshua Maloni: All right. Looking forward to seeing it. Thank you.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Jamie Ruby from Sci Fi
Vision. You may proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hi. Thanks so much for talking to us today.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Jamie Ruby: Well so since all my questions just were taken by the last
caller. You said obviously you had a lot of fun on the show, but was
there anything you found challenging about the role?
Jeri Ryan: Always with comedy in general and especially comedy that sort
of is in the Syfy genre so then you’re really (spinning) this belief.
You always have to sort of find that line between playing the comedy,
but playing the realism too. And that’s always a bit of a balance act.
But it’s fun. And again the people in the show, they’re pros and this is
what they do. That sort of fine line is where they walk all the time so.
There is no better training ground for that. I mean, it was a lot of
Jamie Ruby: Great. What would be like your ultimate dream role? Or is
there someone you still want to work with that you haven’t?
Jeri Ryan: Oh, there’s tons of people I’d love to work with that I
haven’t. But oh, I used to say Hamlet was my ultimate dream role and it
still is an amazing role and I would love to play it. But yes, there’s
so many actors I would love to work with.
I’d love to work with Clint Eastwood as a director especially. I’d love
to work with Sidney Poitier because he’s the reason that I became an
actor in the first place. Meryl Streep is everyone’s dream because she’s
the greatest living actor of our time. There’s a lot of just amazing
talents that I would love to work with at some point.
Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. And last, can you talk about how you got
started in acting?
Jeri Ryan: Well, it’s what I always wanted to do. When I was kid, it was
always, you know, an actress or something else. So, an actress or a
veterinarian or when I was in high school I had to decide what I was
going to major in college. And my decision was between majoring in
theater and majoring in biomedical engineering. And I had an incredibly
practical nature. So but acting could be a better idea. And I did a lot
of community theater when I was growing up when I was a kid and things
like that and moved out to LA after I graduated from Northwestern. And I
was really lucky. I sort of worked steadily every since.
Jamie Ruby: Okay, great. Thanks so much.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Deyvid Hocklin from the
Outhouse. You may proceed.
Deyvid Hocklin: Hi, Jeri. Thanks for taking the time out of your...
Jeri Ryan: Hi.
Deyvid Hocklin: ...schedule to do this.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Deyvid Hocklin: …follow you on Twitter. You’ve done Syfy with Trek, Dark
Skies, and now Warehouse 13. You’ve done horror with Dracula 2000.
You’ve obviously done comedy and drama. Is there any genres that you
haven’t done yet or that you would like to do more of?
Jeri Ryan: I’d like to do action like Mortal Kombat Legacy.
Deyvid Hocklin: Oh, definitely. I was going to get to that.
Jeri Ryan: That’s sort of action fantasy.
Deyvid Hocklin: Yes.
Jeri Ryan: No, I mean I think I’ve done all the genre, there are not too
many that I haven’t done with the exception of maybe porn which I’m not
really interested in.
Deyvid Hocklin: That’s also fantasy.
Jeri Ryan: But I would to do more comedy because it’s fun and that’s,
you know, an escape. That’s just a very light environment to work. But I
like being able to jump around and do all kinds of things.
Deyvid Hocklin: Yes. And you do it all pretty well. Speaking of Mortal
Kombat Legacy, we saw that you joined the panel at Comic-Con via Skype
and we’re glad to hear…
Deyvid Hocklin: ,,,in the Comic-Con (unintelligible) experience. Is
there any progress on a second season of Mortal Kombat Legacy and would
you be…
Jeri Ryan: I haven’t heard anything. I haven’t heard anything yet. But
hopefully we’ll get some news before too long.
Deyvid Hocklin: Okay, cool. Hopefully we’ll get to see that.
Jeri Ryan: We all had a ball doing it.
Deyvid Hocklin: Oh, yes definitely. Going back to Twitter, I remember
reading that you had took Tango lessons recently for shooting and you
enjoyed it. Is that something that you would continue or have continued
as a personal hobby?
Jeri Ryan: Yes, I did that for an episode of Leverage. No, I would love
to continue it. The question of having the time and my husband having
the time and the interest to take Tango lessons with me. But yes, no I
loved it. It was a lot of fun. But I’ve always loved dancing.
Deyvid Hocklin: So you took to it very well or did you have injuries or
how did that go?
Jeri Ryan: No, I didn’t have any injuries. But, I think if I had more
time to do it I’d be able to do it really well. Two or three lessons in
the course of a week there’s really not much you can learn. It was a lot
of fun. I loved it. So yes, I’d love to do more of it.
Deyvid Hocklin: Okay.
Jeri Ryan: And no that does not mean I want to be on Dancing with the
Stars which is what everybody asks me.
Deyvid Hocklin: Yes, definitely. Okay. Thank you.
Jeri Ryan: Thanks.
Operator: Our next question from the line of Lance Carter from the Daily
Actor. You may proceed.
Lance Carter: Hey, Jeri.
Jeri Ryan: Hi.
Lance Carter: Hey. So a couple of my questions were already asked, but
I’ll ask this one. Just in general, what’s your advice to actors?
Jeri Ryan: Boy, it’s kind of twofold. If there’s anything else -- for
the people who are just starting out -- if there’s anything else that
would make you happy doing besides acting, then you should do that.
Because this is a very difficult business and there’s a lot of
rejection. So it’s hard and everybody’s sort of emotional - everyone’s
psyche can’t really take all of that rejection and that’s not the best
thing for everyone.
If this is all that will really fulfill you and make you happy, then do
it. If you’re going to do it, you have to completely do it and you’ve
got to be incredibly persistent and not give up and not take no for an
answer and just keep going. And it’s a numbers game for everyone when
you’re starting out. The more auditions you can go to, the better your
chances of getting a job.
Because there’s a lot of rejection and it’s usually not anything to do
with your acting ability, especially in Hollywood as opposed to the
theater. You’re too blonde, you’re not blonde enough, you’re too tall,
you’re not tall enough, you’re too pretty, you’re not pretty enough.
It’s that kind of sort of physical stuff even more than your acting
ability for a lot of jobs when you’re just starting out. And you have to
learn not to take things personally and get a really thick skin. But
you’ve got to be prepared. That’s my other piece of advice. Be prepared.
Be ready.
So when that opportunity comes because it will, but you have to be ready
for it because it may not come again - your big break or your big
chance. So be trained. Get in class. Be ready so when that chance comes,
you don’t screw it up.
Lance Carter: That’s awesome. Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Ian Cullen from
SciFiPulse. You may proceed.
Ian Cullen: Hey, Jeri. How you doing?
Jeri Ryan: Hi. I’m good. How are you?
Ian Cullen: I’m good. I’ve got a couple of questions. The first one is
using Mortal Kombat which was specifically done as a web series - I
Ian Cullen: …sort of thing. Can you see yourself ever doing something
like that again when you’re further down the road with, you know? And
how different was the production site than from say doing it for the
Jeri Ryan: Production wise, there wasn’t a huge difference once we were
shooting. If anything, we actually had a little more time than we do
shooting a TV series - a network TV series -- because we have seven days
to shoot a one hour or basically 40-minute episode for TV. For this, our
episodes were like six to - I think the longest one was 12 or 15
minutes. So we could take a little more time when we were actually
shooting it.
It’s a big difference within the prep; there was none. So I think I had
three days notice of the offer coming through, making the deal, and
getting on a plan to fly to Vancouver to start shooting. So...
Ian Cullen: Wow.
Jeri Ryan: ...the difficulty there for me was no time for fight
training. So I think most of the other actors if not all of them are
trained fighters. So for them just going in and learning a big fight
scene is just a matter of choreography. For me, it’s not. So that was
hard. I would have loved to have had, you know, at least a couple of
weeks to get in some fight training and really be able to make a more
involved fight scene. But that was the only big difference.
But yes, I certainly think we’ll all be doing a lot of more of that in
the future because I think that’s sort of where the business is heading
Ian Cullen: Another question is I’ve seen you as Tara Cole in Leverage
quite recently actually last year here in the UK and I really enjoyed
the way you just seemed to blend in with that group quite easily. It’s
almost like you’d been there all along when I was watching the show.
Jeri Ryan: Thanks.
Ian Cullen: You just fitted right in there right away. I’m just
wondering what was that series like for you working with that cast?
Could you see yourself ever returning to do a guest shot on Leverage in
the future
Jeri Ryan: Well, I actually just did one for this season. And I would
have loved to have come back for more, but I couldn’t get the release -
the approval - from the network from the show that I’m on now. But yes.
That I have to say was one of my best work experiences my entire career.
The most fun I’ve ever had on a set with Leverage and Boston Public.
Those are my two that just stick out as the sort of perfect crystalline
That group of people, that entire cast, that entire crew is - well first
of all, they’re all insane. They are. But just the best, funniest, just
most absolutely enjoyable group of people that you could ever have the
luck to work with. And they’re my dear friends and I love them all and I
would love to work with them together. So yes, I had a ball. And I love
that character. That was so much fun.
It was fun to play somebody who was light and tough and to get to play a
completely different character every week on that show was a real treat
as an actor.
Ian Cullen: Yes. I actually spoke to John Rogers and so I know how...
Ian Cullen: …he’s a great actor. My final question really is Warehouse
13, you just mentioned that you play Eddie McClintock's, you know,
character's ex-wife, Pete’s ex-wife in the show. Can you see yourself
returning to that show?
Jeri Ryan: I would love to. Yes, I think they certainly left the door
open if she needs to come back again for some reason to get Eddie’s help
again or get Pete’s help again. But yes, I would love to go back. I had
a great time working there. It’d be fun to go back again.
Ian Cullen: Okay. Well thanks a lot Jeri for your time. It’s been lovely
speaking to you and wish you all the best with (unintelligible).
Jeri Ryan: Thank you so much.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Suzanne Lanoue from TV
Megasite. You may proceed.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi, Jeri. Thanks for taking our call.
Jeri Ryan: Hi. Thank you.
Suzanne Lanoue: I was wondering is there anything more you can tell us
about your character on Warehouse 13? The press release showed you with
glasses and (unintelligible) and there wasn’t much else.
Jeri Ryan: I don’t know how much I can tell you without giving away any
story secrets. She is a Marine and that’s I guess how she and Pete had
met originally as they served together. She is getting married and she
needs his help to solve a problem which he sort of I guess kind of
inadvertently causes in the first place. So it’s fun. It’s gets into
some interesting situations. I’m sorry, my daughter is sitting in my lap
while I'm doing the call.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay. Oh. So all right. I was going to ask you also
about Body of Proof. It seemed to me that they had thrown together your
character and Dana Delaney’s ex-husband's character. Do you think
there’ll be more of that in the coming season?
Jeri Ryan: Yes.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay.
Jeri Ryan: That relationship definitely continues. We’re just starting
today actually shooting the second episode of the second season. So yes
that relationship does continue.
Suzanne Lanoue: And is it very different...
Jeri Ryan: And all the evening drama that that brings into the office.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay. Was there any difficulty in changing where you
were shooting? I saw that you were going to shoot in Rhode Island and
then they moved to LA.
Jeri Ryan: Oh, God. That was heaven. Are you kidding me? That was better
than having to move across country and commute every week. That was
difficult because I...
Jeri Ryan: ...flew between Providence, Rhode Island and LA every week
and that was brutal. So being home and being able to work in town and
come home at the end of the day like a normal person after work is
amazing and it’s absolutely heaven.
Suzanne Lanoue: Okay, great. And a last question is you’ve been on a lot
of different series and you’re talking about having to have a thick skin
and everything so you had a lot of experience with that. Do you still
have to audition for roles in television or do they pretty much know who
you are now and they just kind of…
Jeri Ryan: …I do have to audition for some things. For television for
the most part, it’s mostly offers. But, there’s certain things that I
still have to audition for. And I had to say in the last three years or
four years, the business has completely changed anyway because now TV
and film used to be sort of very separate kind of worlds.
If you were in the TV world, you sort of stayed in the TV world. And if
you were in the film world, you sort of for the most part stayed in the
film world. Well, it’s not the case anymore and there’s a lot more
interesting roles now on television and a lot of film actors who
traditionally who have never ever done a series are now doing TV series.
So it is a very different ballgame than it used to be.
So yes everybody is kind of in a different position because producers,
studios, and networks can be in a position where everybody ought to read
for something because they have so many actors now to choose from.
Suzanne Lanoue: So does that make it more difficult than for roles on
television? Or is it...
Jeri Ryan: Oh, of course.
Suzanne Lanoue: ...the other way. Does it make it easier for TV actors
to go into movies or not?
Jeri Ryan: No, it makes it, I mean more difficult to get roles because
there aren’t as many to go around. I mean as many shows...
Suzanne Lanoue: Right.
Jeri Ryan: ...aren’t being made as they used to make to begin with
because everybody’s trying to cut down their budget and all of that. But
also, now you’ve got a whole other group of actors that are coming in to
do television as well. So yes, it’s much more difficult. It’s much more
competitive to get roles. There are fewer to go around. It’s a very
different business.
Suzanne Lanoue: All right. Well thank you very much and good luck and I
Jeri Ryan: And you’re speaking to someone who despises the audition
Suzanne Lanoue: Well I don’t know many actors who would probably like
Jeri Ryan: Right.
Suzanne Lanoue: …being turned down and after to go to job interviews and
all other, yuck. Okay. Well thank you very much.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Janel Segal from
realitycheck.com. You may proceed.
Janel Segal: Hi, Jeri. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak
with us today.
Jeri Ryan: Hi. Sure. Thank you.
Janel Segal: I was wondering is there a certain part of your character
in Warehouse 13 that you can personally relate to or any of your
characters in the Syfy genre that you’ve played?
Jeri Ryan: Yes. I can certainly relate to part to this character
especially because I mean this one is human so.
Janel Segal: Right.
Jeri Ryan: A little closer to my own reality...
Janel Segal: Right.
Jeri Ryan: ...than other Syfy characters I’ve played in the past.
There’s a few more parallels in life than maybe with 7 of 9. But yes.
She’s a smart cookie and she doesn’t take crap and I like that about
her. And she’s getting remarried and I’ve been in that situation and yes
there are a few parallels. And my dad was in the military so it’s nice -
my dad was in the Army for 28 years so I was going through putting on a
Marine uniform and he’s looking forward to seeing that.
Janel Segal: Wow. And one last question. What do you enjoy filming more
television or films?
Jeri Ryan: Personally I like TV better. The pace is very, very different
between TV and films. On TV, we’ll do between six and sometimes we’ve
even done eight pages in a day of script. So that’s, six or seven scenes
In film, you shoot like two pages a day. So you’re shooting the same
scene all day long.
Janel Segal: Oh.
Jeri Ryan: And that to me is a bit mind numbing.
Janel Segal: Right.
Jeri Ryan: And I don’t know how they do it. I was working on a movie
called Dam of Love and I was sitting on the set between shots with Renee
Zellweger and I asked her I said, “How do you do this? If you got a big
emotional scene how do you do this?” And she said, “You just have to
live in it all day.” You don’t have lunch with the crew, you don’t hang
out between shots. You sit in your trailer and you just stay in that
emotional place all day because you have to.
Janel Segal: Yes.
Jeri Ryan: And I just don’t know how you could get your sanity doing
that and go home to your family at the end of the night and not be just
Janel Segal: Yes.
Jeri Ryan: That seems like a tough one for me. I like the pace of TV. I
like keeping it moving and having a different story to play. But that’s
also been what most of my experience is so that’s more comfortable for
me. That’s my comfort zone.
Janel Segal: Awesome. Well, I look forward to seeing you in Warehouse 13
as well as your other project.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Janel Segal: And thank you so much.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of Troy Rogers from
Troy Rogers: Hi, Jeri.
Jeri Ryan: Hi. How are you?
Troy Rogers: Not too bad. Thanks for taking the time.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Troy Rogers: How difficult was it to keep a straight face working with
Jeri Ryan: Oh, gee. Have you met him?
Troy Rogers: No.
Jeri Ryan: Not easy.
Troy Rogers: I’ve spoken to him a few times.
Jeri Ryan: No, we laughed a lot. We had a lot of fun. He’s a complete
Troy Rogers: I also was wondering did you speak with Kate about both of
you starring on Warehouse 13?
Jeri Ryan: No, no.
Troy Rogers: Not at all?
Jeri Ryan: Nope, I haven’t spoken to her.
Troy Rogers: Okay. Well what is about it Syfy genre that you enjoy?
Jeri Ryan: I think I already answered a version of that earlier. I like
that it gives you a little more freedom to play period. I mean, it’s not
so stuck in reality obviously. You can really suspend disbelief and
suspend reality and do things that you don’t get to do in ordinary life.
So it’s fun.
Troy Rogers: Okay. Well aside from Warehouse 13, is there any talk on
doing more of the Mortal Kombat series?
Jeri Ryan: We would have loved to do more of it. We’re just waiting for
word if it’s going to continue, if we’re going to get Season 2 or what’s
going to happen. So yes. We had a ball doing it. Everyone involved and
we’re all very proud of it. And Kevin, the Director, his vision is
incredible for this and we’d love to continue and see where he takes us.
Troy Rogers: Thanks again.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: Our next question is from the line of April Decheine from Blog
Critics. You may proceed.
April Decheine: Hi. Let’s see what - I loved you on Shark. I don’t
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
April Decheine: ...you’ve talked about that. How is it working with
James Woods?
Jeri Ryan: He is a character. He is an amazing, amazing actor. Amazing,
of course, as we all know. So I was very excited when that offer came
through in the beginning with the pilot that it was going to be working
with him, because that’s another example of a person who traditionally
has only done films coming in and doing TV. So that was a pretty amazing
opportunity to get to work with him.
April Decheine: Yes, I’ve seen you in some interviews with him and I
just laughed the whole time. He’s hilarious with you so. And then you
have two children.
Jeri Ryan: Yes.
April Decheine: How do you stay in shape? You are in incredible shape.
Jeri Ryan: Oh, you’re very sweet. And you obviously have only seen me
dressed. No, I chase a toddler. That’s what I do to stay in shape and I
garden. That’s pretty much it. But I’m at a point in my life when I know
that I’ve got to start working on this, got to start actually working at
which sucks. I do.
April Decheine: Yes. I’m around your age I think and gardening right now
is something that okay, I got you so. All right. That’s it for me.
You’ve answered everything I have.
Operator: We do have a follow-up question from the line of Jamie Ruby
from Sci Fi Vision. You may proceed.
Jamie Ruby: Hello again.
Jeri Ryan: Hi.
Jamie Ruby: So you’ve obviously acted in a lot of different genres and
everything. Would you ever be interested in writing or directing or
something like that?
Jeri Ryan: Oh, God no. Oh, God no. No, I know where my talents lie and
that ain’t it.
Jamie Ruby: Okay. That's an easy answer.
Jeri Ryan: No way.
Jamie Ruby: Is there something about you that your fans would be
surprised to know that you can tell us?
Jeri Ryan: I will say pre-Twitter they would have probably been
surprised. But if any of them follow me on Twitter, I don’t think
anything would surprise them at this point. But yes. I’m a big old
science nerd from way back.
Jamie Ruby: Okay.
Jeri Ryan: No science fiction per se. I never really watched that genre
when I was growing up, but the actual science. Oh, yes. I love it. So
that’s my favorite...
Jamie Ruby: Okay good.
Jeri Ryan: ...thing about the role that I’m playing now on Body of Proof
is that I get to play medical examiner which means I got to observe
autopsies and that for me was just incredible.
Jamie Ruby: Great, cool. One last questions since you’re on Warehouse
13. What would kind of be your ultimate artifact that you’d like to save
if you were ever on the show again?
Jeri Ryan: That’s a good one. My artifact. I don’t know. I’d want to see
something from Shakespeare. I don’t know what specifically it would be,
but I’d want something from his life.
Jamie Ruby: All right. Cool. Well thank you very much.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Operator: We have a follow-up question from Deyvid Hocklin from the
Outhouse. You may proceed.
Deyvid Hocklin: Hi. You mentioned staying fit and I just wondered, your
husband’s restaurant is based in French cuisine. Is there any
health-related or like organic or vegetarian type dishes on the menu?
And then have you contributed to the menu at all?
Jeri Ryan: We’ve actually Ortolan is closed. We closed that in January
so he’s gearing...
Deyvid Hocklin: Oh.
Jeri Ryan: ...up to open a new restaurant now that will be more casual.
So yes that will probably have a heavier emphasis on organic produce and
seasonal produce and some healthier options. The original restaurant was
very much fine dining. And no I didn’t really contribute in that. But
now he’s a father. We’ve got our 3-year-old and your whole way of
looking at a lot of things sort of changes when you have a child. And
for him, I think he’s much more health conscious than he ever was before
specifically now that he’s feeding this little, pure perfect little
body. So yes, it’ll be interesting to see how that menu develops.
Deyvid Hocklin: Where would that be based at? And would there be
possibilities for more opening up after that?
Jeri Ryan: Well that’s always the hope. Yes, it’ll be in a LA. But yes
definitely he would like to expand and start opening some things in
different cities whether it would be the same restaurant or, you know,
different restaurants in different cities. That would be great
Deyvid Hocklin: Okay. That’s good to hear. And then one last question.
We definitely love seeing you in all these different roles, all the
different genres, but obviously for a lot of fans the iconic role will
be 7 of 9 and just to follow up with that. The character has had a large
impact and it’s actually played a significant role in the fiction
leading up into the Star Trek online massively multi-player game and
even featured prominently in the novel based on that game - the needs of
the many - would you be interested in like reprising that role in voice
over for that game if they contacted you at all for that?
Jeri Ryan: Yes possibly that could be - yes that’s definitely something
I would look at. Voice over, yes that’s a lot easier to reprise than
squeezing into that corset and (unintelligible). But yes voice over is
something that I’d definitely consider.
Deyvid Hocklin: The players and the fans in that game would definitely
love to see you, and they’ve gotten a handful of some Trek alumnis. And
there are rumors that the board will be playing a big part coming up
soon, so maybe there’ll be that avenue for you.
Jeri Ryan: Yes.
Jeri Ryan: That would be interesting.
Deyvid Hocklin: Thank you very much.
Operator: Mr. Morgenstein, we have no further questions at this time.
Back to you, sir.
Gary Morgenstein: Thank you all very much. Jeri, thanks again for taking
the time.
Jeri Ryan: Thank you.
Gary Morgenstein: Jeri Ryan, Warehouse 13 this Monday, August 1 at 9:00.
Thanks everyone.
Jeri Ryan: Thanks, guys. Take care.
Gary Morgenstein: Bye bye.
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