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Interview with Costa Ronin of "The
Americans" on
FX 4/10/14
This is a great drama, and Costa is wonderful in this
role as the Russian spy. I hope you enjoy the interview! He
was very kind and helpful.
Here is the our interview. I hope you
enjoy it!
If the audio is not streaming well, please right-click on
this link and save it to your computer. It should work
better that way!
Part 1 Part 2
We hope to have the transcription soon!
Here are the questions I asked:
1. How did the job come about for you? What was the
interview process like?
2. Had you watched the show before you interviewed for the
3. Are you allowed to say whether you'll be in season 3 or
4. When you first started playing Oleg, did they give you
any kind of information about his background or what made
him the person he is in the show? If not, dod you make up
your own?
5. So if you had to choose one word to describe Oleg, what
would it be?
6. Was it difficult at all, coming in to a show where most
of the cast already knew each other?
7. Since you're from Russia and playing a Russian, is there
any time where you ask to change something in the show or
the dialogue because you feel that it's not accurate?
8. Oleg seems to love American culture. Do you think he'll
want to defect at some point?
9. What do you think Oleg's ultimate goal is if he has one?
10. How do you think Oleg feels about Nina?
11. There's very little about your personal life on the
internet. Is that intentional?
12. You moved to New Zealand when you were just about an
adult. Was it difficult?
13. Was your English already good by then or did you have to
learn it?
14. What TV shows do you watch?
15. Are you married, or do you have a significant other?
16. Do you live in the US now?
17. Is your family here, too?
18. Are you in LA?
19. Do you have any pets?
20. Favorite charity or cause?
21. What would you like to tell your fans?
More Information:
Fresh faced, theater professional
Costa Ronin
joins the ranks of FX's enticing drama
series THE AMERICANS now airing its
second season Wednesdays at 10p/9c.
Ronin stars as a
sly young KGB officer, "Oleg Burov",
with a talent for technology and an
obsession with American Culture
alongside Kerri Russell and Matthew Rhys
as Elizabeth and Phillip Jennings.

Costa was born and grew up on the West Coast
of Russia where he discovered his passion
for sailing at the young age of five taught
by his father and grandfather. His tenacity
showed no bounds when at the age of fifteen
he began working at a radio station teaching
English through music and learning American
Culture through the radio waves. After
moving to New Zealand with his mother, he
studied international relations and
political science at his University before
relocating to Western Australia. He immersed
himself in training in the performing arts
which landed him a starring role on the
Australian Film Institute Award winning TV
THE CIRCUIT. He continued to expand his
theatrical resume with a one-man show
entitled THE WALL, and starring roles in
screen debut landed him next to Josh Lucas
as "Dzambaski" in Australia's highest
grossing film 'RED DOG'.
In his free time, the Los Angeles resident
rides his motorcycle on the city streets,
practices cross fit and hikes the local
trails. |
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Page updated 4/29/14