Interview with James Roday, Dulé Hill, Steve Franks of "Psych" on USA Network - Primetime TV Show Articles From The TV MegaSite

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By Suzanne

James Roday and Dulé Hill

Interview with James Roday, Dulé Hill, and Steve Franks of "Psych" on USA Network 12/10/13

These guys are always funny, but this was a particularly hilarious call. They were just such goofs.... it was even more entertaining than the show! And I like their show a lot.


Moderator: Lynn Weiss
December 10, 2013
4:25 pm CT

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for standing by. Welcome to the Psych The Musical Conference Call.

During the presentation, all participants will be in a listen-only mode. Shortly, we’ll conduct a question-and-answer session. At that time if you have a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone.

If at any time during the conference you need to reach an operator, please press star, 0.

As a reminder, this conference is being recorded Tuesday, December the 10th, 2013.

I would now like to turn the conference over to Lynn Weiss. Please go ahead, ma'am.

Lynn Weiss: Hi everybody. Welcome to the Psych The Musical Conference Call. Thank you so much for joining us. As you all know, Psych The Musical will premiere on USA this Sunday on USA at 9:00 Eastern, 8:00 Central, and on the line of course we have James Roday, Dulé Hill, and Psych crater Steve Franks.

So (Eric), you can get started. Thank you so much again everybody.

Operator: All right. So ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to queue up for a question, please press the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone. You'll hear a three tone prompt acknowledging your request.

If your question has been answered and you'd like to withdraw your registration, please press the 1 followed by the 3. And if you're using a speakerphone, please lift your handset before entering your request.

Just one moment for the first question please.

And our first question comes from the line of Jim Halterman with Please go ahead.

Jim Halterman: Hey guys. Thanks for your time today. Congratulations on this episode.

Dulé Hill: Thank you.

James Roday: Thank you Jim.

Jim Halterman: Now as daunting as this probably was going into, what was the biggest challenge for each of you in putting this together or performing in it?

Dulé Hill: Well for me it was writing. I mean to write all those songs out of my brain - you know, my name is Dulé Hill and I wrote every song. It really was a hard thing to do.

No you know I'm lying.

Steve Franks: Now you know for me - this is Steve Franks. I'm the series creator. For me, doubling all of Dulé’s dancing in the close-ups was really hard, because I - you know, I haven’t tapped for very long, but it was worth it. It was great. It was like one of those great body switching movies and we really enjoyed it.

But I tell you, we learned a lot about ourselves and our - all those around us by switching bodies for a very short period.

Jim Halterman: How about you Mr. Roday?

James Roday: I think my neatest trick was being in Hawaii the entire time while my stunt double did the entire thing. Nobody said a word. Nobody questioned it for one second. I don’t know. I thought that was a pretty good work by me.

Jim Halterman: Steve, can you talk a little bit about just the...

Steve Franks: (Unintelligible)...


Jim Halterman: Yes, go ahead. Sorry, go ahead.

Steve Franks: Oh, no. I was going to say if I could just answer for James and Dulé on their part. I can’t begin to tell you how many times - how many takes we did of these enormous dance pieces that went up and down stairs and were jumping and leaping and stuck - you know, it was a very, very difficult lip synch that these things were pretty flawless throughout the whole course of the thing and hitting all the steps. And I just - I can’t begin to tell you how tired I imagined they were watching them.

And they were always - not only were they willing to do another take, often times I'd yell, “Cut,” and they would just immediately say, “Let’s do another one.”

So, I just can’t imagine the level of what is - I mean the physical peak that these guys must be in.

Jim Halterman: Okay.

James Roday: Well after all the work that Steve did just to get us there, there was no way that we weren’t going to step up to deliver the goods. I mean, he wrote - I think he wrote 37 original songs which he narrowed down to 21, which he narrowed down to 12. You know, he wrote the whole thing. He conceived it. He composed it, you know, with Adam Cohen and he directed it. I mean it was a gargantuan, Herculean task that he took on.

So in some ways when you think about it, you know, Dulé and I had the easy job of just bringing it to life.

Jim Halterman: Wow. Amazing.

Dulé Hill: And to go back to answer your question what was daunting about it was - think about what Roday just said is we didn’t have any extra time. That’s what made it so daunting.

Man: True. Yes.

Dulé Hill: I think if we’d known we got an extra you know five days to do, then maybe it wouldn’t seemed so big for us, but the fact that we were doing a two hour movie special with music and all those things, new songs by Steve Franks and everything in the same timeframe as it took us to normally do a normal episode, which we already have trouble making anyway, that was daunting.

Steve Franks: And the rest of the episode - it wasn’t like the rest of the episode was a bunch of them standing around in the Psych office and having conversations. There was chases through the woods and there was a - this enormous you know fight with a hanging scene. And it was a big episode if you don’t even put the musical numbers into it.

And after that, you know - and most importantly, it was - you know, it was - add to the you know Episodes 14 and 15 of the seasons. So we’ve already shot 13 episodes. We’re at the end of our run. Usually if you come up at that time, everybody’s running on fumes anyway, so it was - I think that across-the-board, everyone was really running on adrenaline, and you know we still don’t know how we finished it.

Jim Halterman: Okay.

James Roday: It’s insane. It’s insane that we shot an episode after that. What was that? I have no idea.

Dulé Hill: I have no idea.

Steve Franks: I'm trying to remember. It wasn’t - you didn’t direct though, right James, because usually (unintelligible) - James usually directs the last one and the first one.

James Roday: Dude, it wasn’t me. It was some poor episode that got stuck with that slot.

Jim Halterman: Wow.

Can you guys tell me who of the cast surprised you the most as far as their singing or dancing? Maybe you didn’t know they were capable of it but then they’ve knocked it out of the park. Is there somebody in particular that just kind of blew you away?

Dulé Hill: For me I would vote it Tim Omundson. I mean I think he has an amazing baritone voice. I mean all jokes aside, I think he really is a wonderful singer and I always knew that Tim could sing, but I was really impressed with how - the tone of his voice and how - you know, how much of a pure singer he is.

I always say that I would love to see him actually go and do another musical on film or on TV or on stage, because I just think he’s that good.

James Roday: Yes. I totally agree with that.

And I was also really proud of Kurt Fuller, who claimed to be tone deaf and right up until the last second wasn’t even going to sing his song. We were going to - he was going to lip synch it to another man’s voice. It was going to be like a gag. But at the last second he decided to sort of shed his inhibitions and give it a shot and I think he sounds great. And I can’t imagine that song not being performed by him and piping in another voice. It just would not have been the same. So credit to a non-singer stepping up and going for it.

Dulé Hill: But - you know, and I would say the one cast member who was not on the show at the time but he was with - actually didn’t like in a musical was (Kurt Smith). And that would probably would be because he wasn’t in the episode, but I didn’t like his voice in the musical episode of Psych. (Kurt Smith). It was non-existent.

Jim Halterman: Okay. That’s awesome.

Well guys, congratulations. I'll let some other people ask questions. Thanks a lot.

Dulé Hill: Okay.

James Roday: Thank you.

Steve Franks: All right, thanks a lot.

James Roday: We really covered a lot of ground with that.

Dulé Hill: I know. You know what? I think the key is with the first question, answer all the other questions.

Steve Franks: By the way, I think - I just - we want to congratulate our moderator, (Eric), on being named the new Movie Phone guy. I want to give him his due as well.

Operator: Well, thank you very much. It’s a great honor.

Our next question comes from the line of Joshua Maloney, Niagara Frontier Publications. Please go ahead.

Joshua Maloney: Hey guys. Thanks for your time today.

James Roday: Yes, man.

Steve Franks: How’s it going?

Joshua Maloney: So you know when you look into - at social media and things of that nature, it’s really incredible to see sort of the level of support you guys have from your fans. I don’t know of another show that has as much trust as yours does. I'm pretty sure if you guys did the phone book that people would watch it and be thrilled about it.

So I'm just wondering, you know, how much did that help (unintelligible)...

Steve Franks: By the way, we did the phone book once. It was a terrible episode, so...

Joshua Maloney: Oh, well. I guess I stand corrected.

But I mean, how much did the...

Steve Franks: But we did...

Joshua Maloney: support from the fan base - how much did that really help you guys to bring this idea to fruition and really sell it to the network?

Steve Franks: I think we did something really smart and we - before we (unintelligible) a concept or anything locked in, we went ahead and made a big announcement that it was going to happen, which kind of forced everybody’s hand, most importantly our own. So you know, we announced it at Comic Con in front of a big crowd with the President of the studio there knowing there was no turning back at that point.

And so we were able to sort of drum up our own social media support from the stage of Comic Con.

Unfortunately, we probably should’ve had more details worked out before we did it, but I think it worked out great. And our fans do - you know, despite that terrible episode where we did the phone book - and by the way, I think the problem was we did the letter J, which I thought - I was really pushing for Q, but everybody thought it was too out there. So - but I think our fan base, you know, they supported us when we did Twin Peaks. They supported us when we did Clue. This really seemed kind of safe compared to many of the things we’d done in the past.

Joshua Maloney: Right.

Yes. And I mean you guys have done a lot of really interesting, really wild and crazy things. When you first sort of had the idea of doing a musical, I mean what was the reaction among the cast and the crew?

Steve Franks: For the crew, I know that the crew was really looking forward to it, and I just wanted to see James and Dulé sing while the cameras were rolling, because they were constantly singing when the cameras weren’t rolling. So it was a sort of itch that needed to be scratched.

But for me, it was - I mean to me, it was the moment that I had sort of hoped to - the pinnacle of the show for me. I can’t speak for James and Dulé, so I'll let them.

Dulé Hill: I mean we were excited to do it, but as I said earlier, it was daunting because it’s a lot like - we’re a basic cable show. We don’t have all this extra you know cash flowing around to you know do - well what we do, we always fit within our budget, and I didn’t know how we were going to do it. And then when I heard that we were doing original songs, not - weren’t going to “Glee” it up, I was like, “I don’t know how we’re going to do this.” It was a little daunting, but I was definitely game for it.

I said, “You know what? We’re Psych. We always swing for the fences. Let’s go for it.”

James Roday: Yes. Steve has been so generous with letting the - you know, us and me especially, and some of the other writers have the autonomy to sort of you know do crazy things to his show over the years that it - knowing that this was sort of like his baby. This is his crown jewel. This was like his legacy. If every other episode of Psych somehow got destroyed or locked away in a vault and the only thing that stayed was the Psych musical, I think he could still feel pretty good about it.

Like knowing that that’s where his head was at was a no - I mean it was just a no-brainer. It was just - I was like - I was - I mean he could’ve told me to jump off of a building. I was Denzel Washington in Glory. I was going to pick up the flag like no matter what. No matter how crazy it sounded. No matter how daunting it sounded. No matter how many naysayers or concerns there were, I was going to pick up pom-poms and if we went down, we were going to go down together.

So, that was my mentality.

Joshua Maloney: All right, thanks guys. And Steve, maybe you could send me that phone book episode. I'd like to see that sometime.

Steve Franks: I have only the rough cut. We really haven’t finished it.

James Roday: Bruce Greenwood...

Steve Franks: But it’ll be DVD extra.

James Roday: Bruce Greenwood is great in it.

Steve Franks: Hey by the way, I just got a text and (Eric) our moderator has just been selected the announcer for this year’s Golden Globes, and I - double congratulations. What a day for you, (Eric).

James Roday: The longer we can keep this going, the more jobs he’s going to get.

Dulé Hill: You know what I'm saying?

Operator: Well thanks gentlemen. Let’s keep this rolling.

Our next question coming from the line of Jamie Steinberg with Starry Constellation Magazine. Please go ahead.

Dulé Hill: What’s happening Jamie?

Jamie Steinberg: Hi guys.

Dulé Hill: How you doing?

Jamie Steinberg: (Unintelligible)...

James Roday: Hi Jamie. Good to hear you.

Jamie Steinberg: Yes. And if you'll humor me for just a minute, Steve wanted us to ask if we’d ever met you in person what your perfect vulgar improv response to was that SOB just punched me in the nose.

Steve Franks: Do you remember that James?

James Roday: That SOB just punched me in the nose?

Steve Franks: Yes. Do you remember at the - I don’t know if we can recite it on - it was one of my insider tidbits, but remember you were supposed to - at the very end of the first hour when...

Dulé Hill: Oh, yes.

James Roday: Oh, yes. Yes.

Steve Franks: You were supposed to say, “That SOB just punched me in the nose,” but actually, we - I don’t think we can recite it - or repeat it because kids are (unintelligible).

James Roday: I had an (unintelligible) - I said something different, Jamie, and it’s for the Cinemax at night version.

Steve Franks: Jamie, you have to meet James in person and he will make sure that there are no children around and then he will whisper it to you.

James Roday: Cinemax After Dark is what that was.

Steve Franks: Or if you happen to go to New York and see After Midnight, then Dulé Hill will tell you in person, but you have to give proof of purchasing a ticket, not getting a ticket for free. You have to purchase the ticket.

James Roday: Yes. You can’t second act that. Don’t drum up some second act nonsense. Actually, there is no second act, so you'll be fine.

Dulé Hill: There is no second act. It’s one act. On a side note, if you want to...

Jamie Steinberg: Congratulations Dulé on the success of your play. It’s amazing.

Dulé Hill: Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm having a good time.

Jamie Steinberg: Were there any dancing...

Dulé Hill: On a side note, if anybody’s wondering what I am doing right now, I am eating. I'm eating (unintelligible) and spring rolls right now.

James Roday: Nice.

Dulé Hill: (Unintelligible), but that’s what I'm doing. I'm stuffing my belly.

James Roday: Spring it up baby.

Jamie Steinberg: Were there any dancing injuries during the musical?

Dulé Hill: During the musical? Injuries? No, I don’t think so.

James Roday: Shockingly, I think we all made it out of there unscathed, which is crazy because we all deserved to get injured, but somehow none of us did.

Dulé Hill: No.

Jamie Steinberg: What was the hardest number to nail then from the - with the cast?

James Roday: I’d say it was probably the opening number just because there were so many elements involved. The numbers kind of got smaller as they went along, but that first one was huge with all kinds of backup dancers and choreography and timing issues, and you know the lip synching at the same time. That was definitely - that definitely felt like the biggest challenge for me. And luckily we knocked it out on the first day. And after we did that, I think it kind of - I think it gave us all a little bit of a boost.

Like, “Hey, we just knocked out the monster. Like we’re going to be good.”

Steve Franks: Well - and you know - and remember, the next day was when you were making up a song, which is the second biggest...

James Roday: Oh, yes.

Steve Franks: We did, “I Heard it Both Ways” on two separate days, so that - obviously that would’ve been more challenging for Dulé who walked around and followed on that one (unintelligible) the Tango.

Dulé Hill: That was a very hard number for me to (unintelligible). I mean, I really - I had to do a lot of sweat and tears to get that number right.

Steve Franks: But we had shot the first half of “I Hear it Both Ways” before the worst torrential rain storm of the season came in, and we shot it at the hospital location, and that went very smoothly and it was great. And then we went down this park that when I scouted it was the most picturesque beautiful park. It was perfect, and it started to rain. And by the time we started - they started dancing, the mud was so thick that you would leave like an inch deep footprint in there and James and (Tim) are tangling and throwing each other around out there. It was quite the challenge in terms of production-wise.

Dulé Hill: (Well, James) did take a spill when he went over the chair.

James Roday: Oh, I did and I had to go over the bench. It was like mud slide happening situation. I went down. I went down but I got up.

Steve Franks: And the funny thing is I had had the special effects guys rig a bench that would spring over and it didn’t work as we’d hoped through all their great efforts, and James got there on the day and said, “Why don’t I just ride it over?” So he actually did the full-on Gene Kelly right there and rode the thing down and he was perfect every time.


James Roday: I had recently seen (unintelligible) again for the first time in many years, and you know Ewan McGregor did all of those (toilet takes) himself and I was like, “You know what? I'm doing this bench thing. I'm doing it.”

Dulé Hill: Here’s what I'll tell you. Roday rode that thing and he rode it hard. He fell hard, and he got back up even harder.

James Roday: That’s right guys. All of that’s true.

Jamie Steinberg: Will we be able to buy the music online at all, Steve?

Steve Franks: You will. We’ve just mastered the soundtrack. It’s going to be a digital soundtrack and we’re hoping - and I'm not 100% sure this is correct, but we’re hoping to have it released on iTunes a few hours after the New York premier, so maybe like midnight after the show airs.

And I have to say that it’s my favorite album of all time.

Jamie Steinberg: Okay, thank you guys so much.

Steve Franks: It really does (unintelligible)...


Steve Franks: By the way guys, I just wanted to chime in real quickly. I just got a Google alert that (Eric) our moderator is the new male voice of Siri and I'm really excited for you (Eric).

James Roday: Guys, that’s a huge one. That’s...

Dulé Hill: Wow.

James Roday: That’s - I don’t know if we’re going to be able to top that. That’s everything. Everybody’s got an iPhone.

Operator: Well, thanks again gentlemen. I appreciate everything you're doing for me here on the call this afternoon.

And our next question coming from the line of Suzanne Lanoue with The TV MegaSite. Please go ahead.

Suzanne Lanoue: Hi. How are you guys today?

James Roday: Hi Suzanne.

Steve Franks: Great.

James Roday: Thanks for waiting patiently.

Suzanne Lanoue: Oh, it’s been hilarious. Thanks.

I was wondering does every single regular cast member sing and dance in this?

James Roday: No.

Dulé Hill: Most sing. One of us does spoken word.

James Roday: Yes. There was one cast member who got off without having to carry a tune.

Steve Franks: And that was Corbin Bernsen. And I found out after the fact he really wanted to participate and so that’s really on me because I had assumed that - I had asked him and I said this I think a lot of times, so this won’t - this will not be a unique quote to anybody, but I'd asked him if he could sing when I was putting it together and he said he could talk sing, and I thought that meant, “Okay, I really won’t sing.”

But, it turns out he really wanted to talk sing. So I - that was my bad and my failure, and now I'm on the hook to write another musical and I'm thinking future musical and just so I can cast Corbin Bernsen in it to do a talk singing part.

Suzanne Lanoue: What? Like William Shatner talk singing, or...

James Roday: That’s correct.

Steve Franks: Or a little Rex Harrison perhaps.

Suzanne Lanoue: Oh.

So when - did you - any of the cast members have to do any special preparations as far as getting in shape for dancing or getting their voice worked - anything like that? Voice lessons?

Dulé Hill: I mean we probably should’ve but we didn’t have the time to. So no - yes.

James Roday: We should’ve done a lot of prep for this thing and we just didn’t have the luxury of doing it. We met with the choreographer for half of a Saturday and he ran us through every number. And it was like, “Okay guys, that’s - you're all going to remember that, right?”

And then that was it. That’s what we got. And then you know, when we got on set it was like, “Oh, some of this kind of sort of feels familiar,” but there was definitely a lot of kind of on the spot regurgitation and a little bit of sort of audible - we called some audibles and you know, it’s - it worked out. Like it - it somehow came together and I'm very proud of everyone.

Dulé Hill: Yes. And Paul Becker was the choreographer. I mean he did a good job of taking I guess our bodies and what we can do and using that instead of trying to just you know turn Roday into Baryshnikov or turn Tim into somebody else, or even myself into somebody. So this is what you can do? This is how we’ll work it into this - into the show.

But I definitely take my hat off to Paul Becker for doing that.

Steve Franks: Yes, Paul was fantastic, and you know he wanted so much out of us. He was like, “What days can we have rehearsals?” And we - you know, this had come over just prior to this there’d been a hiatus and these guys, James and Dulé, and - you know, Dulé had had a well-deserved break for just a couple days set up. He had tickets to I think a Jets game and you cut into a big chunk of this just to record the songs the week before.

So you know, so much of it was - you know, I have these terrible drawings on my script of what I assumed might happen, and you know I gave Paul the parameters. And Paul and I were never even in the same country until we started shooting, so it was a lot of let’s see what we have and make it work there.

But, I think that’s what kind of gives the energy and the excitement to it because I think we were - you know, we would - we found the shortcomings on the spot and we had no choice but to fix it and we knew we had no extra time to fix it either. So we were operating on a regular schedule.

James Roday: It was crazy. I mean just to echo something that Dulé said earlier, like it was actually Paul’s initial sort of instinct to try to turn Tim into Gene Kelly and me into Mikhail Baryshnikov, and we’re both like, “Paul, it’s just not going to happen. Just look at our skill set.”

The odd part of it was that he knew Dulé was a trained dancer and so he wanted to turn Dulé into Mandisa, the former American Idol contestant, which made no sense in the context of our musical or what we were doing. So Dulé had to also say, “Paul, not happening because it just doesn’t make sense man.”

Suzanne Lanoue: All right, thank you guys.

Steve Franks: Thanks.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, as a reminder if you do wish to queue up for a question, you may do so by pressing the 1 followed by the 4 on your telephone.

Our next question coming from the line of Sabienna Bowman with TV Equals. Please go ahead.

Sabienna Bowman: Hi guys.

Okay, my question for you is what would be your favorite number from the episode? And I'll get you guys to use your psychic abilities; what number do you think will be the fan’s favorite?

Steve Franks: I think - you know oddly enough, my favorite is the - and I love them all. I love them all in big ways, but there’s a special place in my heart for the song that Jimmi Simpson sings to Ally Sheedy as she’s being carted off into the afterlife.

And just because that song and that scene encapsulates everything that our show is about because it’s ridiculous and it’s heart breaking at the same time and it’s just - it has all the emotions that we hope to play on the show and it’s probably the favorite thing I've ever gotten to shoot on the show and one of the few - one of the great memories.

I mean James actually stayed afterwards, done shooting in (unintelligible), stayed to watch us shoot that, and I turned to him after the first take and I said, “When I think back to the show in 50 years, this is probably the night I'm going to remember.”

Sabienna Bowman: Oh, that’s awesome.

Dulé Hill: Now I think that might be a spoiler alert, I think, or is that - I think Steve just kind of gave a spoiler alert, so you might want to delete...

Steve Franks: Well, we’re not - it’s reviewed right? We’re clear to - people have seen it. You know, they - how many people - you know, have you seen the show? Here’s my question.

Sabienna Bowman: Yes. I've seen it.

Dulé Hill: Oh, okay.

Steve Franks: So there you go. There you go.

Dulé Hill: All right.

Steve Franks: Okay. By the way...

James Roday: I'm actually - I'm glad (unintelligible)...


Dulé Hill: (Unintelligible).

Steve Franks: Please do not print until after the show that Jimmi Simpson’s in the episode. How’s that?

James Roday: I'm glad that Steve gave that answer first, because it’s my answer too, and I always feel a little weird about it because he wrote all of these incredible songs, these big numbers and - that we’re all in and you know, we regulars of the show are dancing and running around and jumping up and down and giving everything we have, but I have to agree. My personal favorite is the quiet sort of sendoff between two guest stars. It’s really poignant for me.

And I think - you know, I was heavily involved in the Yin/Yang sort of mini-franchise, or whatever you want to call it, and watching that character resolve after four, five years, however long she was with us, I don’t know. It was oddly poignant for me. And it was. Steve nailed it. It’s Psych ridiculous with like this undercurrent of like, “Why am I touched by this? Like I have no business being touched by this.” But I think it works to great effect and it’s my favorite as well.

Sabienna Bowman: Awesome.

Dulé Hill: Well for me when I - that piece was being filmed, I don’t - I believe I was at home on my couch watching TV, or if anything I was in my trailer sleeping, so I don’t have anything to say about how poignant it was to see it being filmed and everything because I wasn’t there.

But for me, actually it was the opening number of the musical, “Under Santa Barbara Skies”, because I feel like Steve did a great job of capturing exactly what this show is in those first few minutes. If you've never seen an episode of Psych and you watch that musical number and listen to the words and see what’s happening on the screen, you get the whole picture of what Psych is. I thought that was a pretty brilliant stroke right there to be able to do that and launch us off into this musical episode.

Sabienna Bowman: Exactly. I think that one was great. Thank you so much guys.

James Roday: Yes.

Operator: And we have no further questions from the phones at this time. I'll turn it back over to you Ms. Weiss.

Lynn Weiss: Okay. Thank you.

Thanks everybody for joining the call today, and if you have any questions please reach out to me. I think everyone knows how to reach me. And our thanks to Steve, and James, and Dulé for their time.

Bye everybody.

James Roday: Thank you guys.

Dulé Hill: Bye.

James Roday: Happy holidays.

Steve Franks: See you.

Dulé Hill: (Unintelligible).

Steve Franks: Thanks a lot everybody.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude the conference call for today.

Lynn Weiss: Thank you. Bye-bye.

Operator: Thank you for your participation and you may disconnect your lines.

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