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Interview with Adina Porter and Theodus
Crane of "Underground" on WGN America 4/11/16
Moderator April 11, 2016 1:00 pm CT
This was a very nice interview. Heere's my part of it and I'll
write the whole thing up a little later as a regular
interview. Thanks for your patience!
Hello everyone, and thank you for joining today’s conference
call on behalf of WGN America’s hit series Underground. Joining us today are two of the stars, Adina Porter and
Theodus Crane. Adina plays Pearly Mae, a
strong-willed wife and mother who first gives voice to the
song in which the runners find clues to help them, guide
them to freedom. Theodus plays Zeke, known for his
might on the Macon plantation. Please note that the
sixth episode of Underground will air this Wednesday, April
13th, at 10:00 p.m. And we will now open the line for
questions for Adina and Theodus.
Our first
question is from Ms. Suzanne Lanoue. Ma’am, your line is
now open.
Suzanne Lanoue: Hi. Good morning.
Adina Porter: Good morning.
Theodus Crane: Good
Suzanne Lanoue: This is Suzanne. How are
Adina Porter: I’m great, thanks.
Theodus Crane: (We’re) very well.
Suzanne Lanoue: All
right. I really enjoy the show. And Adina, I also love The
100. So it’s great to talk to you guys.
Adina Porter:
Thank you.
Suzanne Lanoue: I was wondering, how far
advanced did they tell you about what would happen to your
Adina Porter: I knew when taking the role
that there would be a five-episode arc. That’s one of the
things I actually kind of enjoyed about it, because I had no
- when I first auditioned for the role - for the program, I
auditioned for Ernestine. And when - after I left the
audition, I said to my manager, I don’t know if I want to go
into this world for 10 episodes and maybe even more, to have
to go to that ugly place for 10 or more episodes. And then
they asked me to come in to sing and read for Pearly Mae,
and I thought, “Okay, I could - I can go there for five
And it was - oh, Misha took me aside. I
think it was - well it was, it was - oh, I don’t remember if
we were doing two or three, but she took me into her trailer
and she explained how Pearly Mae was going to die. And I
remember being blown away by that storyline and I thanked
her for trusting me that I could - I could pull that off.
Theodus Crane: I actually had a very similar experience.
When Misha brought me into the trailer, she actually showed
me an illustration from a comic book, and that pretty much
was what she had envisioned like how my character went out
in his blaze of glory. And I was excited from that point.
I’m a huge fan of action, and just getting to bring that
kind of action to the screen was just an extreme privilege.
And so as - yes, it was - again, it was a very dark place to
go to, but in the time that I had I felt very privileged to
be able to, you know, embody that.
Suzanne Lanoue:
Great. And also I wanted to know if you have received any
kind of feedback so far from fans about the roles? And if it
was positive or if there was a negative, that kind of thing?
Adina Porter: I haven’t gotten any negatives. I’ve -
sometimes people just stop me and say, “I really love your
work.” And I don’t know which show they’re talking about and
I appreciate that.
I’ve had kids in my son’s school
come up to me and say, “I see you - I see you on
Underground.” And my son’s in the third grade.
Suzanne Lanoue: Wow.
Adina Porter: So I was kind of
excited that his classmates are watching. And that’s the one
that sticks to me at the moment.
Oh, and my youngest
daughter’s preschool teacher, she now talks to me. She
didn’t talk to me before but she talks to me now.
Suzanne Lanoue: Great.
Theodus Crane: I got some
really good feedback, especially on social media. But the
thing that I was most concerned about was my mom honestly
watching. Because it’s kind of gruesome, and while I have
died on screen before, it’s never been anything like that.
And so I was very happy that I got to watch it with her
before it actually aired, just to get that out of the way.
But she was very proud of that, and that was the main thing
that I was concerned about.
Everybody took it really
well. There was a lot of, you know, #ZekeAintDead hashtag it
became about. But honestly, as long as my mom was okay with
it, that was the only real opinion that I was concerned
Suzanne Lanoue: All right. Thanks a lot you
Adina Porter: Thank you.
Theodus Crane:
Thank you.
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